释义 |
pass. 基本双解英英易错辨析词源搭配短语记法近义反义句型派生词用法例句Thesaurus例句 abbr.passage;passenger;拉丁语passim = here and there
v.动词 vt. & vi. 走过; 经过get or go through, across, over or between vt. 递给; 传give especially by hand vt. 度过; 花费spend time, especially in a way that does not seem too long or dull vt. & vi. 通过,批准succeed in an examination; be approved n.名词 C越过,通过an act of moving past C通行证,许可证paper or card giving sb permission, e.g. to enter, leave or be absent form a place C通道,山口a way by which one may move or travel through or over a place, especially over a range of mountains Noun: baseball an advance to first base by a batter who receives four balls;he worked the pitcher for a base on balls military a written leave of absence;he had a pass for three days American football a play that involves one player throwing the ball to a teammate;the coach sent in a passing play on third and long the location in a range of mountains of a geological formation that is lower than the surrounding peaks;we got through the pass before it started to snow any authorization to pass or go somewhere;the pass to visit had a strict time limit a document indicating permission to do something without restrictions;the media representatives had special passes a flight or run by an aircraft over a target;the plane turned to make a second pass a bad or difficult situation or state of affairsa difficult juncture;a pretty pass matters came to a head yesterday one complete cycle of operations as by a computer;it was not possible to complete the computation in a single pass you advance to the next round in a tournament without playing an opponent;he had a bye in the first round a permit to enter or leave a military installation;he had to show his pass in order to get out a complimentary ticket;the star got passes for his family a usually brief attempt;he took a crack at it I gave it a whirl sports the act of throwing the ball to another member of your team;the pass was fumbled success in satisfying a test or requirement;his future depended on his passing that test he got a pass in introductory chemistry Adjective: of advancing the ball by throwing it;a team with a good passing attack a pass play Verb: go across or through;We passed the point where the police car had parked A terrible thought went through his mind move past;A black limousine passed by when she looked out the window He passed his professor in the hall One line of soldiers surpassed the other make laws, bills, etc. or bring into effect by legislation;They passed the amendment We cannot legislate how people spend their free time pass by;three years elapsed place into the hands or custody of;hand me the spoon, please Turn the files over to me, please He turned over the prisoner to his lawyers stretch out over a distance, space, time, or scope; run or extend between two points or beyond a certain point;Service runs all the way to Cranbury His knowledge doesn't go very far My memory extends back to my fourth year of life The facts extend beyond a consideration of her personal assets travel past;The sports car passed all the trucks come to pass;What is happening? The meeting took place off without an incidence Nothing occurred that seemed important go unchallenged; be approved;The bill cleared the House pass time in a specific way;how are you spending your summer vacation? pass over, across, or