

单词 paratactic
释义 para·tac·tic 英ˌpærə'tæktɪk美ˌpærə'tæktɪk 高COCA¹³¹⁷²⁹BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹
A few of these are serial sentences prose, what Ron Silliman dubbed“the new sentence”: a quick succession of complete sentences, juxtaposed one to the next, without logical connectives paratactic.
其中有些是是由一系列句子组成的散文,让· 希里曼称之为“新句子”,即一连串的完整句子并置,全然没有逻辑上的并列连接词。 fls.ccnu.edu.cn

Both hypotactic and paratactic expressions can find their profound cultural explanations.
形合和意合的表现都有其深层文化根源。 cnki

The opposite compounds in modern Chinese are a group of paratactic compound words, each of which consists of two monosyllabic morphemes opposite in meaning.
现代汉语反义合成词是一类由两个意义相反或相对的单音节语素构成的并列式复合词。 dictall

The paratactic syntax and tense feature of Chinese ancient poetry can create a kind of “ Dynamic Beauty”.
古汉诗的意合句法和时态特征创建了一种“动态美”。 cnki

I feel at least has3 is paratactic first: It is a profession,2 it is a company,3 it is a boss.
我觉得起码有三个是并列第一的:一是职业,二是公司,三是老板。 iciba

This dissertation also studies the complementary distribution of the connective He and the connective Yu, in the number of paratactic parts, especial construction, and the phonetic requirements, etc.
本文还从连接成分的数量、特殊结构、语音要求等方面对“和”、“与”作连词时的分工情况进行了考察。 cnki




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