

单词 parthenogenesis
释义 par·the·no·gen·e·sis 英ˌpɑːθənəʊˈdʒenɪsɪs美ˌpɑrθənoˈdʒɛnɪsɪsAHDpär'thə-nō-jĕnʹĭ-sĭs 高SCOCA⁹⁷²⁸²BNC⁴³⁵⁶⁶iWeb⁵³⁴⁷⁸

human conception without fertilization by a manprocess in which an unfertilized egg develops into a new individual; common among insects and some other arthropods来自希腊语parthenos,处女,-gen,生育,词源同gene,generate,-esis,状态后缀。用于生物学术语单性繁殖,非受精繁殖。diploid parthenogenesis二倍单性生殖…perpetual parthenogenesis永久单性生殖…reduced parthenogenesis单倍孤雌生殖…experimental parthenogenesis人工单性生殖…natural parthenogenesis自然单性生殖…thelytocous parthenogenesis产雌单性生殖, 产雌…arrhenotocous parthenogenesis产雄孤雌生殖,产雄单…facultative parthenogenesis兼性单性生殖…traumatic parthenogenesis刺伤单性生殖…male parthenogenesis雄性单性生殖…cyclical parthenogenesis周性单性生殖…artificial parthenogenesis人工单性生殖…female parthenogenesis雌性单性生殖…unreduced parthenogenesis双倍孤雌生殖…normal parthenogenesis正常孤雌生殖, 正常…obligatory parthenogenesis专单性生殖induced parthenogenesis诱导孤雌生殖…
partheno-genesiS,⇒n.单性生殖⁴¹;孤雌生殖⁵⁹n.生单性生殖⁴¹;单性生殖物近义词 parthenogeny单性生殖virgin birth宗童贞女之子…

用作名词Individual species has a certain ability ofparthenogenesis.个别品种具有一定的单性生殖能力。 Attainment of parthenogenesis is considered as a key factor favoring its successful invasion and rapid dispersion of RWW.
孤雌生殖方式的形成是该虫种群成功入侵并大规模扩散的重要原因。 fabiao

In this paper, those factors were summed up to supply a reference to parthenogenesis embryo incubation in vitro.
旨在为研究体外孤雌胚发育和孤雌胚胎的培养提供参考。 cnki

The offspring through parthenogenesis of E. americanus are all male.
美棘蓟马孤雌生殖产生的子代个体均为雄性; fabiao

The rate of parthenogenesis of“Lvling” was the highest in5 walnut varieties, 42.10%, the “Lvzao” was the lowest, only11.64%.
在所测定的不同早实核桃品种中“绿岭”的孤雌生殖率最高,为42.10%,“绿早”的孤雌生殖率最低,仅为11.64%; cnak

Another team generated similar cells using human egg cells only, a process called parthenogenesis.
另一个小组仅用人类的卵细胞也产生出相似的干细胞,这一过程被称之为“单性生殖”。 dxy

By a last- resort evolutionary adaptation, female sharks, it turns out, are capable of parthenogenesis, or virgin births.
凭这招进化适应性的杀手锏,雌性鲨鱼原来可以单性生殖,或者说,以童贞女之身怀孕生产。 yeeyan

Daley of the Children's Hospital of Boston, uses a procedure known as parthenogenesis in which a series of chemical treatments are used to encourage an unfertilized egg to begin embryonic development.
Daley 博士领导了这项新的研究利用一系列的化学方法来处理单性细胞,从而促使未受精卵进行胚胎发育。 dxy

In addition, breeding application ways of female parthenogenesis in dwarf and abortive wheat were analyzed and discussed from genetic theory and breeding practice.
本文从遗传理论和育种实践的角度,对矮败小麦在孤雌生殖育种上的应用途径进行了分析和讨论。 cnki

In parthenogenesis, females' eggs start dividing without being fertilised.
在无性生殖中,雌性动物的卵勿需受精即开始分裂。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn

It proves that the inducing of laser on poplar parthenogenesis are efficient.
说明激光诱导杨树单性生殖是有效的。 cnki

Mitalipov said separate experiments obtained monkey stem cells from a different process called parthenogenesis, in which an egg grows into an early embryo without any genetic contribution from a male.
米塔李波夫说从其他方法得到的猴子干细胞的单个实验叫做单性生殖。在此过程中,雄性猴子对卵子生长成为早期胚胎没有任何基因贡献。 yeeyan

Nutrient cells were obtained from these pigment mutants by enzymatic method and conchocelis were got by parthenogenesis.
通过酶法分离突变体的营养细胞,单性生殖获得丝状体; cnki

Potato haploid induction has significant meaning in potato breeding, It includes parthenogenesis and anther culture methods.
马铃薯单倍体诱导在马铃薯育种实践中具有重要意义,它包括孤雌生殖和花药培养等方法。 dictall

Rotifers are unusual in that they often reproduce by parthenogenesis some species, indeed, can reproduce only in this way.
轮虫并不普通,因为他们的繁殖方式是孤雌生殖确实,一些物种甚至只有这一种繁殖方式。 yeeyan

Several shark species live in single- sex groups and he says parthenogenesis may have ensured that isolated populations of females could survive without males.
有几种鲨鱼物种是生活在单性群体内的,他还说,单性生殖或许可保证隔离的雌鲨种群不靠雄鲨也能繁殖。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn

That could explain why parthenogenesis reproduction has emerged in so many species.
这就可以解释为什么这么多物种都会有孤雌生殖现象。 yeeyan

The use of molecular markers to quickly screen out the descendants of parthenogenesis, the induction rate experiment is not good, room for improvement of experimental methods.
运用分子标记能够快速的筛选出孤雌生殖的后代,本实验的诱导率并不理想,实验方法有待改进与完善。 fabiao

The inheritance specific property of chemically induced parthenogenesis, and the value and prospects of parthenogenesis in maize breeding were also discussed in the later paper.
最后还对化学诱导玉米孤雌生殖发生的遗传特性生殖在玉米育种上的应用前景进行了讨论。 cnki

The study on pseudogamy property of wheat parthenogenesis is conducted by means of delaying pollination and observing embryo sac with microscope.
采用延迟授粉和胚胎学显微观察的方法,研究了黑麦和六倍体小黑麦花粉诱导小麦孤雌生殖的假受精特性。 cnki

Whether parthenogenesis is an evolutionary aberration or viable strategy remains debated.
不论这种孤雌生殖方式到底是进化中的歧途还是一种存在争议的策略。 yeeyan

Parthenogenesis is so far known to occur in about70 reptile species.
迄今已知大约70种爬行动物有单性繁殖行为。 yeeyan

Parthenogenesis also occurs, but rarely, in fish and invertebrates, especially insects such as aphids, and has been artificially induced in mice and other species.
单性生殖确实存在,但非常稀少,见于鱼类、无脊椎动物和昆虫纲的蚜虫,人工刺激条件下的小鼠和其它物种也可以。 helixnet

Parthenogenesis is a kind of reproductive mode by which the egg develops into embryo without fertilization and develops into plant finally.
孤雌生殖是指卵细胞不经过受精而形成胚并发育为个体的生殖方式。 cnki




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