through;He ran his eyes over her body She ran her fingers along the carved figurine He drew her hair through his fingers transmit information ;Please communicate this message to all employees pass along the good news disappear gradually;The pain eventually passed off go successfully through a test or a selection process;She passed the new Jersey Bar Exam and can practice law now be superior or better than some standard;She exceeded our expectations She topped her performance of last year accept or judge as acceptable;The teacher passed the student although he was weak allow to go without comment or censure;the insult passed as if unnoticed transfer to another; of rights or property;Our house passed under his official control pass into a specified state or condition;He sank into nirvana throw a ball to another player;Smith passed be inherited by;The estate fell to my sister The land returned to the family The estate devolved to an heir that everybody had assumed to be dead cause to pass;She passed around the plates grant authorization or clearance for;Clear the manuscript for publication The rock star never authorized this slanderous biography pass from physical life and lose all bodily attributes and functions necessary to sustain life;She died from cancer The children perished in the fire The patient went peacefully The old guy kicked the bucket at the age of 102 eliminate from the body;Pass a kidney stone v.动词 我将在星期四参加音乐考试。❌ I am going to pass my music examination on Thursday. ✔️ I am going to take my music examination on Thursday. 析 单指参加考试或已参加完毕,但不提考试结果时不能用pass,要用take。pass指“考及格,通过”。 我在街上从一个模样很古怪的人身边走过。❌ I past an odd-looking man in the street. ✔️ I passed an odd-looking man in the street. 她以优良的成绩通过了考试。❌ She past her examination with flying colours. ✔️ She passed her examination with flying colours. 析 past表示“经过,通过,过去”时可作形容词、介词、副词或名词,但不可用作谓语动词,因此要用动词pass。 该提案已经委员会批准通过。❌ The motion has been passed by the committee. ✔️ The committee has passed the motion. 析 pass表示“批准,通过”时,不能用于被动结构。 v.动词 pass, pass bypass和pass by都可指“从…旁边经过”,口语中常混用。不过, pass强调的是动作的完成,而pass by则强调动作的过程,含有“经过时不停顿”的意味。试比较: Soon our car passed theirs.我们的车很快超过了他们的车。 Soon our car passed by theirs.我们的车很快地从他们的车旁擦过。pass as, pass forpass as意为“假冒”; pass for的意思则是“被认为是”。试比较: Do you think I could pass as a Frenchman?你认为我能冒充法国人吗? She would pass for an American very easily.她很容易被认为是个美国人。pass by, pass throughpass by的意思是“从…旁边走过”,而pass through的意思是“从…中间穿过”。试比较: They passed by the martyr's tomb.他们从烈士墓旁走过。 They passed through the road.他们从路中间穿过。pass, spendpass和spend都有“度过时光”的意思,两个词常常可以互换。其区别是: 1.在伴随有表示“地点”的副词或副词短语时,通常使用spend而不使用pass。 2.如果仅仅表示“打发时间,消磨时间”时,较多地使用pass; 如果表示“因某种目的而愉快度过,无忧无虑地度过节假日”时,要使用spend; 如表示“花费时间做某事”也使用spend一词。例如: I spent a good holiday in Spain this summer.今年夏季我在西班牙度过了一个愉快的假期。 A week may be spent in seeing the interesting sights of the city.参观这个城市的名胜古迹可能要用一个星期。pass away, die, expire, perish这组词组都有“死”的意思。其区别是: die是这一组词中最常用的,用于一切有生命的或被人们比喻为有生命的东西; expire是书面用语,是一种委婉的说法,意思是“呼出最后一口气”; pass away是die的委婉说法,语气比较缓和; perish是较正式用语,指死于暴力或困境等非正常死亡。例如: He became very ill and then he died.他病得很重,接着就死了。 The old man expired at the age of eighty.老人于80岁时逝世。 Five people perished in the fire.大火中有五人丧生。下面的句子有两种不同的意思:He passed by the road.他从那条路通过。他没有注意那条路。 n.名词 bring to pass, come to pass这两个短语意思和用法并不相同: 1.bring to pass意思是“执行”“完成”, come to pass意思是“发生”。 2.bring to pass短语中的bring后须接名词或代词作宾语,而come to pass则无此意。