

单词 Pasolini
释义 Pa·so·li·ni 英ˌpɑːsəʊˈlene美ˌpɑsoˈleneAHDp\\adieʒ'sō-leʹne COCA⁶⁵²⁵⁵BNC⁸⁶⁶⁶⁰⁺
As poet, novelist, critic, Marxian, director and theorist of film, Pier Paolo Pasolini thinks the existence and relationship between human-self and the reality.
作为诗人、小说家、评论家、马克思主义者、电影导演及理论家,帕索里尼从多个角度思考人与现实的存在及关系。 fabiao

Filmmaker Pier Paolo Pasolini had little time to respond to the film’s controversy because he was brutally murdered soon after its release.
导演皮埃尔·保罗·帕索里尼还没来得及回应针对此片的争议就在电影发行后不久被残忍地谋杀了。 yeeyan

However, the meanings of poetry of these two genres are quite different with the one of Pasolini.
但是这里的“诗”与帕索里尼在《诗的电影》中提到的“诗”有着本质的区别。 fabiao

On the essay, Pasolini posed the concept of poetic film for the first time and differentiated it from the prosaic film which he thought was not the real cinema.
在论文中帕索里尼第一次提出了“诗的电影”的概念,并将其与电影史上由来已久的散文电影相区分,认为诗的电影才是真正的电影。 fabiao

She was on the verge of filming Pasolini's Medea, contemplating a stage comeback.
她是在拍摄帕索里尼的美狄亚的边缘,考虑一个阶段卷土重来。 www.dvdtw188.com

Pasolini paid attention to the new declination of cinema, which set up a crucial question of modern films with great significance.
帕索里尼在论文中提出了电影的新倾向,提出了现代电影的关键问题,具有重大的前瞻性意义。 fabiao




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