

单词 parade
释义 pa·rade 英pəˈreɪd美pəˈredAHDpə-rādʹ ★★☆☆☆高四六研IST4八COCA⁵²⁶⁷BNC⁶⁵⁴⁰iWeb⁴⁸⁹³Economist⁸⁰³⁷

vt. & vi. 使集合接受检阅

cause sb to gather together for inspection, a roll-call, etc.

vt. & vi. 游行; 列队行进

march or walk in a procession or in order to display sth

vt. 展示,炫耀

display sth; show sth off


formal gathering of troops for inspection, a roll-call


a public procession

a ceremonial procession including people marchingan extended often showy succession of persons or things;

a parade of strollers on the mall

a parade of witnesses

a visible display;

she made a parade of her sorrows

walk ostentatiously;

She parades her new husband around town

march in a procession;

the veterans paraded down the street

parade, expose, flaunt, show


show最常用,指采取行动以达到让别人能看见的目的; expose指移去某物的覆盖物或把某物从隐藏处拿出来以使其公开暴露,也指陈列商品等,暗示暴露令人不快、应该藏匿的事物; parade指夸耀或炫耀,有时侧重怀有欺骗的念头; flaunt指比parade更无耻地挑衅式地卖弄或夸示。例如:

Keep indoors and don't expose your skin to the sun.留在屋里,不要让皮肤在太阳下暴晒。
She was flaunting her new fur coat.她正在夸耀她那件新皮衣。
She paraded the corridors in her new dress.她穿着新衣服炫耀地在走廊里走来走去。parade,demonstration,procession





用作动词 v.
~+名词parade the boulevard在林阴道上游行parade car夸耀小汽车parade family background炫耀某人出身parade girlfriend夸耀女友parade knowledge炫耀知识parade the streets马路游行parade troops检阅部队~+副词parade aimlessly无目的地游行parade rebelliously游行以示反抗parade spectacularly壮观地游行~+介词parade along沿…行进parade as modern science假冒现代科学parade through the square游行通过广场parade up and down the street在街上走来走去用作名词 n.动词+~have〔hold, stage〕 a parade举行游行make a parade of one's learning炫耀自己的学问march in parade列队行进organize〔review, take part in〕 a parade组织〔检阅,参加〕游行形容词+~military parade阅兵political parade政治性游行sick parade军队病号检阅inaugural parade就职典礼上的游行名词+~church parade教会游行dress parade正式阅兵式street parade街头游行victory parade胜利游行identification parade列队认人undress parade非正式阅兵式介词+~on parade在游行,接受检阅~+介词parade of wealth夸耀财富
用作名词n.make a parade of

炫示,卖弄display sth in order to impress people

on parade

在游行,在列队行进taking part in a parade

par排列+ade=ate,拉丁语动词的过去分词后缀,在此构成名词,表示行为完成后的结果→排列好的队伍⇒列队行进,游行,阅兵,炫耀。非常记忆pa怕〖拼音〗+grade成绩〖熟词〗⇒怕阅兵得到差的成绩词根记忆 原意指部队训练场,引申为排队游行,部队训练,准备打仗词根记忆para旁边+de→展示给旁边的人看→游行谐音记忆音“颇累的”⇒游行parade是颇累的 近义词 lineshowprocessionn. display反义词n. hidingsuppression
S+~+AThe troops paraded by.部队列队通过。
The army paraded round drill squares.军队绕训练场列队行进。
An army of penguins paraded along the beach.一群企鹅沿海滨列队行进。
They went parading.他们游行去了。
She paraded up and down in her new hat.她戴着新帽子招摇过市。
S+~+ n./pron.They paraded the streets.他们在马路上游行。
Angry crowds paraded the boulevard.愤怒的人群在林阴道上游行。
The colonel paraded his troops.上校检阅自己的部队。
The young commander paraded his troops along the thoroughfare.年轻的指挥员命令部队列队在大道上行进。
He is parading his knowledge.他在炫耀他的知识。
He paraded his girlfriend and his car in front of me.他在我面前夸耀他的女友和小汽车。
Please remind him not to parade his family background.请提醒他不要炫耀自己的出身。
S+~+ n./pron. +as n./pron.He paraded himself as the founder of the society.他把自己标榜为该协会的缔造者。
He always parades himself as somebody.他总是自吹为重要人物。
These changes were paraded as progress.这些变化被夸耀为进步。用作名词n.The general inspected the parade.将军在阅兵式中检阅了部队。
The Olympic Games began with a parade of all the competing nations.奥运会以所有参赛国列队进场开始。Pparadern.游行者Pparade-groundn.阅兵场




