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词汇 asunder
释义 asunder əˈSʌndər 
a./ad.分离的地apart or separate;化为碎片的地into pieces
widely separated especially in space;

as wide asunder as pole from pole

into parts or pieces;

he took his father's watch apart

split apart

torn asunder

来自英国人本族语日耳曼语,常出现于tear sth asunder撕裂、撕得粉碎、put sth asunder分离等固定搭配中。记住这几个短语搭配即可。as wide as the poles asunder南辕北辙poles asunder南辕北辙截然相反…wide as the poles asunder南辕北辙fall asunder崩散
词源解释来自来自英国人本族语属于日耳曼语,常出现于tear sth asunder撕裂、撕得粉碎、put sth asunder分离等固定搭配中。记住这几个短语搭配即可。
GRE红宝书as正如, under下-正如掉在地上-成为碎片
来自sunder 分离;a + thunder 雷,一个炸雷下来将东西劈成两半;sounder 音响,震得玻璃破裂;音:散的,分散的
a=on,处于某种状态+sunder分开⇒分开,分成碎片。组合词as + under → 好像在下面 ⇒分开了GRE难词记忆asunder→a+sunder v.分离→分离近义词 apart相距open开着的in two分开separate分开的in pieces破碎地in halves成两半divided意见分歧的反义词 together共同

用作副词Our opinions are wide as the polesasunder.我们的意见截然相反。
Parents and children were drivenasunderby the war.父母和子女因战争而分离。
The limbs of the animal were tornasunder.那动物的肢体已被撕裂。
The missile had blown the battleshipasunder.炮弹把战舰炸碎了。adv.apart;into pieces
同义词 disconnected,disjoined,divided,in half,loose,separated,split,to shreds,torn
反义词 together
distantadjective faraway
a piece,abroad,abstracted,apart,arm's length,away,backwoods,beyond range,far,far back,far-flung,far-off,farther,further,in the background,in the boonies,in the distance,in the sticks,inaccessible,indirect,isolated,middle of nowhere,not home,obscure,out of earshot,out of range,out of reach,out-of-the-way,outlying,remote,removed,retired,secluded,secret,separate,sequestered,telescopic,unapproachable,ways,wide of,yonder
dividedadjective detached
looseadjective not tight;unconstrained
apart,asunder,at large,baggy,clear,detached,disconnected,easy,flabby,flaccid,floating,free,hanging,insecure,lax,liberated,limp,loosened,movable,not fitting,relaxed,released,separate,slack,slackened,sloppy,unattached,unbolted,unbound,unbuttoned,uncaged,unclasped,unconfined,unconnected,undone,unfastened,unfettered,unhinged,unhooked,unlatched,unlocked,unpinned,unrestrained,unrestricted,unsecured,unshackled,untied,wobbly
more relaxedadjective loose
apart,asunder,at large,baggy,clear,detached,disconnected,easy,escaped,flabby,flaccid,floating,free,hanging,insecure,lax,liberated,limp,loosened,movable,not fitting,released,separate,slack,slackened,sloppy,unattached,unbolted,unbound,unbuttoned,uncaged,unclasped,unconfined,unconnected,undone,unfastened,unfettered,unhinged,unhooked,unlatched,unlocked,unpinned,unrestrained,unrestricted,unsecured,unshackled,untied,wobbly
relaxedadjective loose
apart,asunder,at large,baggy,clear,detached,disconnected,easy,escaped,flabby,flaccid,floating,free,hanging,insecure,lax,liberated,limp,loosened,movable,not fitting,released,separate,slack,slackened,sloppy,unattached,unbolted,unbound,unbuttoned,uncaged,unclasped,unconfined,unconnected,undone,unfastened,unfettered,unhinged,unhooked,unlatched,unlocked,unpinned,unrestrained,unrestricted,unsecured,unshackled,untied,wobbly
separateadjective disconnected
abstracted,apart,apportioned,asunder,cut apart,cut in two,detached,disassociated,discrete,disembodied,disjointed,distant,distributed,disunited,divergent,divided,divorced,far between,free,in halves,independent,isolated,loose,marked,parted,partitioned,put asunder,removed,scattered,set apart,set asunder,severed,sovereign,sundered,unattached,unconnected Darts of bright light shot asunder, darkness swept over the centre of the lake.
明亮的光标飞向四方,黑暗趁虚而入席卷了湖心。 jukuu

