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词汇 parole
释义 pa·role 英pəˈrəʊl美pəˈrolAHDpə-rōlʹ ★☆☆☆☆高M八GCOCA⁹²²⁰BNC¹⁶⁶⁶⁸iWeb⁹¹⁸⁰Economist⁸⁴⁰²

a promise;

he gave his word

a secret word or phrase known only to a restricted group;

he forgot the password

law a conditional release from imprisonment that entitles the person to serve the remainder of the sentence outside the prison as long as the terms of release are complied with
release a criminal from detention and place him on parole;

The prisoner was paroled after serving 10 years in prison

来自法语parole d'honneur,承诺,承诺辞,即parole of honor。来自拉丁语parabola,说话,词源同parable, parley。原指战争中俘虏作出的不逃跑的承诺,后用于对罪犯的假释。 parole来自法语parole d'honneur,承诺,承诺辞,即parole of honor。来自拉丁语parabola,说话,词源同parable, parley。原指战争中俘虏作出的不逃跑的承诺,后用于对罪犯的假释。 parole来自法语parole d'honneur,承诺,承诺辞,即parole of honor。来自拉丁语parabola,说话,词源同parable, parley。原指战争中俘虏作出的不逃跑的承诺,后用于对罪犯的假释。 of来自古英语of。来自原始日耳曼语*af。来自原始印欧语*apo,离开,词源同前缀ab-, apo-, apogee。后作用连词使用,其原词义见off。 honor来自拉丁语honor,尊贵,荣誉,名声。引申词义光荣,荣幸等。 parabola来自希腊语parabole,比较,对话,类比。来自para-,在旁,在周围,-bole,扔,投掷,词源同ballet, ballistic。即扔在旁边的,用于几何术语指抛物线。 parable来自希腊语parabole,比较,对话,类比。来自para-,在旁,在周围,-bole,扔,投掷,词源同ballet, ballistic。即扔在旁边的,引申词义打比方,讲寓言故事。拼写受-able影响俗化。 parley来自古法语parler,说话。来自拉丁语parabolare,说话,交谈。来自para-,在旁,在周围,-bol,扔,投掷,词源同parable, ballistic。字面意思即扔在旁边的,引申词义比较,打比方,说话技巧,交谈,后用于指和谈,对话。parole hearing假释听证会on parole宣誓后获释获准假释…break one's parole违誓
近义词 bail保释word单词freedom自由liberate解放password口令watchword口令liberation解放countersign副署early release提早释放word of honor人格担保

用作名词They had broken theirparoleand fled.他们违背假释誓言,逃之夭夭。
Hisparoleapplication is up for review next week.他的假释申请下周审查。
He's hoping to getparole.他希望获得假释。
Prisoners are entitled to apply forparole.囚犯有权申请假释。
Theparoleboard recommend him forparole.假释委员会推荐给他假释。
He was given a week'sparoleto visit his mother in hospital.他被给予一周的假释去看他在医院的母亲。用作及物动词The prisoner applied to the governor forparole.囚犯向狱长申请假释。
They had broken theirparoleand fled.他们违背假释誓言,逃之夭夭。verb.(discharge
同义词 let out,liberate,pardonfree,releaseset free
反义词 hold
dischargenoun setting free
freeverb liberate, let go
absolve,acquit,bail,bail out,clear,cut loose,deliver,demobilize,discharge,disengage,disenthrall,disimprison,dismiss,emancipate,enfranchise,extricate,let loose,let off,let off the hook,let out,loose,loosen,manumit,pardon,parole,put on the street,ransom,redeem,release,relieve,reprieve,rescue,save,set free,spring,turn loose,turn out,unbind,uncage,unchain,undo,unfetter,unfix,unleash,untie
freedomnoun political independence
abolition,abolitionism,autarchy,autonomy,citizenship,deliverance,delivery,democracy,discharge,disengagement,disimprisonment,emancipation,enfranchisement,exemption,extriction,franchise,home rule,immunity,impunity,liberation,liberty,manumission,parole,prerogative,privilege,probation,release,relief,representative government,rescue,salvage,salvation,self-determination,self-government,sovereignty
manumitverb free
absolve,acquit,bail,bail out,clear,cut loose,deliver,demobilize,discharge,disengage,disenthrall,disimprison,dismiss,emancipate,enfranchise,extricate,let loose,let off,let off the hook,let out,liberate,loose,loosen,pardon,parole,put on the street,ransom,redeem,release,relieve,reprieve,rescue,save,set free,spring,turn loose,turn out,unbind,uncage,unchain,undo,unfetter,unfix,unleash,untie
passwordnoun secret word given for entry
countersign,identification,key,key word,open sesame,parole,phrase,signal,ticket,watchword,word
promisenoun one's word that something will be done
affiance,affirmation,agreement,asseveration,assurance,avowal,betrothal,bond,commitment,compact,consent,contract,covenant,earnest,engagement,espousal,guarantee,insurance,marriage,oath,obligation,pact,parole,pawn,pledge,plight,profession,promissory note,sacred word,security,stipulation,swear,swearing,token,troth,undertaking,vow,warrant,warranty,word,word of honor Amazingly he was granted parole because sufficient doubt remained about his innocence.
戏剧性的是他被准予假释,因为许多人相信他的清白。 kekenet

