

单词 asylums
释义 asylums əˈsailəmz COCA⁶⁰⁶⁴²BNC²⁶³⁰¹Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
n.收容所⁵⁰;避难所⁵⁰;流亡生物区asylum的复数形式原型asylum的复数 The number of people with mental health problems in disaster areas in Japan is increasing, due to the loss of homeland and suffocating life in asylums, local media reported.
据日本媒体报道,由于失去家园和长期的避难所共同生活,目前日本灾区精神病患者数量急剧增加。 blog.sina.com.cn

To guide the administration of prisons, lockups and asylums.
指导预审工作和看守所、拘留所、收容审查所的监管工作。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

We find it familiar and natural, in a way we don't with other pre- Victorian habits, like touring lunatic asylums or visiting the Magdalen House to see how the penitent prostitutes are getting on.
这与我们对其它前维多利亚时代的习惯的感觉很不一样。 意指对其它前V的习惯并不是觉得这么习惯与自然。 yeeyan

He was passionately interested in prisons and in asylums, the places where society's rejects are kept.
他对监狱和庇护院社会不容的人关的地方有着狂热的兴趣。 yeeyan

He developed a museum depicting the barbarous treatment that was prevalent in asylums for the insane.
他创立了一所博物馆,专门展示在精神病院里普遍存在的野蛮的治疗方法。 yeeyan

In 1947 in the USSR there were5500 orphan asylums where children, who had lost their parents during WW2, were being brought.
1947年,在苏联有5500个孤儿院,那里抚养着在二战中失去双亲的孩子们。 yeeyan

It is also featured prominently in many urban legends, describing the results of, for example, encounters with hook-handed serial killers freshly escaped from local insane asylums.
这也是许多城市传说的突出特色,如:遇到刚从当地精神病院逃离出来的手持吊钩的连环杀手的情景。 cnxianzai

Men easily get depress and there are more men admitted in mental asylums.
男人则容易沮丧,因而有较多的男人患有精神病。 ebigear

Relieving establishments were mostly refugees' asylums and transport station, refugee's rest houses, poorhouses, a house of children's correction, baby farm and so on.
救济设施主要有难民收容所和输送站、难民招待所、救济院、儿童教养院、托儿所等。 cnki




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