

单词 parabolic
释义 par·a·bol·ic 英ˌpærəˈbɒlɪk美ˌpærəˈbɑlɪkAHDpăr'ə-bŏlʹĭk ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA⁴⁷⁸²³BNC⁴⁶⁴⁷⁴iWeb²³⁹⁵³Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
resembling or expressed by parableshaving the form of a parabola来自parable,parabola,-ic,形容词后缀。parabola数抛物线parabolic flight抛物线飞行parabolic arch抛物线拱parabolic regression抛物回归parabolic mirror抛物柱面镜parabolic type抛物型parabolic asymptote抛物渐近线parabolic curve抛物线parabolic dish抛物柱面反射器…parabolic girder抛物线梁parabolic antenna抛物面天线parabolic creep抛物线型蠕变…parabolic dune新月形沙丘,抛物线沙…parabolic reflector抛物面反射器,抛物面…parabolic shell抛物线状薄壳…parabolic cylinder抛物柱面parabolic horn抛物形喇叭筒,抛物线…parabolic governor抛物线调节器…parabolic microphone抛物面反射传声器,抛…parabolic detection抛物线检波
parabol=parabla,抛物线,或=parable,比喻,寓言+ic形容词后缀⇒抛物线的;比喻的,寓言的。近义词 parabolical抛物线的用比喻说明的…

A parametric region of stability forparabolicsystems with time delay is given.并给出了一类时滞抛物系统稳定的参数区域。
The first part of this paper discusses a linear singularparabolicproblem.文章的第一部分研究奇异线性抛物问题。
The third kind of solar oven is a parroparaboliccooker.第三种太阳能炉子是一个抛物线状的炊具。
Any continuous curve can be closely approximated by a series of smallparabolicsegments.任一连续曲线可以借一系列很小的抛物线线段较精密地近似表示。as in.allegorical
同义词 figurative,metaphoricalemblematic,illustrative,symbolizing,typifying
反义词 not representativeuntypical
allegoricaladjective symbolic
emblematic,figurative,illustrative,metaphorical,symbolizingtypifying Both power- tower and parabolic- trough systems can store thermal energy in the form of hot, molten salt.
能量塔和抛物面槽都能够以热的形式--融化盐来贮存能量。 ecocn

The Lockheed design uses an inverted parabolic shape over a V-shaped engine array.
洛克希德采用了一种在 V型引擎阵列上安置倒抛物线状尾翼的设计。 yeeyan

A surface having parabolic sections parallel to a single coordinate axis and elliptic sections perpendicular to that axis.
抛物面一种有与单坐标轴平行的抛物截面和与该轴垂直的椭圆截面的平面。 kekenet

Each parabolic trough focused sunlight onto a tube running along its length, heating the water inside it.
这些反光器被排成一个形似抛物线的槽状物。每一个抛物线状的槽状物把阳光聚合到沿着它边长设置的管道,加热管道中的水源。 ecocn

Geometry analysis and design procedure of complex pantograph structures are studied with joint coordinates as variables and parabolic shell is taken as an example.
以抛物面壳为例,介绍了用节点坐标为未知量分析复杂剪式铰结构几何问题的方法和几何设计的步骤。 cnki

He says it is quite simple to find the instructions needed to build a parabolic or laser microphone on the internet.
他说,很容易就能在互联网上找到如何制作抛物面反射传声录音器或者激光麦克风的方法。 ecocn

He says it is quite simple to find the instructions needed to build a parabolic or laser microphone on the web.
他说,在网上寻找创建抛物型或者激光麦克风所需的操作指南是件非常容易的事情。 ecocn

In addition to parabolic troughs and power- towers there is also a third solar- thermal technology, which combines curved, dish-shaped mirrors with heat engines.
除了凹面镜,能量塔以外,还有第三种新的太阳能热技术。结合了曲线,盘状镜面和热发动机的装置。 ecocn

Participants undergo near- weightlessness as the plane is flown in parabolic maneuvers that create temporary reduced gravity.
当飞机以抛物线飞行并暂时抵消部分重力时,学员将能体验到近似失重的状态。 yeeyan

So, why has oil gone parabolic over the past couple days?
那么,油价走势为何在过去几天内出现戏剧性变化? fortunechina

The third kind of solar ovens is a parabolic cooker.
第三种太阳能炊具是抛物线状炊具。 iciba

This will be done on a parabolic aircraft flight hopefully before the end of the year.
测试是在一个抛物线飞行的航空器上,希望年底前能完成。 yeeyan

To recreate the weightless experience without going into space, the plane executed parabolic flight maneuvers, climbing sharply and descending several times during the one- hour flight.
为了不上太空而体验失重,飞机进行了“过山车”式的俯冲,在一小时的飞行期间,迅速爬升和下降。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

We also need to look at the potential pullback levels in the current parabolic trend and for how the trend changes.
我们也需要观察当前抛物线趋势中潜在的回撤区位并找出趋势是如何变化的。 cnstock

Parabolic cable element was applied in this method to sufficiently consider the effects of sag.
同时采用抛物线索单元,考虑了索的垂度效应。 iciba

Parabolic dishes have the advantage that they point their beams to a single point at their focus, creating a clear and strong signal.
抛物面碟面的优点是能将波束在它的焦点处汇聚到一个单一的点,产生一个清晰、强力的信号。 equn




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