

单词 astrometry
释义 as·trom·e·try 英əˈstrɒmɪtriː美əˈstrɑmɪtriAHDə-strŏmʹĭ-trē 高COCA⁸²⁸²⁵BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹iWeb⁵⁸⁴⁴⁴

the branch of astronomy that deals with the measurement of the position and motion of celestial bodies钱博士astr星星,天体+o连接字母+metr测量+y抽象名词后缀→测量天体的学科⇒天体测量学
astr星星,天体+o连接字母+metr测量+y抽象名词后缀→测量天体的学科⇒天体测量学。as in.astrology
同义词 horoscopeas in.astronomy
同义词 astrophysicsselenology,stargazing,uranologyastrochemistry,astrography,astrolithology,sky-watching
astrologynoun prophesy of the future by observation of stars and planets
astronomynoun study of the stars and planets other than earth
astrochemistry,astrography,astrolithology,astrometry,astrophysics,selenology,sky-watching,stargazing,uranology The Celestial reference systemCRS is possessed of important station in the fields of studying astrometry and geodesy.
天球参考系的研究在天体测量、大地测量等研究领域中占有重要的地位。 dictall

Anomalous refraction is believed to be the main error source for classical astrometry.
反常折射已成为传统天体测量学的主要误差来源。 cnki

In this paper, the basic principle of the differential VLBI Survey and its applications to astrometry and astrophysics are described.
本文介绍较差 VLBI测量原理及其在天体测量和天体物理中的应用概况。 cnki

In Astrometry, the term is applied to the difference between the observed position or magnitude of a reference star and the position or magnitude listed in the star catalog.
在天文上,本术语指的是观测的参考星的位置或星等与星表上的该星的位置或星等的差值。 ipshade

Most astrometry software packages use the Guide Star Catalogue, so a CD-ROM drive is also required.
很多天文软件包都使用引导星目录库,所以配置一个光驱也视必要的。 www.astronomy.com.cn

The ESA astrometry satellite HIPPARCOS will be launched in the first part of1988 or later.
欧洲空间局专门用作空间天体测量的伊巴谷卫星将于1988年上半年发射。 cnki

The paper emphasizes that space astrometry will play an important role in the progress of modern astronomy.
这一前景同时也说明,空间时代的天体测量工作,对推动整个天文学的发展仍起着重要的作用。 cnki

Two projects for astrometry from Earth satellites are described and their impact on astrometry, astrophysics and stellar astronomy are outlined.
本文介绍了由地球人造卫星进行天体测量的两项计划,并提出了它们对天体测量学、天体物理学和恒星天文学的影响。 cnki

We discuss the relation, the development and the outlook of astrometry and astrodynamics.
本文简述精密天文测量和天文动力学的关系、发展和展望。 dictall

Astrometry is the study of the precise measurements of the positions and movement of stars.
天体测量学研究的是恒星的精确位置和运动轨迹。 yeeyan

Astrometry is the branch of astronomy that has been well developed since antiquity.
天体测量是天文学各门类中首先被重视的学科。 cnki




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