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释义 pas·cal 英pæˈskæl, pɑ:ˈskɑ:l美pæˈskæl, pɑˈskɑl 

a unit of pressure equal to one newton per square meterFrench mathematician and philosopher and Jansenist; invented an adding machine; contributed with Fermat to the theory of probability 1623-1662a programing language designed to teach programming through a top-down modular approach近义词 pa爸爸Blaise Pascal布莱兹·帕斯卡法国数学…

Courses taken that would be useful for computer programming are: Computer science, systems design and analysis, FORTRAN programming,PASCALprogramming, operating systems, systems management.对计算机编程有用的课程有:计算机学、系统设计与分析、FORTRAN编程学、PASCAL编程学、操作系统、系统管理。 It showed me how to apply many of the things Knuth did magically with his fabricated assembler language, by implementing them elegantly in the high-level Pascal language.
这本书教会我如何将很多用汇编语言所作的事情用高级的 Pascal语言完美地实施。 ibm

After five days of negotiations, European Union trade commissioner Pascal Lamy and Chinese foreign trade minister Shi Guangsheng signed the agreement.
经过五天的谈判,欧盟贸易委员帕斯卡尔和中国对外贸易部部长石广生在协议上签字。 kekenet

Although I learned ALGOL, COBOL, and various assembler languages first, Pascal was the language that best enabled me to reason about a solution and implement it effectively and elegantly.
尽管我首先学习的是 ALGOL、 COBOL以及各种汇编语言,但 Pascal语言让我可以推出并有效、完美地实施解决方案。 ibm

Among the“ bunch” was Pascal, who tried the vegan diet for about a month.
这“一些人”中就有帕斯卡,他一个月来一直在尝试吃纯素。 yeeyan

Bayes was one of two main influences on the early development of probability theory and statistics. The other was Blaise Pascal, a Frenchman.
对早期概率论和统计学发展具有重大影响的有两位科学家,贝叶斯是其中一位,另一位是法国的布雷泽·帕斯卡( Blaise Pascal。 ecocn

But because of their philosophical training in the rigours of Pascal's method, the Bayesian bolt- on does not come easily to scientists.
但是,由于贝伊斯式的保守派接受的是帕斯卡严格的哲学方式,因此他们想成为科学家并非易事。 ecocn

Coping with complexity led to structured languages such as Pascal and C, which created hierarchical structures of state variables that provided a useful partitioning of the state space.
为了解决复杂性,而产生了结构化的语言,例如 Pascal和 C,生成了提供状态空间的有用分割的状态变量的层次结构。 ibm

If you learned programming in the '70s or early'80s, you probably learned the Pascal language, which is Niklaus Wirth's best-known masterpiece.
如果你在70年代或80年代早期接触编程,你可能曾学过 Pascal语言,这门编程语言就是 Niklaus Wirth最著名的杰作。 ibm

In a procedural language such as C or Pascal, a program is defined as a sequence of steps, the execution of which in the specified order produces the final result as the last step in the sequence.
在 C或 Pascal这样的过程性语言中,程序被定义成一系列的步骤,这些步骤按照规定的顺序执行,并在最后一步产生最终结果。 ibm

IN A recent report to the World Trade Organisation’s WTO153 member states, Pascal Lamy, the club’s director-general, sounded a warning about state aid intended to mitigate the economic crisis.
在最近一份报告交到了国际贸易组织 WTO153个成员国的手上,这一组织的理事长 Pascal Lamy,对于各国针对减轻经济危机的国家救援计划提出警告。 ecocn

In classes I took to get my degree in Computer Science, I programmed in Pascal, Assembly, and C— languages I never actually got paid to program in professionally.
我正在攻读我的计算机学学位,我编程使用 Pascal,汇编,和 C语言,事实上我从来没有把它当成职业以求获得回报。 yeeyan

It was a fertile time for art Rembrandt, Vermeer and literature Racine, Moliere, Milton, Pascal and unfortunately, bad philosophy Hobbes, Locke.
同时,当时也是艺术伦布兰特,弗米尔和文学拉辛、莫里哀、米尔顿、帕斯卡的多产期,而不幸的是,哲学霍布斯、洛克并不发达。 kekenet

The second reason is an economic equivalent of Pascal's Wager: if the world is about to collapse into anarchy and nothing can be done, there is no benefit in predicting it.
第二个原因是经济学的帕斯卡赌注:如果世界将陷入无政府状态,所有事业都将停顿,那么预测它也毫无益处。 yeeyan

The specialized courses I completed include computer science, system design and analysis, operation systems, systems management, PASCAL programming, COBOL programming and D- BASE programming.
我学过的专业课程包括:计算机科学、系统设计及分析、操作系统、系统管理、 PASCAL编程、 COBOL编程和 D- BASE编程。

When explicit type information for variables is written in the code, these type annotations follow the colon after the item name i. e., Pascal- like syntax.
当在代码里显式地为变量指定类型信息时,类型注解应该跟在变量名的冒号后面也就是类 Pascal语法。 yeeyan

Pascal Chimbonda was tortured by the returning Wayne Bridge.
帕斯卡尔.齐姆波达被复出的韦恩.布里奇折磨。 iciba

Pascal Cotte said Leonardo built the painting up in layers, the last being a special glaze whose optical properties increased the illusion of a three-dimensional face.
Pascal Cotte认为达芬奇是分层完成名画《蒙娜·丽莎》的,油画的最上面一层是某种特殊的透明色料层,其光学特性增加了人物面部的三维立体效果。 yeeyan

Pascal Levensohn, the boss of Levensohn Venture Partners in San Francisco, says his firm will not raise a new fund“ for the foreseeable future” and is concentrating on its existing assets.
位于三藩市的 Levensohn Venture Partners风投公司老板 Pascal Levensohn说由于可预见的市场前景他们现在不会筹集新的资金,仅仅专注于现存的资本。 topsage

Pascal Payet called in a hijacked helicopter. He later returned in another to lift out two buddies.
帕斯卡尔·帕耶特 Pascal Payet叫来了一架劫持的直升机,后来又乘着另一架直升机返回,救出两名难友。 yeeyan

Pascal Van Cauwenberghe has recently described an approach to defining business value, called“ Business Value Modeling”, which may help.
最近 Pascal Van Cauwenberghe描述了一个用来定义业务价值的方法,叫做“业务价值建模”,这可能会对我们有帮助。 infoq

Pascal was well thought out; it had strong typing and good support for data structures.
Pascal是经过精心设计考虑的语言;它具有很强的类型和对数据结构的良好支持。 ibm

Pascal's way of looking at the world was that of the gambler: each throw of the dice is independent of the previous one.
贝伊斯认识世界的方式是站在豪赌者的角度上的,也就是说,每次骰子的掷出都是与前一次掷骰毫无关系的。 ecocn




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