释义 |
Paris green 基本英英近义反义例句 n.化巴黎绿;乙酰亚砷酸铜绿色有毒粉末;主要用途染料;杀虫剂和木材防腐剂
Noun: a toxic double salt of copper arsenate and copper acetatea shade of green tinged with yellow近义词 pea green淡绿色yellow green黄绿chartreuse 黄绿色yellowish green黄绿色的 Hui Ming Tea isParis greenby the luster, the pekoe revealed that does not have the pollution, to bear swells, fragrant high Flavor Pure the depth to favor the regional consumers.公司主要产品为玉簪茶、惠明茶、惠明白茶,惠明茶产区层峦叠嶂,常年云雾缭绕。惠明茶以条索细紧、色泽翠绿、白毫显露、无污染、耐冲泡、香高味醇深受各地消费者青睐。 |