试比较: Our decisions have been brought to pass very satisfactorily.我们的决议执行得非常满意。 It will come to pass one day when we shall be able to establish a modern country- side.我们能够建立起一个现代化农村的日 子一定会到来。pass,elapse这两个动词均可表示“过去、消逝”之意。 pass最普通常用词,指岁月的流逝,某些自然现象或事情的过去,侧重其结果。 elapse书面用词,指时间等不知不觉地逝去,含义比pass窄,常常侧重从某一特定时间到另一特定时间的过去。 来自词根pand-伸展,伸腿,迈步的过去分词形式pass-,字面意思为“迈步走过”。词根pand-伸展,伸腿,迈步来自拉丁语,过去分词形式为pans-/pass-。 用作动词 v. ~+名词pass current通电流pass examination通过考试pass hat募捐pass sb sugar把糖递给某人pass time of day with与…互相问候~+副词pass cheerfully兴致勃勃地度过pass comfortably惬意地度过pass commonly平常地度过pass completely完全通过pass cordially真心诚意地度过pass despairingly绝望地度过pass dramatically戏剧化地度过pass enthusiastically热情度过pass entirely全部通过pass eventually最终通过pass immediately立即通过pass merrily愉快地度过pass necessarily有必要地通过pass peacefully平静地度过pass pleasantly高兴地度过pass profitably有益地度过pass rapidly飞快地走过pass reluctantly不情愿地走过pass secretly秘密地度过pass slowly慢慢地走过pass successfully成功地通过pass suddenly突然走过pass temporarily暂时通过pass ultimately最终通过pass unanimously一致通过pass unconsciously不知不觉地度过pass around传开pass away结束pass away time度过时间pass by疏忽,时间消失pass off假冒pass on过世pass out昏厥,失去知觉pass over忽视pass round salt把盐递过来pass up放弃pass up invitation拒绝邀请~+介词pass across street穿过街道pass along street沿街而过pass as Frenchman充当一名法国人pass between two在两人中经过pass by one's house走过房前pass for great scholar看作是大学者pass from generation to generation一代代地传下来pass from mind为某人所遗忘pass from one subject to another从一个话题转到另一话题pass into law成为法律pass into proverb成为格言pass out of current use目前已不用pass over bridge通过桥梁pass over fault忽视某人的错误pass through many hardships经历了许多苦难pass through town穿过城镇用作名词 n.动词+~block pass堵塞通道,截球,断球clear pass打通通道climb pass攀登山路make pass飞越make pass at sb勾引,调情throw pass手传球cancel pass吊销许可证get pass in English〈英〉英语及格give sb free pass给某人免费乘车证have free pass有免费乘车证travel on pass用通行证旅行形容词+~free pass免费入场券periodical pass定期乘车证rugged pass崎岖的山路special pass特别通行证complete pass传球到位incomplete pass传球不到位lateral pass横向传球名词+~admission pass入场券mountain pass山路介词+~on pass凭证,得到许可~+介词pass between …之间的通道pass over越过…的通道pass to通往…的通行证 用作动词v.bring to pass引起,使发生 cause to happen bring sth to passAfter trying for weeks to close the deal we finally brought it to pass.经过数周努力去结束这笔交易,我们终于成功了。 His wife's death brought a change to pass in his attitude toward religion.他妻子的死使他改变了对宗教的态度。 The government has promised to improve prison conditions, but I doubt if they will ever bring their promises to pass.政府允诺改善监狱状况,但我怀疑他们是否会付诸实施。come to pass实现,发生 actually occur as predicted, planned or hoped for pass along¹ v.+adv.
传送,传递 hand on pass sth ⇔ alongRead this and pass it along, please.请传阅。 pass along² v.+prep.
沿…向前走 proceed along pass along sthThe procession passed along the street.游行队伍沿着街道前进。 pass away v.+adv.
终止; 停止 cease to exist pass awayWe had so much fun that the weekend passed away before we realized it.我们很快乐,不知不觉周末就过去了。pass sth ⇔ awayConversation with friends soon passed an evening away.与友人闲聊,一个晚上很快就消磨掉了。 They passed the afternoon away playing cards.他们打了一下午牌。pass awayI was grieved to learn that his mother passed away.他妈妈去世的消息使我感到很悲痛。pass awayThe morning mist passed away quickly.朝雾很快消逝了。 The storm should pass away before dark.天黑以前风暴会停止的。 When automobiles become popular, the use of the horse and buggy passed away.汽车普及后,就不再使用马和马车了。 Your illness will soon pass away.你的病不久就会好的。 All this trouble will pass away.这一切困难都将结束。 pass by¹ v.+adv.
