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词汇 pardo
释义 pardo
n.帕尔多在阿根廷;西经 59º24' 南纬 36º16'
Following the shootings, Pardo quickly got out of the Santa suit and drove off, witnesses told police.
目击者告诉警方, Pardo在射击之后立刻脱下了圣诞老人服并驾车离开。 yeeyan

I bought an Antonio Raya Pardo from my teacher.
我买了一个从我的老师安东尼拉亚帕尔多。 guitarera

In the case of World of Warcraft, that person was Rob Pardo, the game's lead designer.
就魔兽世界这个游戏而言,这个人就是 Rob Pardo,该游戏的主设计师。 docin

Investigators planned to return to the scene today and sift through the ashes of the home which Pardo set ablaze using a bizarre homemade device that sprayed flammable liquid.
调查人员计划恢复罪案现场,并在熊熊大火燃烧后的房屋灰烬中寻找线索——杀手使用了某种自制设备喷洒了可燃液体,并随后引燃房屋。 yeeyan

Investigators seeking further information about Pardo's motives have begun searching his home in the suburban Los Angeles community of Montrose.
调查人员正在搜寻关于 Pardo犯罪动机的进一步信息,并已开始对 Pardo在洛城郊外 Montrose社区的住所展开了调查。 yeeyan

Police were called to the home early yesterday and officers found Pardo dead of a single bullet to the head.
昨日早些时候,警方接警后前往了该藏身之所。警员们到达时发现 Pardo已死,其头部有一记弹孔。 yeeyan

Police said Pardo had recently worked is the aerospace industry.
警方称 Pardo最近在为航空工业工作。 yeeyan

The gift-wrapped box Pardo was carrying actually contained a pressurised homemade device he used to spray a liquid that quickly sent the house up in flames.
Pardo带来的礼物盒中暗藏一只自制压力设备,他使用该设备喷射了某种液体,使得房屋很快陷入火海之中。 yeeyan

Pardo chose to exact his revenge at the annual Christmas party his former in-laws held at their two-storey home in a quiet Covina neighbourhood25 miles east of Los Angeles.
Pardo选择在前妻家双层住宅中举行的圣诞派对上实施复仇。 Pardo的前妻住在位于洛杉矶以东25英里的宁静小城 Covina。 yeeyan




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