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The amounts the OCA found were as high as97.1 parts per million, in a dish liquid.
亚奥理事会发现在一碟液体中1,4 -二恶烷的含量高达百万分之97.1。 dxy

The brightness of its light ball only parts per million, and only in the total solar eclipse or with a special instrument to see the corona.
它的亮度仅为光球的百万分之一,只有在日全食时或用特制的日冕仪才能看见。 hxen

The probiotics tests showed a density of plasticizer at600 parts per million, far surpassing the Taiwan daily standard of1.029 ppm.
益生菌检测表明塑化剂密度是百万分之600,远远超过台湾日常标准的百万分之1.029。 hxen

To put that in perspective, the current level of CO2 in the atmosphere is387 parts per million.
总的看来,现在的大气中二氧化碳含量为万分之三点八七。 yeeyan

When the ground dug for Michelle Obama's vegetable garden at the White House was found to have some lead93 parts per million, ground crab shells were added to help neutralize the toxicity.
米歇尔·奥巴马用来开辟菜园的那块白宫土地中也曾发现有铅污染浓度为百万分之93,当时污染治理专家利用蟹壳掩埋中和了土壤中铅的毒性。 yeeyan

A handful of dirt from your backyard would probably contain a smidgen, maybe a few parts per million.
你家后院里的一把泥土可能含有一点点,也许是百万分之几。 yeeyan

Atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide have reached386 parts per million— and rising, because every year, human activity spews more than30 billion metric tons of CO2.
目前大气中 CO2二氧化碳的浓度已达百万分之386,而且还在上升。因为每年,人类活动要排放出300多亿吨 CO2。 yeeyan

California requires that products that contain more than30 parts per million of1,4-dioxane carry a warning saying that the contents may cause cancer.
加利福尼亚州要求的产品中含有了超过百万分之30的1,4-二恶烷是应该有警示说此产品中含有可能会引发癌症的物质。 dxy

Current methane concentrations in the Arctic average about1.85 parts per million, the scientists said, the highest in400,000 years.
目前在北极地区甲烷浓度平均为大约百万分之1.85,科学家们说,这是40万年中的最高水平。 yeeyan

Dr Saido said that samples of seawater collected from the Pacific Ocean were found to be contaminated with up to 150 parts per million of some of these components of plastic decomposition.
Saido博士说,从太平洋搜集的海水样本的污染物浓度高达百万分之一百五,污染物多是塑料垃圾的分解物质。 yeeyan

Global carbon levels are currently at380 parts per million compared to280 before the Industrial Revolution.
全球的二氧化碳排放量已达到百万分之380超过了工业时代的百万分之280。 yeeyan

If the Earth reaches800-1000 parts per million, as the worst- case scenarios predict, it’s really anybody’s guess.
如果二氧化碳的排放量达到百万分之800-1000,正如人们猜测的,那将是最坏的情况。 yeeyan

It is believed that atmospheric carbon- dioxide concentrations have increased from about 280 parts per million to around370 parts per million since the start of the Industrial Revolution.
据信,自工业革命开始以来,大气层中二氧化碳浓度已经从百万分之280升至百万分之370左右。 ecocn

Its95- megapixel camera, the largest ever launched into space, can detect tiny changes in a star's brightness of only20 parts per million.

Through afforestation, reforestation and cutting down agricultural emissions, by one estimate, carbon dioxide equivalent to40 parts per million could be extracted from the atmosphere by 2050.
据估计,通过造林、还林以及减少农业排放,到2050年,可以减少大气中百万分之40的二氧化碳。 ecocn

To preserve a livable climate, we need to rapidly bring carbon-dioxide levels in the air back down below350 parts per million we are currently at about387 ppm and rising fast.
为了保存一个富有生机的气候,我们需要马上把大气中的二氧化碳含量降到百万分之350现在我们大约是百万分之387并且快速上升。 yeeyan




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