

单词 astronomical
释义 as·tro·nom·i·cal 英ˌæstrəˈnɒmɪkəl美ˌæstrəˈnɑmɪkəlAHDăs'trə-nŏmʹĭ-kəl ★☆☆☆☆高四GST宝八COCA¹⁰⁰⁶³BNC¹⁵⁶⁷⁰iWeb¹¹³²⁹Economist¹⁴⁶⁰⁷

relating or belonging to the science of astronomy;

astronomic telescope

inconceivably large发音释义:,æstrə'nɑmɪkl adj. 天文的,天文学的;极大的
结构分析:astronomical = astronomy天文学+cal形容词后缀→天文学的
常用搭配:astronomical number天文数字;astronomical telescope天文望远镜;astronomical obscrvatory天文台astronomical unit天文单位astronomical tide天文潮astronomical longitude天文经度,黄经…astronomical triangle天文三角形astronomical refraction大气折射astronomical equator天文赤道astronomical observation天体观察astronomical observatory天文台astronomical point天文点astronomical telescope天文望远镜astronomical navigation天文航海astronomical time天文时间,天文时…astronomical day天文日astronomical position天文位置astronomical twilight天文晨昏蒙影,天文曙…astronomical latitude黄纬,天文纬度…astronomical geodesy天文大地测量学,天文…astronomical clock天文钟astronomical meridian天文子午线
astr星星+o连接字母+nom规则+ical形容词后缀→星星规则的⇒天文学的。词根记忆astro星星+ nomical → 星星的,星体的 ⇒庞大的近义词 astral星的huge巨大的vast巨大的lunar月亮的solar太阳的cosmic宇宙的sky-high极高immense巨大的enormous巨大的galactic星系的planetary行星的stellar星状的excessive过分的prodigious巨大的astronomic天文学的cosmological宇宙哲学的exorbitant价格等过高的…astrophysical天体物理学的…

用作形容词He is engaged inastronomicalresearch.他致力于天文学的研究。
He was too poor to buy anastronomicaltelescope.他太穷了,买不起天文望远镜。
The costs of land for building areastronomical.买地建房的花费很庞大。
Astronomical sums of money will be needed for this river tunnel plan.这条过江隧道的计划需要极大的一笔钱。adj.huge
同义词 colossal,considerable,enormous,gigantic,humongous,monumental,sizeable,tremendous,vast,whoppingastronomicepic,ginormous,jumbo,mammoth,massive,mega,monster,prodigious,very big,very large
反义词 insignificant,little,small,teeny,tiny,unimportant
considerableadjective abundant, large
pandemicadjective universal
accepted,all,all over,all-embracing,all-inclusive,astronomical,broad,catholic,celestial,common,comprehensive,cosmic,cosmopolitan,customary,diffuse,ecumenical,empyrean,extensive,general,generic,global,multinational,mundane,omnipresent,planetary,prevalent,regular,stellar,sweeping,terrestrial,total,ubiquitous,undisputed,unlimited,unrestricted,usual,whole,widespread,worldly,worldwide
sphericaladjective stellar
stellaradjective celestial
universaladjective worldwide, entire
accepted,all,all over,all-embracing,all-inclusive,astronomical,broad,catholic,celestial,common,comprehensive,cosmic,cosmopolitan,customary,diffuse,ecumenical,empyrean,extensive,general,generic,global,multinational,mundane,omnipresent,planetary,prevalent,regular,stellar,sweeping,terrestrial,total,ubiquitous,undisputed,unlimited,unrestricted,usual,whole,widespread,worldly
vastadjective very large;wide in range
all-inclusive,ample,astronomical,big,boundless,broad,capacious,colossal,comprehensive,detailed,endless,enormous,eternal,expanded,extensive,far-flung,far-reaching,forever,giant,gigantic,great,huge,illimitable,immeasurable,immense,infinite,limitless,mammoth,massive,measureless,monstrous,monumental,never-ending,prodigious,prolonged,spacious,spread-out,stretched-out,sweeping,titanic,tremendous,unbounded,unlimited,voluminous,widespread Cerro Paranal, in the Chilean Atacama Desert, is considered one of the best astronomical observing sites in the world.
在智利的阿塔卡马沙漠中的赛罗帕瑞娜被认为是全世界天文观测最佳地点之一。 yeeyan

Einstein’s theory transformed our ideas of space and time, extending classical physics to the realm of high velocities and astronomical distances.
爱因斯坦的理论改变了人们对于时空的概念,将古典物理学拓展到高速率和天文距离的领域; yeeyan

In other words, how many total system states are there with a particular energy. Well, in many, many, many cases the answer is some astronomical number.

