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词汇 passes
释义 passes 英'paːsɪz美'paːsɪz COCA⁵¹³³BNC⁶⁸⁸¹Economist⁵⁰¹³
名词 pass:
baseball an advance to first base by a batter who receives four ballsmilitary a written leave of absenceAmerican football a play that involves one player throwing the ball to a teammatethe location in a range of mountains of a geological formation that is lower than the surrounding peaksany authorization to pass or go somewherea document indicating permission to do something without restrictionsa flight or run by an aircraft over a targeta bad or difficult situation or state of affairsa difficult junctureone complete cycle of operations as by a computeryou advance to the next round in a tournament without playing an opponenta permit to enter or leave a military installationa complimentary ticketa usually brief attemptsports the act of throwing the ball to another member of your teamsuccess in satisfying a test or requirement
动词 pass:
go across or throughmove pastmake laws, bills, etc. or bring into effect by legislationpass byplace into the hands or custody ofstretch out over a distance, space, time, or scope; run or extend between two points or beyond a certain pointtravel pastcome to passgo unchallenged; be approvedpass time in a specific waypass over, across, or throughtransmit information disappear graduallygo successfully through a test or a selection processbe superior or better than some standardaccept or judge as acceptableallow to go without comment or censuretransfer to another; of rights or propertypass into a specified state or conditionthrow a ball to another playerbe inherited bycause to passgrant authorization or clearance forpass from physical life and lose all bodily attributes and functions necessary to sustain lifeeliminate from the bodyWaterpassesfrom a liquid to a solid state when it freezes.水结冰是由液态变为固态。
The conjuror made a fewpasseswith his hand over the hat.魔术师用手在帽子上方来回移动了几下。
He couldn't give a damn whether hepassesthe exam or not.他对考试及格与否满不在乎。
He got a fail in history andpassesin other subjects.他历史考试不及格,其他科目都通过了。
In the IBM Token-Ring Network, the number of bridges through which a framepasseson the way to its destination.在IBM的令牌环型网络中,一帧信息在向目的地传送路径上所通过的桥接器个数。
A bullfighter who performs the finalpassesand kills the bull.斗牛士经过最后几轮闪避后将牛杀死的斗牛士
The titlepassesby inheritance to the eldest son.这头衔按世袭传给长子。
The whole house vibrates whenever a heavy lorrypasses.重型卡车一经过,整所房子都震动起来。 As a result, life passes you by without registering on you.

The house vibrates when a train passes.

The method call passes the invocation up the stack, either to the final target or possibly to the next interceptor.
方法调用一直沿着栈传递调用,可能传递到最终目标,或到下一个截取程序。 ibm

These methods then repeat the test at the interval defined by the delay until either time runs out or the verification point passes, as shown in Listing6.
然后这项方法会在延迟定义的间隔时间内进行重复,直到时间用完,或者已经过了确认点为止,如代码清单6所示。 ibm

This is where all business rules are applied as data passes from the Presentation Layer UI, through the Business Layer to the Data Access Layer, and back again.
当数据从表示层 UI传递过来的时候,全部的业务规则都在这里执行,通过业务层到数据访问层,然后再倒过来。 yeeyan

About every two years, however, the Earth passes Mars as they orbit around the Sun.
大约每隔两年,地球会在绕太阳运行的轨道上经过火星。 yeeyan

Alert defenders picked off three of Black's passes.

All BlackBerry data traffic passes through one of these centres.
所有黑莓数据流量都要经过其中一个中心。 ieltsbase

During the activation phase, the activation engine reads the parameters from an XML file activation profile, validates the parameters, and passes them to each registered script.
在激活阶段中,激活引擎从 XML文件激活配置文件中读取参数,验证这些参数,并将它们传递到各个注册的脚本。 ibm

For that reason, and that reason only, he discounts their welfare by just0.1% for every year that passes before they appear.
正因为有且只有这个原因,他才对未来人民降临之前的那些年份,给他们的福利每年0.1%的折扣。 ecocn

He hardly ever passes his exams.
他几乎从来没有通过考试。 hjenglish

He passes them back to me.
他把它们传回给我。 ebigear

In a lunar eclipse, Earth passes between the sun and the moon.
在一次月蚀中,地球将从太阳和月球之间经过。 yeeyan

In large organizations the dilution of information as it passes up and down the hierarchy, and horizontally across departments, can undermine the effort to focus on common goals.
大型组织中,信息在科层体系中上下传递和在部门间横向传递时被淡化,可能会损害人们集中关注共同的目标。 fortunechina

Instead, the diagram should represent any kind of thing that passes from one activity to another: whether it be orders, parts, finished goods, designs, services, hardware, software-- or data.
相反,图应该表示从一个活动传递到另一个活动的任何类型事物:不论它是报表、零部件、已完货物、设计、服务、硬件、软件——或数据。 infoq

It is the tree viewer that holds on to them itself and passes them as arguments to each method in the content provider.
持有对这些域对象的引用的是树查看器本身,它把这些域对象作为参数传递给内容提供程序中的各个方法。 ibm

It passes on.
它过去了。 ebigear

Our query extracts those documents from DB2, then passes them on to the user.
我们的查询从 DB2中提取这些文档,然后将其传送给用户。 ibm

Run this test and it passes.
运行这个测试,它通过了。 ibm

The custom step completion widget passes information from the work item and the workflow groups in the payload.
自定义步骤完成小部件传递来自工作负载值的工作项目和工作流组的信息。 ibm

The experimenter smiled and set the video clip running again, but this time with no instructions to count the passes.
主试笑了笑,又重新放了一遍这个视频短片,但是这次我不用再去数那可恶的传球次数了。 yeeyan

The idea is that if a gravitational wave passes through GEO600, it will alternately stretch space in one direction and squeeze it in another.
其基本原理是,当引力波经过 GEO600时,它将交替地在一个方向上拉伸空间,在另一个方向上挤压空间。 yeeyan

The previous filter in the filter chain passes request, response, and filter chain objects to APF.
过滤器链前面的过滤器将请求、响应和过滤器链对象传递给 APF。 ibm

Then you have connections between the players if they make passes from one to another.
然后如果他们之间进行了传球配合,你就在这两名球员之间画线。 yeeyan

This is done in several passes and potentially several iterations per pass until all possible transformations have been applied.
这在若干传递中完成,且每个传递可能需要若干迭代,直至应用了所有可能的转换。 ibm

This arrangement passes an incoming request directly from the export to the import with no processing.
这种安排方式将传入请求直接从导出传递到导入,而不对其进行处理。 ibm

While he struggled early with a couple of bad entry passes and forced shots, Lee showed by the end of the game why the Rockets have prized his services for years.
虽然他一开始有过一些糟糕的往内线的传球和被迫投篮,在比赛结束后李还是展现出了为什么火箭会奖励他这些年的表现。 yeeyan




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