

单词 parabolically
释义 par·a·bol·i·cal·ly 英ˌpærə'bɒlɪk美ˌpærə'bɒlɪk COCA²²⁷⁶²²BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹
resembling or expressed by parableshaving the form of a parabolaparabola数抛物线parabolic flight抛物线飞行parabolic arch抛物线拱parabolic regression抛物回归parabolic mirror抛物柱面镜parabolic type抛物型parabolic asymptote抛物渐近线parabolic curve抛物线parabolic dish抛物柱面反射器…parabolic girder抛物线梁parabolic antenna抛物面天线parabolic creep抛物线型蠕变…parabolic dune新月形沙丘,抛物线沙…parabolic reflector抛物面反射器,抛物面…parabolic shell抛物线状薄壳…parabolic cylinder抛物柱面parabolic horn抛物形喇叭筒,抛物线…parabolic governor抛物线调节器…parabolic microphone抛物面反射传声器,抛…parabolic detection抛物线检波
近义词 parabolical抛物线的用比喻说明的…

The parabolic reflector of a searchlight gives a parallel beam.探照灯的抛物面反射镜发出平行光束。 The activity of BSFE in cultural solution with its unit volume of root changed parabolically with the days when it was cultured. It may be intimated like the quadratic regression model.
其单位根体积下水培液 BSFE活性与培养天数呈抛物线型变化趋势,可模拟为二次回归模型。 cnki

The survival rate of larva or pupa and whole generation, the number of egg oviposition and the lifespan of adult, population trend index exhibited parabolically trend in crease with the humidity.
幼虫、蛹存活率和世代存活率、成虫产卵量、寿命和种群增长指数随湿度增加呈抛物线变化趋势。 cnki

In this range of air-water ratio the flow rate of mixture slightly decreased, the axial power increased linearly and the pump efficiency increased parabolically with a rise in effective head.
在稳定工作区范围内,不同的含气量条件下,随着排出压头的增加,混合液总量稍有下降,轴功率直线上升,效率呈抛物线变化。 cnki

It was shown that the performance of the MMI couplers with the exponentially tapered structure was similar to the devices with the parabolically tapered structure.
结果表明,指数型 MMI耦合器的性能与抛物线型 MMI耦合器的性能类似。 cnki

This paper compared several mechanical models with transverse shear deformation and put forward a kind of layer model assuming that shear stresses vary parabolically through the plate thickness.
比较了考虑横向剪切变形的几种力学模型,提出了一种新的假定剪应力沿板厚呈抛物线分布的分层模型。 dictall




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