Mr Schultz wants to burst asunder the bonds created by Starbucks’s humble origins as a coffee shop.
舒尔茨先生想把星巴克作为咖啡店起家的卑微出身的一切关系都一刀斩断。 yeeyan

Now this man purchased a field with the reward of iniquity; and falling headlong, he burst asunder in the midst, and all his bowels gushed out.
这人用他作恶的工价,买了一块田,以后身子仆倒,肚腹崩裂,肠子都流出来。 ebigear

The LORD is righteous: he hath cut asunder the cords of the wicked.
耶和华是公义的。他砍断了恶人的绳索。 ebigear

Then I cut asunder mine other staff, even Bands, that I might break the brotherhood between Judah and Israel.
我又折断称为联索的那根杖,表明我废弃犹大与以色列弟兄的情谊。 ebigear

Those whom god have put asunder no man can join together.
上帝给分开来的东西,谁也不能使之结合。 jukuu

As the explosion cooled and its contents scattered, complexity engulfed the universe, splitting its symmetry asunder— a cosmic parallel to Adam and Eve.
当大爆炸开始冷却,物质开始散开,复杂的状况席卷整个宇宙,宇宙的对称性也随之被撕开——这就好比宇宙的亚当与夏娃。 yeeyan

Because that he had been often bound with fetters and chains, and the chains had been plucked asunder by him, and the fetters broken in pieces: neither could any man tame him.
因为人屡次用脚镣和铁链捆锁他,铁链竟被他挣断了,脚镣也被他弄碎了。 总没有人能制伏他。 ebigear

Gaza, where the Islamists of Hamas now hold sway, and the West Bank, where secular Fatah retains control, have been driven asunder almost exactly 40 years after Israel occupied them.
加沙地带,目前被哈马斯 Hamas的伊斯兰主义者所掌控;而约旦河西岸,世俗的法塔赫 Fatah仍维持着对那里的控制。 ecocn

He stood, and measured the earth: he beheld, and drove asunder the nations; and the everlasting mountains were scattered, the perpetual hills did bow: his ways are everlasting.
他站立,量了大地或作使地震动,观看,赶散万民。永久的山崩裂,长存的岭塌陷。 ebigear

How is the hammer of the whole earth cut asunder and broken!
全地的大锤何竟砍断破坏。 ebigear

In today’s wars, many more civilians are killed than soldiers; the seeds of future conflict are sown, economies are wrecked, civil societies torn asunder, refugees amassed, children scarred.
在今天的战争中,平民的死亡大大超过军人;埋下未来冲突的种子;破坏经济;摧毁公民社会;形成大批难民;使儿童遭受创伤。 ebigear

It is not clear at what point he decided that violence was the solution to the ills he believed were tearing European civilization asunder.
尚不清楚他因何故决意用暴力手段了结将欧洲文明扯碎的外来文化。 yeeyan

The Princess Bride starts off as a story a grandfather reads to his sick grandson. The story is about the love between a princess and a farm boy, how these two are torn asunder, and then reunited.
公主新娘以爷爷给生病的孙子讲故事开始,这个故事讲述了公主和农场男孩的爱情,他们是怎样被分离,又是怎么样重聚。 yeeyan

The research and development that Bush tore asunder are once again becoming entwined.
研究与开发,当初布什分而治之,如今再次交织。 ecocn

The purpose of the special tribunal investigating the Rwanda genocide is not only to bring the guilty to justice but also to bring reconciliation to a society that was split asunder.
而当特别法庭调查卢旺达种族屠杀时,审判罪犯也不是唯一目的,人们还希望能够让一个分崩离析的社会有机会迎来和解。 ecocn

United, there is little we cannot do in a host of cooperative ventures. Divided, there is little we can do-- for we dare not meet a powerful challenge at odds and split asunder.
我们如果团结一致,就能在许多合作事业中无往不胜;我们如果分歧对立,就会一事无成--因为我们不敢在争吵不休、四分五裂时迎接强大的挑战。 yeeyan

What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.
所以神配合的,人不可分开。 ebigear

What we need to do is pray for roots that reach deep into the Eternal, so when the rains fall and the winds blow, we won't be swept asunder.
我们所需要做的是祈祷深植我们的信念之根,这样我们就不会被雨打风吹所伤害。 kekenet

What god hath joined together no man shall ever put asunder, god will take care of that.
凡是上帝结合起来的东西,谁人也不应使之分离,上帝将会照料他们。 iciba




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