疏忽,不予理会,回避 fail to notice; overlook; disregard pass bySo many people pass by and never notice the old lonely people staying by the road all day.很多人从旁边经过,但从没留意到那些成天呆在路边的孤独老人。 The road passes by on the side of the village.这条大路从村子边上通过。 Time quickly passed by without our knowing it.时间不知不觉地很快就过去了。pass sb/sth byI inadvertently passed this essay by.我漫不经心地把这篇散文忽略过去了。 I can't pass the matter by without a protest.我不能对此事视而不见,我要提出抗议。 If small mistakes are passed by, they may lead to more serious ones.小错不改,将会酿成大错。 pass by² v.+prep.
经过 go past pass by sb/sthShe passed close by me without a sign of recognition.她与我擦肩而过,却没认出我。 The young man who passed by us is the assistant of our chemistry lab.从我们身边走过的那位年轻人是化学实验室的管理员。 I passed by your house yesterday.我昨天路过你家。 pass down v.+adv.
把…一代传一代; 使流传 pass sth from one generation to the next; hand down pass sth ⇔ downThis ring has been passed down in my family.这个戒指是我家祖传下来的。 The skill has been passed down over four generations.这一技术已经传了四代人了。 pass for v.+prep.
被误认为是 be accepted as or mistaken for pass for sb/sthThe two of them look so much alike that they often pass for sisters.她们看上去很相像,人们常常把她们看作同胞姐妹。 In this small village, he passed for a learned man.在这个小村子里,他被视为学识渊博的人。 His Chinese is so good that he could pass for a native.他的汉语如此之好以至于别人误以为他是中国人。 Among the people of that small town he passed for a man of considerable means.他在那个小镇的居民当中被认为是一个相当有钱的人。 pass in v.+adv.
进入 enter pass inIs there room for two people at a time to pass in?这空间是否能使两人同时进入? pass into v.+prep.
逐渐变成 become gradually pass off v.+adv.
冒充; 假装为 represent falsely to be pass sth ⇔ offHe passed off the difficult question.他不重视这个难题。 His rude remark was passed off by the host.主人并没有把他粗鲁的话放在心上。pass sb/sth ⇔ off as n\\u002eHe tried to pass himself off as a qualified doctor.他企图冒充自己是一名合格的医生。 He passed off this theory as his own.他谎称这一理论是由他自己提出来的。 pass on¹ v.+adv.
去世 die pass onI bowed to her and passed on.我向她鞠躬然后向前走去。 He stopped for a moment, and then passed on.他停了一会儿,又向前走去。 If there's no further discussion about this point, let's pass on.如果就这一点没有进一步要讨论的,那么我们继续往下去。pass on to sthLet's pass on to the next subject now.现在让我们来继续讨论下一个议题。 Then the teacher passed on to the next step of question and answer.然后教师转入下一步问答练习。pass sth ⇔ on to sbPass the letter on to the person sitting next to you.把信传给坐在你旁边的人。 He tried to pass the job on to me, but I soon got rid of it.他试图把工作推给我,不过我很快把它摆脱了。 As he grew up, he passed on his clothes to his younger brother.他长大了,把衣服留给了弟弟。 The news was passed on by word of mouth.消息通过口头传开了。 This ring has been passed on in my family from mother to daughter.在我家,这只戒指一直母女相传至今。pass onHe passed on in his sleep.他在睡眠中死去。 pass on² v.+prep.
对…发表意见(; )作判断( give an opinion, judgement, etc. on) pass on sb/sthThe judges passed on each contestant.裁判员对每一位参赛者加以品评。pass sth on sb/sthMost people are too ready to pass an opinion on their neighbours.大多数人都太急于对他们的邻居下结论了。 pass out v.+adv.
毕业; 通过考试 leave college, etc., having passed one's examinations pass outShe passed out when she heard the tragic news.当她听到这悲惨的消息时,一下子晕倒了。 It's very hot in this room.If I don't get some fresh air I think I'm going to pass out.这屋子非常闷热,如果我吸不到一些新鲜空气,我想我就要昏倒了。pass sth ⇔ outThe teacher began to pass out the papers at 8:15.八点一刻老师开始发考卷。 The exhibitors at the trade fair pass out free samples to stimulate interest.展览会的展出者免费分发样品,以引起人们的兴趣。pass outHow many of the young men passed out this year?今年有多少年轻人毕业? pass over v.+adv.
