

单词 parson
释义 par·son 英ˈpɑːsən美ˈpɑrsənAHDpärʹsən ★★☆☆☆高八GCOCA³⁴⁶⁷⁹BNC¹⁹¹⁷²iWeb³¹⁸³⁷
a person authorized to conduct religious worship;

clergymen are usually called ministers in Protestant churches

来自拉丁语persona,人,词源同person.现词义可能缩写自persona ecclesiae,教会,教堂,词源同ecclesiastic.Parson's number帕森斯数
近义词 pastor牧师rector校长priest教士teacher教师curate副牧师cleric神职人员shepherd牧羊者preacher传道者minister外交使节beneficiary受惠者parish priest教区教士vicar教区或教堂牧师…minister of religion牧师

用作名词Theparsonhas devoted his whole life to the church.这位牧师把他的一生都献给了教会。
Theparsonofficially pronounced that they became one.牧师正式宣告他们成婚。noun.cleric
同义词 chaplain,ecclesiastic,minister,padre,pastor,preacher,priest,rector,reverend,vicarchurchman/woman,clergyman/woman
clergymannoun minister
abbey,archbishop,bible thumper,bishop,blackcoat,cardinal,cassock,chaplain,churchman,cleric,clerk,curate,dean,devil dodger,divine,ecclesiast,ecclesiastic,evangelist,father,harp polisher,missionary,monsignor,padre,pastor,pontiff,preacher,predicant,priest,primate,pulpitarian,pulpiteer,rabbi,rector,reverend,sermonizer,shepherd,sky pilot,sky scout,the rev,turn-around collar,vicar
clergypersonnoun minister of church
abbey,archbishop,bishop,blackcoat,cardinal,cassock,chaplain,churchperson,cleric,clerk,curate,dean,divine,ecclesiast,ecclesiastic,evangelist,father,missionary,monsignor,padre,parson,pastor,person of God,person of the cloth,pontiff,preacher,predicant,priest,primate,pulpitarian,pulpiteer,rabbi,rector,reverend,sermonizer,shepherd,vicar
clergywomannoun preacher
clericnoun preacher
ecclesiasticnoun church person
fathernoun priest
abbé,clergyman,confessor,cure,curé,ecclesiastic,minister,padre,parson,pastor,preacher,reverend In a tale told by Parson Weems, Washington's first biographer, the young George received an axe as a gift with which amused himself for hours on his family's plantation in Stafford, Virginia.
帕森·威姆斯是华盛顿第一版传记的作者。 传记里有这么一个故事。乔治·华盛顿家的种植园坐落于维吉尼亚州斯坦福市。年轻的乔治曾收到一把斧头作为礼物。 yeeyan

It was nearly bedtime, but she rushed downstairs and asked if she might send for the parson.
那时快到睡觉的时候了,但是她却急忙跑到楼下,问要不要去请牧师。 hjenglish

Nobody could tell this but the parson of the parish, and he was a new- comer, and did not know her.
除了这个教区的牧师之外,没有人能够告诉她,牧师是新来的,还不认识她。 hjenglish

The rural poor depended on the charity of squire and parson, and the Cavell children were expected, like their parents, to minister to them.
乡村穷困者依赖于乡绅和牧师的慈爱宽厚,而卡维尔牧师期望他的孩子们向他学习,照料乡村穷困者。 ecocn

They both express their care. “A different cause, ” says Parson Sly, “The same effect may give: Poor Lubin fears that he may die; His wife, that he may live”.
“不同原因,”滑头牧师说,“可产生同样结果:可怜的鲁宾怕他会死;他老婆,怕他会活。” ebigear

They were all hares, and the crow was there as parson to marry the bride and bridegroom, and the fox served as sexton, and their altar was under the rainbow.
奶牛是牧师,为新郎新娘主持婚礼;狐狸是司仪,祭坛在彩虹下面。 ebigear

A fat Parson's chameleon lies lazily on a branch, beady eyes scanning for dinner.
肥硕的国王变色龙懒洋洋地躺在树枝上,滴溜溜地扫视着四周,寻觅着晚餐。 yeeyan

Be prepared to role- play the appraisal conversation in class as either Nasr or Parson.
请准备好在课堂上扮演那萨先生或帕森先生的角色。 iciba

But it also means the gradual end of the hallowed“ parson’s freehold” that can give parish clergy a kind of owner-occupier status.
但这也意味着,能给教区牧师某种拥有居住房产的神圣“牧师免费居住”制的逐渐结束。 ecocn

' Good night, Sir John, ' said the parson.
“您好,约翰爵士。”牧师说。 hjenglish

' Good night, Sir John, ' said the parson.
“晚安,约翰爵士,”牧师说道。 hjenglish

Good night, Sir John, “ said the parson.”
“晚上好,约翰爵士。”牧师说。 iciba

He told me to put on my cloak and run to Gimmerton for the doctor and the parson.
他叫我穿上外衣,赶紧跑到吉默吞去请医生和牧师。 ebigear

Her great-grandfather was a parson in a little country church.
她的曾祖父是一个小乡村教堂的牧师。 sparke

His aspect was probably as un- Sabbatarian a one as a dogmatic parson's son often presented;
他的外表不像是过礼拜的,这大概是那个严守教条的牧师教育出来的儿子的样子吧; hjenglish

If May's parents had entertained the Carfrys in Fifth Avenue they would have offered them something more substantial than a parson and a schoolmaster.
假如让梅的父母在第五大街款待卡弗莱一家,他们会引荐比牧师和家庭教师更有分量的人物。 tingroom

In some countries a hunting parson is no uncommon sight.
在有些国家,爱打猎的牧师并非不常见。 for68

No parson should come inside his door, he declared, prying into his affairs, just then, when, by her shame, it had become more necessary than ever to hide them.
他宣布绝不允许牧师进他的家门,探听他的隐私,因为那个时候,她的耻辱比过去更有必要掩盖起来。 hjenglish

Past tests were inconclusive, but this time, “ we succeeded in getting a clear result, ” lead researcher Dr. Walther Parson, a renowned forensic pathologist said.
之前所做的一些实验都没有得出决定性的结论,但这次测试的带头人著名法医病理学家沃尔瑟·帕森说:“我们终于使‘真相’浮出水面”。 cri

Presently he was met by an elderly parson who rode on a gray mare.
不一会儿,他遇到了一个骑着一匹灰色母马的老牧师。 amazon

The parson rode a step or two nearer.
牧师骑着马向他走近一两步。 hjenglish

There he sees a parson as simple as his flock, a farmer who does not riot on the labour of others.
在那儿,他看到牧师跟他的教徒一样朴实,牧师也是农民,并不靠别人的劳动来享受。 putclub

Who'll be the parson? I, said the Rook.
谁来当他的牧师?我,乌鸦说。 blog.sina.com.cn

You go to church very regularly, and our parson here is not very High, they tell me.
你是定期上教堂的,他们告诉我,我们这儿的牧师并不是什么高教派。 hjenglish




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