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词汇 parking garage
释义 parking garage ˈpɑːkɪŋɡærɑːʒ ☆☆☆☆☆高短语¹⁸⁹⁵⁰
Lincoln says he is not a murderer, but Michael asks if that’s the truth, then why was he even in the parking garage?
但 Michael问他,如果他讲的是事实,为何当晚会出现在停车场? yeeyan

The Scope was used in the collapse of the Berkman Plaza parking garage in Jacksonville, Florida in 2007, penetrating23 feet into the rubble and relaying images to rescuers.
2007年在美国佛罗里达州的杰克逊维尔,观测仪就被用在伯克曼广场停车场的倒塌事件中,插入碎石23英尺来向搜救者传输图像。 yeeyan

The evidence is already heavy against Lincoln: Not only did he know and work for Steadman, but Steadman personally fired Lincoln recently after an altercation in the parking garage.
证据十分确凿地指向 Lincoln:不只是因为他认识并且为 Steadman工作,还因为 Steadman最近在停车场与 Lincoln吵架后,亲自解雇了他。 yeeyan

While Jack waits in the driver’s seat, another car enters the parking garage.
杰克坐在驾驶员的座位上等候时,另一辆车驶入了停车场。 yeeyan

Yes, if you stand in this spot in the parking garage shown in the photo, the word“ DOWN” is just floating there.
如果你站在这张照片的取景点往停车场里看,那单词“ DOWN”确实是浮在那里的。 yeeyan

A beat up van pulls into a Washington, D.C. parking garage.
在华盛顿,一辆破旧的小货车开进了一个停车场里。 yeeyan

A Mercedes hangs from the 7th floor parking garage at the Bank of America in Oklahoma.
一辆奔驰从奥克拉荷马美国银行停车场的第7层探出身子。 yeeyan

Alexandria Paige pulls her car into a parking garage in Birmingham, Ala.
亚历山德丽亚佩奇将车驶入了阿拉巴马州伯明翰的一个停车场。 yeeyan

Enter the old office romance, which can either be a positive experience or end with a car chase through the parking garage.
回到老套的办公室恋情,这既可能是一次愉快的体验,也可能随着停车场的一番汽车追逐而结束。 yeeyan

He has brought a tape, the surveillance video the parking garage where Lincoln allegedly killed Terrence Steadman.
他带来了一卷录像带,是 Lincoln杀死 Steadman的那个停车场的监控录像带。 yeeyan

I found that I have a covered Park-and- Ride parking garage just5 minutes from my house that offers free parking for the day with the purchase of bus fare.
我发现离我家只需5分钟的地方有一个室内的停车换乘停车场,只要购买公车票就能白天免费停车。 ibm

In1990, he and an old war buddy wrote a report to the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, which owns the Trade Center site, insisting on the need for more security in the parking garage.
在1990年,他和一位老战友写了一封报告给纽约的港口管理局以及世贸拥有方新泽西洲的管理局,坚持在停车场加强安防。 yeeyan

Indeed, the first terrorist attack on the World Trade Center occurred on February26,1993, when Islamic terrorists detonated a car bomb in the parking garage of Tower One, seeking to knock it down.
事实上,世界贸易中心遭受的第一次恐怖袭击发生在1993年2月26日,当时伊斯兰教恐怖分子在双子一号塔停车场引爆了一枚汽车炸弹,想炸毁它。 yeeyan

Jack pulls the limo into an empty parking garage where Cofell is supposed to meet Kevin Carroll.
杰克将豪华轿车停在一个无人的停车场,这是科菲尔和凯文.卡洛尔约好见面的地方。 yeeyan

Much more likely, this was meant to be a symbolic act of violence against capitalist America- like the bomb in the parking garage of the World Trade Center eight years earlier.
他们这样做更是像以暴力对抗资本主义美国的一种象征-----如同8年前世贸中心停车场的炸弹爆炸案。 yeeyan

Nick jumps in and offers that a video forensic analyst argued the authenticity of the parking garage surveillance video that showed Lincoln assassinating Terrence Steadman.
Nick插话指出,有一个视频分析师对当晚停车场录像带的真实性提出质疑,就是那盘清楚显示是 Lincoln暗杀了 Steadman的录像带。 yeeyan

Photographer Andy Hemingway has released a photo series of light painting in an abandoned parking garage in Houston, TX.
摄影师安迪·海明威发布了他在德克萨斯州休斯顿的一个废弃车库中创作的光画影集。 yeeyan

She had even gotten a call from a parking garage a mile-and-a- half away but didn't know how he'd gotten there.
她甚至接到来自1.5英里外的一个停车场的电话,但她不知道它怎样到那里。 yeeyan

Skipping brain maintenance is as silly as the person wandering the parking garage because they forgot where they parked.
忽视大脑保养是很傻的,就像有人在停车场里瞎走,因为他们忘记自己把车停在哪里了。 hxen

Still talking to Gaines on the phone, Jack is led to a waiting car in the hospital parking garage.
盖恩斯仍然与杰克通过电话交谈,他指示杰克来到医院停车场的一辆等候在那的汽车旁边。 yeeyan

The first and largest composition was in a decidedly prosaic location: a parking garage on the outer ring of the city.
第一组、也是规模最大的一组照片拍摄于一个十分“平凡”的地点:市郊的一个停车场。 hxen

The Main Library's parking garage will remain open through the reception.
主图书楼的停车场将在活动期间持续开放。 yeeyan

The new building is being done in the new shade of Green, with a living roof on the parking garage and a million- gallon rainwater storage tank to reduce water use.
盖茨基金会的新总部大楼采用了绿色环保概念,停车场的房顶藤蔓密布,还有一个100万加仑大的雨水储集池,以便节约用水。 iciba

We strung sensors around a campus parking garage to monitor vehicle traffic and space occupancy.

When a report of a possible explosive device on the roof of a city parking garage came in to the Lakeland, Florida, Police Department, public safety officials there sprang into action.
当一则室内停车场屋顶可能有炸弹的消息传到佛罗里达湖区警察局的时候,公共安全官员们立刻展开行动。 yeeyan

When I went to pick up my car from the parking garage a few days later, water poured out of the vehicle.
几天后,当我从停车场取车的时候,发现车里往外流水。 iciba




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