置之不理,忽视 fail to notice; overlook pass sb/sth ⇔ overThey passed me over in favor of young Hill.他们忽视我而看重年轻的希尔。 If you don't know the answer to the second question, then just pass it over.你要是不知道第二个问题的答案,那就不要管它。 Don't pass any detail over.不要忽视任何细节。 No chance to improve conditions should be passed over.任何可改善现状的机会都不可放过。 He was passed over by the Army Promotion Board.他未被陆军晋级委员会提升。 pass through v.+prep.
经历并完成 undergo and complete a course of training pass up v.+adv.
〈口〉错过 decline to accept; fail to take advantage of pass up sthHe passed up the chance to go to college.他错过了上大学的机会。 It's a pity that Mike passed up such a good opportunity.迈克错过了这么好的一个机会,真是可惜。 I had a chance to go to America, but I passed up it.我曾有个去美国的机会,但我错过了。 Never pass up a chance to improve your English.绝不要错过任何能提高你英语水平的机会。小学英语速记联想记忆:你go past经过桌子的时候pass递给我那本书同音记忆我们家离学校不远,经过pass一条小路path就到了 近义词 dieexpireperishv. pass away反义词 fail失败failing失败running连续地 用作动词v. 用作不及物动词 S+~+AThe parade passed.游行队伍走过去了。 The road was too narrow for cars to pass.这条路太窄,车子过不去。 Because of the large crowd in the street the car was unable to pass.汽车因马路上站着一大群人而开不过去。 The Bill passed and became law.法案通过了,成了法律。 This coin will not pass here.这种硬币这里不通用。 A week passed quickly.一星期很快就过去了。 The time passed pleasantly.很愉快地过了那段时间。 Two weeks has passed since the new term began.开学已有两个星期了。 Months have passed and nothing happened.过了好几个月,什么事也没有发生。 Six months passed and still we had no news of them.六个月过去了,我们还没有关于他们的消息。 King Arthur passed in peace.亚瑟王在平静中死去。 用作及物动词 S+~+ n./pron.I have been standing here for an hour but no one has passed me.我在这儿站了一个小时,但没有人从我的身旁走过。 Did you pass the words?这话你捎过去没有? Dick passed the football quickly.狄克传球迅速。 How will you pass your holiday?假日你打算做什么? Paul passed his time in doing nothing.鲍尔整天什么也不做。 What can we do to pass the time?我们能做些什么来消磨这段时间呢? All of us have passed the examination in English.我们所有的人都通过了英语考试。 I hope I will pass all the subjects.我希望通过所有科目的考试。 All students have to pass the entrance examination before being admitted into the university.所有的学生都得通过入学考试才能进入大学。 The UN General Assembly passed the draft resolution.联合国大会通过了这项决议草案。 If you break the window, do not pass the buck; admit that you did it.如果你打破了窗子,不要推卸责任,要承认是你做的。 用作双宾动词 S+~+ pron./n. + n./pron.Pass me some butter, please.请递一些黄油给我。 He passed her the bread.他把面包递给她了。 Please pass me the plate, the salt and the butter.请把盘子、盐和黄油递给我。S+~+ n./pron. +to pron./n.Read this and pass it to your neighbour.请阅读并传给你的邻居。 The fruit-picker in the tree passed the fruit to the man who stood at the foot with a basket.在树上摘水果的人把水果传递给站在树下拿着篮子的人。 He passed his property to his heir.他把财产传给他的继承人。 He passed the news to his wife.他把这一消息传给他的妻子。 He is the kind to pass the buck to his subordinates.他是那种把责任推卸给下属的人。用作名词n.The aircraft made a few passes over the enemy camp, but didn't drop any bombs.飞机几次飞越敌营,但没有丢炸弹。 He only got a pass for his physics.物理考试他刚刚及格。 She got seven passes.她在考试中有七门及格。 The man handed out his pass and showed it to the guard.那个人拿出证件出示给门卫。 