

单词 parroted
释义 par·rot·ed 英'pærət美'pærət COCA⁹⁴³³⁹BNC¹²⁶⁴¹⁶⁺

bird with a hooked beak and brightly coloured feathers

usually brightly colored zygodactyl tropical birds with short hooked beaks and the ability to mimic soundsa copycat who does not understand the words or acts being imitated
repeat mindlessly;

The students parroted the teacher's words

parrot fever鹦鹉热parrot fish小吻鹦嘴鱼parrot disease鹦鹉病parrot mouth医 鹦鹉嘴马…parrot jaw医 鹦鹉型突颌…parrot-fashionadv 鹦鹉学舌地,…as a parrot鹦鹉学舌似地重复…like a parrot鹦鹉学舌似地重复…
近义词 ape猿myna八哥mimic模仿copy复制品repeat重复mirror镜子monkey猴子imitate仿效echo发出回声copier抄写员simulate假装copyist膳写摺imitator模仿者lory吸蜜小鹦鹉impersonate模仿cockatoo美冠鹦鹉parakeet长尾鹦鹉copycat盲目的模仿者…mimicker模仿别人的人…impressionist印象主义者impersonatorimpersonate的…repeat back指令应答发射机回复信号…
用作名词(n.A parrot can sometimes make you embarrassed.鹦鹉有时候会让人很尴尬。
It is not a writer's job to play the parrot.作家绝不可鹦鹉学舌。
He talks like a parrot and just repeats what he heard.他只是鹦鹉学舌,拾人牙慧罢了。用作及物动词It is not a writer's job to play the parrot.作家绝不可鹦鹉学舌。as in.imitated
同义词 aped,burlesqued,caricatured,counterfeited,duplicated,mimicked,mocked,parodied,plagiarized,reproduced
imitatedadjective copied
aped,burlesqued,caricatured,counterfeited,duplicated,mimicked,mocked,parodied,plagiarized,reproduced Disappointingly, the same line is parroted by the main opposition Republican People’s Party, for all its claims of change under its new leader, Kemal Kilicdaroglu.
令人失望的是,主要的在野党共和人民党鹦鹉学舌地重复着同样的话,因为它所有宣称的改革都是在新领袖基马尔·基利奇达罗卢 Kemal Kilicdaroglu的领导下提出的。 ecocn

Elsewhere, though, the need to preserve social cohesion, parroted by European politicians from left and right, has become a self-defeating excuse to avoid reform.
然而在其他地方,欧洲的左右翼政客重复着社会凝聚力的重要性,于是维护社会凝聚力成了他们回避改革的借口,其结果只能是弄巧成拙。 ecocn

Of course, nothing happened after the two parroted prayers.
当然,两个鹦鹉式的祷告不会产生什么果效。 q.163.com

The students parroted the teacher's words.
学生拿老师的话学舌。 www.1stenglish.com

What has never been precisely understood, though, is why we like to be parroted so much.
然而,我们从来没有真正明白,为什么我们这样喜欢被模仿。 yeeyan




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