

单词 Parental leave
释义 Parental leave pəˌrentlˈliːv ●○○○○高M短语⁷⁹⁹⁷⁸⁺
Adequate provisions for maternity protection and parental leave, as well as effective protection from sexual violence and abuse, are essential.
充分的生育保护和产假保障,有效保护妇女不受性暴力和性虐待都至关重要。 yuloo

Ann- Marie Prhat of the TCO employee federation said she had been determined to share the parental leave with her husband.
TCO雇员联合会的安-玛丽·普拉特表示,她会和她的丈夫共享产假。 yeeyan

But in2006 the Liberal provincial government of Jean Charest introduced a provision for parental leave that is more generous than anywhere else in North America.
到2006年,该省以让•沙雷为首的自由政府引入了一项比北美任何地方都要优厚的产假规定。 ecocn

He and his now former wife shared parental leave by alternating days at work and at home.
他和已经离婚的前妻分享产假,以天为单位轮换着上班和呆在家里。 yeeyan

Within two years, fathers taking parental leave surged from3 percent to more than 20 percent.
在两年之内,休产假的父亲的比率从3%激增至20%. yeeyan

Women continued to take parental leave not just for tradition's sake but because their pay was often lower, thus perpetuating pay differences.
一方面,女性继续休产假的原因并不是为了孕育下一代,而是因为她们的薪酬相对较低,而这会让收入不平等一直持续下去; yeeyan




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