The guard won't let anyone through the gate without a pass.卫兵不让任何没有通行证的人通过大门。 The place was well guarded, and you couldn't get in without a pass.那地方警卫森严,没有通行证不能进入。 We had to show our passes to the security guard.我们得向警卫员出示通行证。 All visitors must show their passes before entering the building.参观者需出示通行证方可进入该建筑物。 Tom gave him a free pass on the railway.汤姆给了他一张火车免费乘车券。 On Sunday the train would be full of soldiers on weekendpasses.星期日,火车总是满载持周末休假证的士兵。 I lifted my head and looked up.Red flags were flying from the pass.我抬头望去,只见山口处红旗招展。 He threw a long pass into the corner.他把球长传到那个角落里。Ppassband通带Pfirst-passn.首过Ppass-key万能钥匙Pover-pass溢流挡板Plow-pass低通的低通Psea-pass海上通行证Ppassbookn.存款簿银行存折Poverpasseda.过去了的结束了的Poverpassn.天桥旱桥立交桥vt.超越胜过通过忽略侵犯
pass的基本意思是“过”,如“走过”“通过”“经过”“度过”等,指逐渐地、平稳地转入另一种状况。可用于时间、季节、状态,也可用于其他抽象事物,如“考试”“审查”等,甚至可以表示生命转入死亡。 pass作“通过,经过,穿过”解时,可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作不及物动词时常和副词搭配使用; 用作及物动词时接名词或代词作宾语。 pass作“传递”解时,可接双宾语,其间接宾语可转化为介词to的宾语。 pass作“考试及格,审查通过”解时,若主语为“人”,则用作及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,若主语为“物”,则用作不及物动词,主动形式常含有被动意义。 pass作“度过,消磨”解时是及物动词,宾语多为表示时间的词语。 n.名词
pass作名词时的基本意思与动词相同,作“越过,通过”解,有时含有“越过障碍”的意味,是可数名词。作“通行证,许可证”解时,指准许在一定区域里通行的证件,引申可作“票据”解,尤指在某期间在某固定路线上使用的或优待或免费搭乘的票据,如月票等,是可数名词。引申还可指“考试及格”“传球”等。 pass还可作“通道,山口”解,指连绵的山岭中中间较低处,多为通道经过的地方。 pass有多种意思:可表示“穿过”或“渡过”,如pass an ocean渡洋,pass a desert穿过沙漠。pass也可表示“从……旁边经过”,如pass a city路过一个城市,pass a street从一条街边经过。另外,pass可表示“死亡”的时候,如pass away去世; pass an examination表示“在一次考试里及格”,没有“参加或完成该次考试”的意思; 通过什么考试的时候,有时接介词in,有时不接。He has passed the examination.句中没有介词in。 He has passed in English.该句型中,常加in。pass over没有“读过”的意思,表示“忽略,省略”。 I have passed over the passage.我已经把这段字给忽略了。词组pass on … to表示“把……传递或转告给……”。 I told him that I should be very glad to pass on his request to you.我告诉他我很乐意把他的要求转告给你。短语pass for是一个动词,表示“被认为是……”,常用于主动语态,即使意思上含有被动语态。 Seen at a distance,she might have passed for a girl of twenty.从远处看,她可能会被认为是一个二十岁的姑娘。 动词77%,名词23% 用作动词The billpassedand became law.议案通过后成了法律。 Ipassedthe store on my way to the library.我在去图书馆的路上经过了那家商店。 Where did youpassthe vacation?你在什么地方度过假期的? What happened after three monthspass?三个月过去后发生了什么? It came topassin those days that there went out a decree.一桩违犯法令的事在那些日子里发生了。用作名词A sergeant asked the stranger to show hispass.警官要求这个陌生人出示通行证。 She got apassin math.她数学及格了。 Please show me your monthly buspass.请出示公共汽车月票。noun.opening through solid 同义词 canyon,cut,gap,gorge,passage,passageway,path,ravinenoun.authorization, permission 同义词 ticketadmission,chit,comp,furlough,identification,license,order,paper,passport,permit,safe-conduct,visa,warrantfree ridenoun.sexual proposition 同义词 playadvance,approach,overture,suggestionnoun.predicament 同义词 condition,contingency,crisis,crossroads,emergency,exigency,juncture,pinch,plight,situation,stage,state,straitturning point,zero hourverb.go by, elapse;move onward 同义词 catch,cross,develop,give,go,happen,leave,move,occur,reach,run,take