

单词 parasols
释义 parasols ˈpærəˌsɔ:lz COCA⁶⁵⁷²⁴BNC⁴⁷¹⁹⁸Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
n.阳伞parasol的复数原型parasol的复数 And in a playful take on the LV logo, it was used for parasols and to aerate clear plastic purses.
俏皮采取 LV标志,它是使用阳伞和充气的透明塑料钱包。 diandian

It is now clear autumn, chrysanthemums and crabs both growing fat; Leaves of Chinese parasols fall while lean cicadas are scarce.
时届清秋菊蟹肥﹐梧桐叶落瘦蝉稀。 yeeyan

Stretches of beautiful white parasols in every major exhibition area and around pavilions will shield visitors from the burning sun.
重要的展区和展馆周围都安置了亮丽的白色伞篷,连绵一片,为游客们遮挡烈日。 www.china.org.cn

The staff say, the parasols add color to the office life.
员工说,雨伞把更多色彩带进了办公室。 newdaai

But at this part there was a private beachnotice all the beach parasols, so we had to walk further down to find the public area.
但是这部分属于私人海滨浴场有遮阳伞的都是,所以我们还得再走好远才能到达公共浴场。 travellerspoint

In summer, enjoy a meal outdoors under parasols.
夏季,您可以在室外的遮阳伞下用餐。 orangeway

Many girls carry parasols on sunny days.
不少女孩子在晴天打着阳伞。 rednet

Other specialties include silk parasols and West Lake Dragon Well Tea, which is among the top ten produced in China.
其他特产有西湖绸伞和中国十大名茶之一的西湖龙井。 blog.sina.com.cn

Sky, beautiful will base beach, parasols like;
晴空下,美丽的威尔基沙滩,阳伞如花; blog.sina.com.cn

Sri Lankan police are also known to occasionally round up so-called“umbrella lovers” who shelter under parasols in scorching sun along the coastal promenade in the capital.
据悉,斯里兰卡警方偶尔还会跑到海边围捕所谓的“阳伞情侣”,即如果二人共撑一把阳伞在炽热的太阳下在海边散步,就有遭逮捕的危险。 hp009

They help form the pioneer parasols for new patches of forest, and in their understory slower, denser trees can grow at a more leisurely pace.
它们早早在森林的新区域中顶上阳伞,让下层进驻速度较慢、密度较低的树种可以长得更为从容些。 yeeyan

This beach is furnished with loungers, parasols, hammocks, showers and a beach bar.
海滩配有椅,太阳伞,吊床,淋浴和海滩酒吧。 cqylyq

Parasols are used as a protection against the sun.
阳伞是用来遮挡阳光的。 bokee




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