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词汇 Parsi
释义 par·si AHDˈpärˌsē,ˈpȧˌsē

a member of a monotheistic sect of Zoroastrian origin; descended from the Persians; now found in western IndiaParsee帕西人(公元8世纪为…
近义词 Parsee帕西人(公元8世纪为逃避…
The Winged Disc is often called a fravashi rather than a faravahar, especially by the IndianParsiZoroastrians.有翼的圆盘经常被称作法拉瓦什,更胜于法拉瓦哈,尤其是印度帕西人的琐罗亚斯德教徒。
Hindu woman married to aParsi, came to ask for my blessings for her three-year-old son who could not speak.一个印度教女人和一个帕西人结婚,她来为她不能说话的三岁孩子求我的祝福。
Followers of the minorityParsifaith depend on them for disposal of their corpses.印度少数祆教徒的追随者倚赖秃鹰处理逝者的尸体。
Historical Culture ofParsiand Moslim Custom of Iran by Mr. Wang F en g is also named Entering Iran,which is the first monograph to study historical c ulture and modern custom of Iran since the new century in our country.《波斯历史文化与伊朗穆斯林风情礼仪》又名是新世纪以来我国出版的第一部研究伊朗历史文化与现实风情的专著。
The Winged Disc is often called a fravashi rather than a faravahar, especially by the IndianParsiZoroastrians.有翼的圆盘经常被称作法拉瓦什,更胜于法拉瓦哈,尤其是印度帕西人的琐罗亚斯德教徒。




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