placebefall,crawl,cruise,depart,drag,fare,flow,fly,glide,hie,journey,lapse,linger,proceed,progress,repair,rise,roll,transpire,travel,wendblow past,come off,come to pass,come up,fall out,fly by,get ahead,glide by,go past,pass away,pass by,push on,run by,run out,slip awayverb.surpass, beat 同义词 exceed,excel,outdistance,outdo,outgo,outshine,outstrip,surmount,top,transcendgo beyond,go by,leave behind,outrace,shoot ahead ofverb.succeed, graduate 同义词 doanswer,matriculate,qualify,suffice,suitget through,pass musterverb.give, transfer 同义词 deliver,reach,send,shoot,throwconvey,exchange,hand,kick,relinquish,transmitbuck,hand over,let haveverb.cease 同义词 close,die,drop,end,expire,go,stopdecease,demise,depart,disappear,discontinue,dissolve,dwindle,ebb,evaporate,fade,perish,succumb,terminate,vanish,waneblow over,cash in,melt away,pass away,peter outverb.enact, legislate 同义词 accept,adopt,approve,authorize,carry,establish,ratifydecree,engage,ordain,pledge,promise,sanction,undertake,validatebecome law,become ratified,become valid,be established,be ordained,be sanctioned,vote inverb.express formally 同义词 declare,deliverclaim,pronounce,state,utterverb.decide not to do 同义词 fail,pass ondecline,discount,disregard,forget,ignore,miss,neglect,omit,overlook,refuse,skip,slightnot heed,pass upverb.rid of waste 同义词 defecate,discharge,eliminate,emit,empty,evacuate,excrete,expel,exude,voidgive off,send forth Annie Oakleynoun free ticket Chinese ducket,comp,complimentary pass,complimentary ticket,free admission,free pass,free seats,free ticket,freebie,guest pass,guest ticket OKverb permit abet,accede,accept,acquiesce,admit,agree,allow,approbate,approve,authorize,bless,blink at,boost,buy,charter,concede,concur,condone,consent,empower,enable,endorse,endure,franchise,give a thumbs-up,give leave,give permission,go for,grant,have,humor,indulge,leave,let,let pass,license,okay,pass,privilege,sanctify,sanction,say yes,shake on,sign,sign off on,suffer,take kindly to,tolerate,warrant,wink at abstainverb hold back from doing abjure,abnegate,avoid,cease,constrain,curb,decline,deny oneself,do without,eschew,evade,fast,fence-sit,forbear,forgo,give the go by,give up,go on the wagon,keep from,pass,pass up,quit,refrain,refuse,renounce,shun,sit on one's hands,sit on the fence,sit out,spurn,starve,stop,take the cure,take the pledge,withhold acquiesceverb agree with some reluctance accede,accept,accommodate,adapt,adjust,agree,allow,approve,bow to,buy,cave in,come across,come around,comply,concur,conform,consent,cry uncle,cut a deal,ditto,give in,give out,go along,jibe,okay,pass,play ball,reconcile,roll over and play dead,say uncle,set,shake on,submit,subscribe,yes,yield acquiescedverb agree with some reluctance acceded,accepted,accommodated,adapted,adjusted,agreed,allowed,approved,bought,bowed to,came across,came around,caved in,complied,concurred,conformed,consented,cried uncle,cut a deal,dittoed,gave in,gave out,jibed,okayed,passed,played ball,reconciled,rolled over and played dead,said uncle,set,shook on,submitted,subscribed,went along,yed,yielded admittancenoun permission to enter access,entrance,entry,entrée,ingress,pass,passage,reception And how do I pass that cost on to the application owners? 