

单词 Passeriformes
释义 pas·ser·i·for·mes AHDˌpasərəˈfȯrˌmēz

largest order of birds comprising about half the known species; rooks; finches; sparrows; tits; warblers; robins; wrens; swallows; etc.; the four suborders are Eurylaimi and Tyranni and Menurae and Oscines or PasseresA bird of the orderPasseriformes.雀形目鸟雀形目的鸟
Almost all the flower-visiting birds in China arePasseriformes.中国的传粉鸟类几乎全部属于雀形目;
Passeriformeshaving relatively simple vocal organs and little power of song: clamatorial birds.有相对简单的发音器官和较差的鸣唱能力;叫禽类鸟。
The Common Magpie, a genus ofPasseriformes, lives in pairs or small parties at scrubs or trees.本作品所表现的是韩国的吉祥鸟:喜鹊喜鹊是雀型目,鸦科。
The birds ofPasseriformesand Ciconiiformes were the dominant species and they comprised 40.9% and 32.8% of the species of the community respectively.其中雀形目和鹳形目占有绝对优势,分别占鸟类群落组成的40.;9%和32
Of or relating to birds of the orderPasseriformes,which includes perching birds and songbirds such as the jays,blackbirds,finches,warblers,and sparrows.雀形目的雀形目的鸟类的或与雀形目鸟类有关的,包括栖木类鸟和鸣鸟如松鸦、燕雀、呜禽和麻雀。




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