用作名词People wore historical costumes for theparade.人们穿著古装参加游行。
The children flew out to see theparade.孩子们奔出去看游行队伍。
No words can express the grandeur of thatparade.阅兵式那宏伟的场面是无法用语言表达的。
The general inspected theparade.将军检阅了阅兵式。用作不及物动词The strikersparadedthrough the city center.罢工队伍游行穿过市中心。
Paris workers willparadeon May Day.巴黎工人将在五一劳动节举行游行。
A band preceded the soldiers in theparade.在阅兵行列中一支乐队走在士兵的前面。
Chinese American soldiers of the U.S. Army Signal Corps are photographed onparadebefore being deployed to the CBI Theater of Operations.美国陆军通讯兵连的中美士兵在部署中缅印军事行动战场之前在阅兵场的阅兵。
Sheparadedup and down in her new hat.她戴著新帽子在人前走来走去。
There was nothing toparadeover in those days.在那些岁月里,我们没有什么东西值得向人夸耀。用作及物动词He is alwaysparadinghis knowledge.他总是夸耀自己的知识。
He is not one toparadehis achievements.他不是一个爱炫耀自己成就的人。
The colonelparadedhis troops.上校检阅自己的部队。noun.pageant, display
同义词 ceremony,demonstration,procession,ritual,show,spectaclearray,cavalcade,column,exhibition,fanfare,flaunting,line,march,ostentation,panoply,pomp,review,shine,train,vauntingautocade
反义词 concealment,hiding,dullness,plainnessverb.show off;march
同义词 brandish,demonstrate,flash,prance,strut,swagger,trot outadvertise,air,boast,brag,declare,disclose,display,disport,divulge,exhibit,expose,flaunt,proclaim,publish,reveal,sport,vauntmarch in review
反义词 conceal,hide,be modest,be quiet,cover,deprecate,secrete,suppress,withhold
Mardi Grasnoun carnival before lent
Pancake Day,Pancake Tuesday,Shrove Tuesday,carnival,celebration,festival,revels
arraynoun collection, considerable group
arrayverb arrange in collection or order
align,display,exhibit,form,group,line up,methodize,organize,parade,range,set,show,systematize
arraysnoun collection, considerable group
apparel,attire,drapes,dresses,duds,finery,full dresses,garb,garments,getups,rigs,threads
arraysverb arrange in collection or order
attires,bedecks,clothes,decks,decks out,decorates,dogs out,drapes,dudes up,duds,fits,fits out,garbs,outfits,suits up,togs,tries on,turns out,wraps
brandishverb flaunt, swing around
come on strong,display,disport,exhibit,expose,flash,gesture,parade,raise,shake,show,show off,sport,swing,threaten,throw weight around,trot out,warn,wield And this in one sense answers the question about the message conveyed by the National Day parade: its main audience was not the outside world, but China’s own people.
这在某种意义上解释了国庆阅兵向什么传达的讯息:其主要的观众不是外部的世界,而是中国人。 yeeyan

It opens with the artist's first visit to Rome in1917 to work on the sets and costumes for “ Parade”.
在这个部分的开头就叙述了艺术家初次在1917年访问罗马,以勾勒出作品“游行”中的布景与着装。 ecocn

The Wellington Phoenix Morfs dance in front of their float during a street parade featuring the New Zealand All Whites and Boca Juniors, in Wellington, New Zealand.
新西兰全白之队与阿根廷博卡青年队的足球之战即将开始,新西兰惠灵顿凤凰队的球迷在大街游行的彩车前面起舞。 yeeyan

“ Pink Elephants on Parade” and“ When I See an Elephant Fly” are the only songs that stick out.
“游行中的粉红小象”和“当我看到一头会飞的象”是唯一突出的两首歌曲。 yeeyan

A band ended the parade.

At least18 people died at the Love Parade music festival in Germany today when they were crushed inside a tunnel during a stampede caused by panic.
今天,在德国举行的“爱的大巡游”音乐节上,在一个隧道里面因恐慌而逃窜发生的踩踏至少导致了18人死亡。 yeeyan

Everyday rules are temporarily suspended and thousands of costumed New Yorkers parade in the streets without fear of being judged.
平时的规矩暂时被搁在一边,数以千计盛装的纽约人在街上游行,无畏他人评判的眼光。 hjenglish

Offices have been closed, and staff and residents warned not to open windows or watch the parade from their balconies.
办公楼都已下班,工作人员和市民被警告不要开窗或从自家阳台上观看阅兵。 yeeyan

Otherwise, I don't know why they would have gone to Euro Disney to look at the MickeyMouse parade.
否则,我实在想不通为什么他们会去欧洲迪尼斯乐园观看米老鼠大游行。 ebigear

She was dressed up for the Easter parade.

Slowly, the line began to move. It seemed more like a parade than an attack.
慢慢地,这支部队开始向前,与其说是进攻,倒不如说像是游行。 yeeyan

Some 60 people have already been banned from the parade route Friday and both uniformed and undercover officers will be in the crowds or on rooftops.
目前已经有约60人被禁止在周五那天出现在游行路线附近,到时穿制服的警察和便衣警察都会在人群中或天台上巡逻。 cri

Some boys tailed after the parade.

Some of its members support and attend an annual parade that honours those who, during the second world war, served in the two Latvian divisions of the Waffen-SS.
它的某些成员支持和参加一年一次的游行为了纪念彰显第二次世界大战中在拉脱维亚的两个武装党卫队的师服役的人们。 ecocn

That day, there was an election parade in the neighborhood.
那天在我家附近有一场竞选游行。 yeeyan

The troops lined up in parade formation.

There are moments of drama—a demonstration at the university, a parade— but these are rare.
书中也有一些喧嚣时刻:大学里的示威,游行——但是这样的场景寥寥无几。 ecocn

There will be a big parade.
这里会有大型的阅兵式。 ebigear

Those cheering and waving at the Heroes Parade in London today would be well advised to keep at least one hand on their back pocket.
建议那些在今天伦敦奥运英雄庆功游行上热情招手和开心欢呼的人们:你们最好小心你们的钱袋。 yeeyan

Today, the theme is“Where the Past Meets the Future, ” and Don announces the floats for the parade down Main Street.
今天的主题是“过去与未来交汇之处”,会有一场沿主道行进的花车游行,由唐担任解说。 yeeyan




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