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parrott 基本例句 n.帕罗特 It can be helpful to identify the root cause of this behavior, adds Dr. Parrott. 帕洛特博士的意见是要找出其根源。 yeeyan While no one would suggest that being devoted to your children is a bad thing, don’t do it at the risk of your relationship, says Dr. Parrott. 帕洛特博士说,没人会说你深爱自己的孩子有什么错,但也不要因为这样就给你们的夫妻关系带来风险。 yeeyan “ We've got some little pieces and parts around that will probably be worked on until next spring, but this is the last big part in our construction, ” Parrott said. “我们有一些小件和周围,将可能在明年春天之前,但是这是最后在我们的建设工作的重要组成部分零件,”帕罗特说。 zeiche The common thing that happens, says Dr. Parrott, is for a woman to go from loving wife to devoted mommy. 派瑞特博士说,最普遍的情况是女性有了孩子后就由一个忠诚的妻子变成了专职妈妈。 yeeyan |