如何将这些成本传递到应用程序所有者? ibm It allows one of the constituents but not others to pass through. 半透膜允许一种物质通过,但是不允许另外一种物质通过。163 The data can then pass from one to the other. 然后,可以将数据从一个元素传递到另一个元素。 ibm An evolution represents one pass through all four phases of the lifecycle. 一次演进表示通过生命周期的所有四个阶段一次。 ibm Be that as it may, some of these signs will certainly draw your attention when you pass them on the street. 这些都只是可能,但当你在大街上看见他们时,有些标牌肯定会吸引你的注意。 yeeyan Crowds massed along the road where the film star would pass. 人群聚集在电影明星要经过的街道旁。《21世纪大英汉词典》 Half of those pass straight through where the rubbish will be. 其中一半会直接通向将来垃圾被倾倒的地方。 yeeyan He stood aside for us to pass. 他站到一边,让我们过去。《新英汉大辞典》 He winks at all the girls who pass. 他向所有经过的女孩使眼色。 hjenglish I trust in his ability to pass the examination. 我相信他有能力通过考试。 kancaimi If you can connect after disabling the firewall, then you can adjust the firewall rules on your systems to allow the traffic to pass. 如果禁用防火墙之后仍不能连接,那么您可以调整您的系统上的防火墙规则,以便允许流量通过。 ibm In Listing6, the connector can either pass the result inline or by reference. 在清单6中,连接器可以以内联或引用的方式传递结果。 ibm It means that if I have a biological cell, or some container with a membrane through which one of the constituents might pass. 它的意思是如果我有一个生物细胞,或带膜的容器,其中一种组分可以通过这层膜。163 Like all moments, this moment too shall pass. 就像所有时刻一样,这样也会过去。 yeeyan One could save that data dynamically on each page and pass it all as form data, but that poses problems when users backtrack or go to other sites then come back again. 我们可以在将它们全部作为表单数据传送的每个页面上动态保存数据,但当用户顺原路退回或到其它的站点后又回来时会引发问题。 ibm One way is to have a thorough set of unit tests for the code: the code should pass the tests both before and after refactoring. 第一种方法是对代码进行一套完全彻底的单元测试:在重构之前和之后都必须通过这样的测试。 ibm Since they have no foreign competition, they could pass on extra costs to their customers. 因为他们没有外国竞争者,他们可以将额外的成本转嫁给消费者。 ecocn Surely you could pass any examination. 你确实能通过每门考试。《21世纪大英汉词典》 The player had to fade back so as to have room to pass the ball. 这位球员只好后退让过对方,以便有向前传球的空间。《21世纪大英汉词典》 The teacher forecast that15 of his pupils would pass the examination. 这位教师预测他的学生将有15名通过考试。《21世纪大英汉词典》 This coin will not pass. 这钱币不通用。《21世纪大英汉词典》 We threaded along a narrow pass. 我们穿过一条狭窄的通道。《21世纪大英汉词典》 We pass it to parameters. 我们将它传递给参数。 ibm Whatever you learn, as soon as you learn it, pass it on to someone. 无论你学什么,尽可能快地学会,再将所学传递给其他人。 yeeyan When photons pass through or reflect off of something, they give that object momentum. 当光子穿过某物或由某物反射时,就会给该物体一个动量。 yeeyan Why only pass this to the young generation? 为什么只给年轻一代传递这个? infoq Without your help, I would not pass the examination. 没有你的帮助,我不可能通过这次考试。 kekenet You have to pass them into the theme function and change the theme function to use them. 您必须将它们传递到主题函数中,并修改主题函数,然后才能使用它们。 ibm |