

单词 partys
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In the course of the Partys construction and development, ideological building and system construction play an important part.
党的建设发展历程中,思想建设和制度建设都发挥过极大的作用。 dictall

In the post- cold war era, the traits of the Baath Partys rule are: symbolistic democratization, anti- America and anti- Israel complex; potential pan- Arab psychology influence; revival of tribalism.
后冷战时代伊拉克复兴党的执政特点主要表现在以下四点:象征性的民主化,仇美、反以情结,泛阿拉伯主义心理的潜在影响和部族主义的复兴。 dictall

The Four Cardinal Principles are the precepts for governing the country, and an essential element of the Partys basic line in the elementary stage of socialism.
四项基本原则作为立国之本,是党在社会主义初级阶段的基本路线的重要组成部分。 dictall

The Partys construction and the job in political thoughts provide political warranty and spiritual power for Jiangnan Universitys advancement.
党建与思想政治工作是江南大学事业发展的政治保证和精神动力。 dictall




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