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A finite element model of PASSAT twist beam rear axle is established.
建立了 Passat轿车扭杆梁后桥的精确有限元分析模型; cnki

The Golf and the Passat also performed convincingly and were awarded37 points and38 points respectively.
解放油罐车演出也令人信服地获得了37分,和38分。 dlzycf

The Passat being built at the new$1 billion Chattanooga factory is a slightly longer version of a car that sells well in Europe.
帕萨特,这个在欧洲很畅销的汽车品牌,出于长远的考虑耗资10亿美元在查特努加市建立新的工厂。 ecocn

A group of students at UC San Diego's Laboratory for Intelligent and Safe Automobiles show off a “ smart computer” in the trunk of a Volkswagen Passat.
这是一群来自加州大学圣地亚哥分校智能与安全实验室的学生,他们正在用大众帕萨特汽车展示自己开发的“智能电脑”。 yeeyan

A Volkswagen Passat BlueMotion has set a new Guinness World Record for the longest distance travelled by a standard production passenger car on a single tank of fuel.
一辆大众帕萨特蓝色精灵使用标准生产的轿车,用一箱油创造行驶距离最长的新吉尼斯世界纪录。 yeeyan

Apply to Passat, Santana, Jetta, Honda, Ford, Citroen, Hyundai, Kia and other sections of the car.
适用于帕萨特、桑塔纳、捷达、本田、福特、雪铁龙、现代、起亚等世界各款轿车。 molifbj

Based on PASSAT B5 by Volkswagen, dynamic wear characteristics of compound suspension— tire system are studied experimentally and theoretically.
本文对复合式悬架—轮胎系统的磨损特性及相关问题进行了较为深入的理论分析和试验研究。 cnki

Download the support of the fuse box“ Passat”2000.
2000年帕萨特下载本站所保险丝盒。 dumbmachine

Established in Oct1984, Shanghai Volkswagen only produced Santana B2 and the updated version of the Santana2000 for15 years, until Passat B5 LWB was introduced in 1999.
上海大众成立于1984年10月,当时仅依靠桑塔纳 Santana B2和升级版的桑塔纳2000,生产销售了整整15年,直到1999年引进帕萨特 Passat B5。 yeeyan

Gavin Conway, for The Sunday Times, drove the Passat BlueMotion during the three- day record- breaking trip, accompanied by a navigator and video crew.
《星期日泰晤士报》的加文康威在为期三天的破记录之旅中驾驶帕萨特蓝色精灵,由领航员和录像小组陪同。 yeeyan

If you have a neat, attention-to- details character, you had better to choose a Volkswagen Passat.

In 2000, Passat B5 LWB and Bora A4 were introduced by the2 JVs to renew the old models.
2000年,为了替换旧款车型,两家合资公司分别引进了帕萨特 Passat B5 LWB和宝来 Bora A4。 yeeyan

In contrast, European carmakers such as Mercedes- Benz and Volkswagen are growing more aggressive: VW offers American buyers diesel engines in several models, such as its Passat saloon and Touareg SUV.
与之相反,欧洲的汽车制造者们,比如梅赛德斯-奔驰公司和大众公司,要积极主动的多。大众汽车已向美国市场推出了若干使用柴油发动机的型号,例如帕萨特和途锐。 ecocn

In setting the record, the Passat BlueMotion travelled a distance equivalent to driving from London to Malaga, without needing to refuel or from New York to Los Angeles with a single stop for diesel.
在破纪录过程中,帕萨特蓝色精灵行驶的距离相当于从伦敦开车去马拉加而不需加油,或从纽约到洛杉矶只需加一次油。 yeeyan

Powered by a Volkswagen1.6- litre common rail TDI engine developing105 PS, the Passat BlueMotion used for the record attempt was a standard production model.
配备有大众汽车1.6升共轨 TDI开发型105马力引擎,用于破纪录的帕萨特蓝色精灵属于标准生产车型。 yeeyan

Recently,2 VWs will introduce similar models again. They are Shanghai- VW’s NMSAmerican New Passat and FAW- VW’s Passat B7 LWB.
最近,两家大众又将再次引进相类似的车型,上海大众的 NMS美版新帕萨特和一汽大众的第七代帕萨特 Passat B7 LWB。 yeeyan

Santana on the basis of the original Passat B2 lengthened100mm.
桑塔纳的基础上,原来的帕萨特 B2加长100毫米。

Shanghai Passat is developed by SVW and Germany VW according to the Chinese user's appreciation of the beautiful and needs and combining with conditions of the Chinese road.
上海帕萨特轿车是上海大众根据中国用户对轿车的审美和使用需求,结合中国道路情况与德国大众联合设计开发的。 cnki

So why would Consumer Reports make the2004 Passat a Top Pick? Inquiring minds would like to know why CR places no value on horrible past performances when rating new cars.
可为什么消费者报道要将2004帕萨特作为最佳汽车推荐?我的好奇心想知道为什么 CR消费者报道在考评新车时会不考虑这个汽车过去的恶劣纪录。 tianya

Stanford's entrant“ Junior” is a converted2006 Volkswagen Passat whose steering, throttle and brakes all have been modified by engineers to be completely computer- controllable.
斯坦福的参赛车辆是一辆改装的2006款大众帕撒特,名叫 Junior。它的方向盘,节流阀和刹车全部被工程师改装,已经完全由计算机控制。 ebigear

The circuit schematic diagrams of the ABS and TCS of PASSAT B5 are drawn based on its wiring diagram.
在帕萨特 B5轿车布线图的基础上改画成该车防抱死制动系统 ABS与牵引力控制系统 TCS电路原理图; cnki

The project achievement of self- made Passat B5 car painting line provides some successful experiences and operational ways for large modern painting line.
通过帕萨特 B5轿车涂装线的自主建设过程,为大型现代化涂装线工程的建设提供了一些成功的经验和思路。 cnki

To meet more personal requirement from the customers, Shanghai Volkswagen has launched Santana2000, Santana3000 and Passat with louver in recent years through improvement of opening louvers.
上海大众为了满足用户日益个性化的需求,通过开设天窗等一系列改进,于近期相继推出了桑塔纳2000、桑塔纳3000、帕萨特天窗版轿车。 cnki

VolkswagenVLKPY is also suddenly a factor in the segment thanks to an all- new Passat specifically designed to contend with the best Japan can offer.
大众汽车公司Volkswagen则凭借特别设计的全新的帕萨特 Passat异军突起,成为这一细分市场的有力竞争者,誓与日本最佳汽车一较高下。 fortunechina

Volkswagen Passat: The new Passat replicates the top safety rating of the previous generation.
大众帕萨特:新的帕萨特复制上一代的最高安全评级。 autohos

Volkswagen Passat Wiper the best prices!
大众帕萨特雨刷在最好的价格! dumbmachine

With the latest appointment, DDB now oversees three of automobile firm's most important strategic brands, which includes the Passat, Lavida and Tiguan.

With advanced technology, PASSAT New Lingyu boasts more plentiful humanized configurations, bringing users value experience that surpasses others cars of the same level.
PASSAT新领驭拥有更加完备的人性化配置,以领先科技给用户带来了超越同级车的价值感受。 tc




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