His parole officer called him in for a meeting the next day, and Garrido brought the two children, his wife, and a woman he identified as Allissa.
第二天假释官对做家访时,他带着他的妻子和两个孩子,以及一个被他叫做阿丽萨的女子。 yeeyan

Also, elderly inmates without family or community ties have virtually no chance of parole, which is granted only for those with a reliable guardian.
此外,没有家庭或者社会关系的老年犯人几乎没有假释的机会,虽然假释只需要一名可靠的监护人。 yeeyan

Because life in prison without parole is the worst possible sentence.
因为,没有假释的终身监禁可能是这个审判的最坏结果。 yeeyan

Biggs's lawyer said in a written submission to the parole board earlier this year that Biggs was a different man from the one who went on the run.
毕格茨的律师在一份今年早些时候递交给假释委员会的书面文件中表示,如今的毕格茨已经不是当年那个在逃的毕格茨了。 yeeyan

Do you know that he was on parole?
你知道他还在假释期间吗? ebigear

I had also begun to commute the sentences of a few murderers with life sentences, so that they could be eligible for parole.
我还着手批准了为几个被判处终身监禁的囚犯减刑,以使他们符合假释的条件。 yeeyan

If convicted, he faces life in prison with no chance of parole.
如果罪名成立,他将面临无假释机会的终身监禁。 yeeyan

In most other cases, however, parole should be an option, although an option exercised with careful deliberation.
然而,在很多其他的情况下,应该给罪犯假释的机会,尽管每一个机会都应该经过深思熟虑。 yeeyan

Many of those released had served all or most of their sentences, and they remain on parole.
许多被释放的人已经几乎服完了他们全部的刑期而且仍在假释中。 ecocn

Most of the offenders74 percent are on parole or probation— a much cheaper alternative to incarceration.
大部分的犯人74%都在假释或者缓刑之中——这要比选择关在监牢里要便宜得多。 yeeyan

No matter how the parole process works, critics warn that hastily rushing the process could lead to the release of the wrong inmates.
不管假释的进程是如何进行的,批评家警告草率地推进这个进程可能会导致将错误的犯人放出来。 yeeyan

Offenders who receive the sentence may be released after doing their time only if the Parole Board decides it is safe.
除非假释委员会认为判刑的罪犯已经没有危害,他才有可能在服完刑之后被释放。 ecocn

Once, an inmate threatened to spread rumours that I was sleeping with prisoners if I didn't rewrite his parole report.
有一次,一个囚犯威胁我修改他的假释报告,否则就诬陷我与囚犯睡觉。 yeeyan

So what's the point in threatening them with imprisonment if they break the terms of their parole?
那假如他们被告之,要是在假释期间再次违法就会被送回监狱,这样的威胁还有什么用? yeeyan

The ensuing policy changes expanded treatment programmes in the community and strengthened supervision of those on probation and parole.
接下来的一系列政策变化扩充了社区处理方案,加强了对那些处于假释或缓刑期罪犯的监视。 ecocn

The U. S. growth is in part a legacy of laws that mandated harsher sentences or abolished parole, keeping convicts in prison into old age.
美国老年犯增长较慢一定程度上应归于法律传统,即更加严厉的判决同时取消假释,让囚犯在狱中步入老年。 yeeyan

The first system, emphasising rehabilitation, gives a lot of discretion to parole boards, who can reward good behaviour and also help with overcrowding by reducing inmates’ prison time.
早期重视教化的体系,赋予假释委员会更多的谨慎,委员会嘉奖良好表现,并且可以通过减少犯人服刑时间减少监狱的拥堵程度。 ecocn

The number of people under state correctional control— meaning jail, prison, probation or parole— has also grown.
在州政府的纠正系统下的人数——在监狱里、拘留所里,缓刑或者假释——都在增长。 yeeyan

The Scottish parole board has also been asked for its views on granting compassionate early release to the former Libyan agent.
他也参考了苏格兰假释委员会对基于人道提前释放此前利比亚特工的意见和看法。 yeeyan

Then he was notified that the shooter was up for his parole hearing.
然后,他被告知将会为那个杀人犯举行假释听证会。 yeeyan

This unit was your careers advisor, social worker, matchmaker, and parole officer in one.
这个组织集职业导师、社工、媒人和假释官于一身。 yeeyan

Wracked with shame and overcome by grief at what he has become, he breaks his parole and wipes the slate clean.
被羞愧所充斥,最终被他所经历的痛苦所战胜,他撕掉了它的假释条并将其清理干净。 yeeyan




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