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“The imagination of American lawyers is just without parallel in the world, ” the judge said from the bench.
卡普兰法官说,“美国律师的想象力是世界上是独一无二的。” yeeyan

In the years that followed the American Revolution, the controversy between Federalists and Jeffersonians had its parallel in literature.
美国革命后,文学领域里也发生过联邦主义者和杰斐逊派之争。 jukuu

Criticize the authorities in detail if you want, but they have done so much to relieve poverty, on such a massive scale and with such speed, that there cannot be any parallel in history.
你可以详尽地批评执掌政权的人,但他们减少了那么多的贫困,工程之庞大与迅速,历史从来没有出现过。 cri

Yet despite all the problems, China has grown at such high rates and over such a long period that there is no parallel in history.




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