Robert Matthews of the University of Aston in Birmingham, UK, combined astronomical data with number theory to do just that.
英国伯明翰阿斯顿大学的罗伯特·马修斯就利用了天文数据再结合数论完成了这项创举。 yeeyan

The seasons are marked by solstices and equinoxes— astronomical terms that relate to Earth’s tilt.
季节以夏至,冬至和春分、秋分这些与地球的倾斜相关的天文学术语标记。 yeeyan

The strategic alignment of a large, faint crater at the “ bottom” edge of Dione completes the astronomical illusion.
狄俄涅“下部”边缘上巨大而模糊的火山口关键性的校直完成了这个天文学假象。 yeeyan

“ A recent study in the Royal Astronomical Society Journal predicts that our oceans will evaporate in one billion years, ” he says.
他说:“《皇家天文协会期刊》上的一项最新研究预言,我们的海洋将会在十亿年后消失。” ebigear

An astronomical unit is the distance between Earth and our sun.
一个天文单位是地球与太阳之间的距离。 yeeyan

As often seen through an astronomical telescope eyepiece, the planet's orientation is inverted, with Mars' north polar cap at the bottom.
由于往往是通过天文望远镜的目镜拍摄,火星的方向是颠倒的,行星的北极冠在下面。 yeeyan

Because you know there really is a simply astronomical number of states accessible to the whole bunch of atoms or molecules in this room.

I’ve mulled over these warnings and have converged on what I think are some simple truths, from a purely astronomical perspective.
我曾经也反复思考过这些警告,并从纯粹的天文学角度来集中考虑一些简单的事实。 yeeyan

In1952 the International Astronomical Federation considered space law: what are the property rights in space, legal liabilities, and responsibilities?
在1952,国际天文学联合会认为空间法律是:在太空中,什么是财产权利,法律责任和责任? yeeyan

MacRobert said the full moon falling on the autumnal equinox is simply one of many astronomical coincidences that happen to be occurring this month.
麦克罗伯特说满月于秋分日落下不过是众多天文巧合事件中的一例,碰巧发生在了本月。 yeeyan

Not long ago, it was anything but dull, expanding at an astronomical rate through one big deal after another.
不久以前,他可一点也不笨拙,签下一笔又一笔的交易,以天文数字的速度扩张。 ecocn

One astronomical unit is the distance between the Earth and the sun.
一个天文单位等于地球到太阳之间的距离。 yeeyan

Ordinary astronomical phenomena are imbued with a sense of threat by people who already think the world is going to end.
对那些认为世界已经走到尽头的人来说,任何普通的天文现象都可以是凶兆。 yeeyan

So you have this astronomical number of system states.

The government could absorb some or all of this, but at an astronomical and politically unpalatable price.
政府可以吸收全部或部分损失,但是其代价将是一笔政治上行不通的天文数字。 ecocn

The second was the first use of an astronomical telescope by Galileo Galilei.
另一个重大发现则是伽利略•加利雷首次使用天文望远镜。 ecocn

The team publish their results in a letter to the journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.
这一研究小组将他们的研究成果发表在了《皇家天文学会月刊通报》上。 gezhi.org

They are able to do so because these records use both compass bearings and astronomical observations to locate a vessel.
他们之所以能够那样做,是因为这些原始记录同时使用了罗盘方位于天文观察来定位一艘航海船。 ecocn

This research will appear in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.
本研究将发表在英国皇家天文学会每月通告的。 yeeyan

Whittle, whose primary area of research relates to galaxy formation, presented his cosmic riff at a recent meeting of the American Astronomical Society in Denver.
在美国天文学会近期在丹佛举办的一个会议上,以星系形成为主要研究领域的惠特尔介绍了他的宇宙即兴小段。 yeeyan

With it, NASA took the lead in creating the space station, where humans have learned how to survive for months in micro- gravity and do biomedical and astronomical research.
用它,美国宇航局带头创 建了太空站,在那里人类已经学会在微重力条件下生存数月,并做生物医学和天文学研究。 yeeyan

Astronomical images of the well-known Pleiades often show the cluster's alluring blue reflection nebulae, but they are washed-out here in the bright moonlight.
著名的昴星团在天文照片中常常以迷人的蓝色反射星云夺人眼目,但在这张照片上,它们因明亮的月光而失色。 yeeyan

Astronomical objects can also be disconcerting to drivers, as they seem to “ follow” the car.
天文物体也会让司机神经兮兮,好像它们在“跟着”他们的车一样。 yeeyan




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