释义 |
Park Avenue ˌpɑːkˈævənjuː 短语²⁰⁹²¹ 基本例句 派克大街美国纽约市的豪华大街街名,常用作奢华时髦阶层的同义语 At J.P. Morgan, more than 200 of the bank's top managers were holding round-the- clock discussions in a suite of offices on the eighth floor of the bank's Park Avenue building. 位于派克大街的 JP摩根总部内,200多名公司高级经理聚集在8楼的几间会议室里全天候讨论收购事宜。 yeeyan The Park Avenue, to be built at Shanghai GM's Jinqiao plant, is the first vehicle to go into production outside of Australia using GM's global rear- wheel- driveZeta architecture. 林荫大道将在上海通用金桥工厂生产,是第一款在澳大利亚外生产的通用全球后驱车型。 blog.sina.com.cn By the time he turned13, his father was prosperous enough to move the family to an apartment on Park Avenue and enroll his underachieving son at a Manhattan private school. 等他长到13岁的时候,父亲赚够了钱,举家搬迁到林荫大道的一所公寓中,而学习成绩平平的大卫也被送到了曼哈顿一所私立学校。99ys Mr. Feinberg, a soft-spoken man with a mustache, was sitting in his Park Avenue office one evening recently. 费伯格先生,一个留着小胡子的温文尔雅的男人,坐在他的大办公室里。 yeeyan They live in a nine- thousand-square-foot duplex at740 Park Avenue, with their three children. 夫妇二人和他们的3个孩子住在位于派克大街740号的一栋占地9千平方英尺的双层洋房里。 yeeyan |