

单词 parabola
释义 pa·rab·o·la 英pəˈræbələ美pəˈræbələAHDpə-răbʹə-lə ☆☆☆☆☆高四GS宝COCA⁶²⁶⁶⁰BNC⁴²⁴⁶²iWeb²⁵⁷⁵⁰

a plane curve formed by the intersection of a right circular cone and a plane parallel to an element of the curve来自希腊语parabole,比较,对话,类比,来自para-,在旁,在周围,-bole,扔,投掷,词源同ballet,ballistic.即扔在旁边的,用于几何术语指抛物线。cubical parabola抛物挠线,三次抛物线…parabola relationship抛物线关系parabola control抛物线电压调节器…parabola mass spectra抛物线质谱osculating parabola密切抛物线focal parabola焦抛物线offset parabola偏置抛物面divergent parabola发散抛物线parabola shading抛物面反射器寄生信号…simple parabola简单抛物线receiving parabola抛物面接收天线…equivalent parabola等效抛物面
GRE难词记忆parabola → para=alongside 在 旁 边+bol=bole=to throw 扔+a→把一件东西扔在旁边所走过的路线→抛物线para=alongside在旁边+bol=bole=to throw扔+a→把一件东西扔在旁边所走过的路线⇒抛物线GRE红宝书para 音:抛 + ball 球,抛一个球→抛物线词根记忆para降落伞+ bola ⇒抛物线近义词 arch拱

用作名词The plane should follow theparabola.飞机须沿抛物线运动。
Aparabolainterpolation is used to reduce the measurement error.采用抛物线插值计算互相关函数峰值,减少测量误差。as in.curve
同义词 arc,arch,contour,loop,trajectoryambit,bend,bight,bow,camber,catenary,chord,circle,circuit,circumference,compass,concavity,crook,curlicue,curvature,ellipse,festoon,flexure,hairpin,half-moon,helix,horseshoe,hyperbola,incurvation,incurvature,meniscus,ogee,quirk,round,sinuosity,sweep,swerve,turn,vault,whorlcurvation,rondure
反义词 line
curvenoun arched, rounded line or object
curvesnoun arched, rounded line or object
ambits,arches,arcs,bends,bights,bows,cambers,catenaries,chords,circles,circuits,circumferences,compasses,concavities,contours,crooks,curlicues,curvations,curvatures,ellipses,festoons,flexures,hairpins,half-moons,helices,horseshoes,hyperbolas,incurvations,incurvatures,loops,meniscuses,ogees,parabolas,quirks,rondures,rounds,sinuosities,sweeps,swerves,trajectories,turns,vaults,whorls And, of course, you are trying to find somehow the best. That would mean here fitting the best parabola for your data points.

And this part is a parabola and this parabola here is horizontal.

It is last seen by its rueful owner, who omitted to use a wrist strap, describing a perfect parabola on its way to the depths.
倒霉的失主忘了系上腕带,于是看着他的照相机在空中画了一条完美的抛物线后沉入水中。 yeeyan

So, we should draw maybe this downward parabola.

The number of calibration curve: apparatus can store9 calibration curve,5 for one line,4 for binomial parabola.

Don't look at that curve at just some dumb parabola, some dumb curve.

During the first phase of the flight, the booster will separate from the capsule, after which the capsule will travel through a zero- g parabola, before re- entering the earth’s atmosphere.
在飞行第一阶段,助推器将于密封舱分离,之后在重新进入地球大气层之前,密封舱将会进入一段无重力的抛物曲线。 yeeyan

From this one, you would not expect it to behave like a parabola.

He designed a system based on five large reflectors, each62 metres long and made of glass mirrors arranged to form a trough in the shape of a parabola.
他使用5块大型的反射装置,每一块都有62m长,由玻璃镜子构成,镜面被制作成为抛物线的形状。 ecocn

If I show the whole thing in UV, then you will see the same kind of beautiful parabola as you would see with this ball something like this.
我若在 UV做这样做,你会看到漂亮抛物线,就像你看到这只球,或者类似于此的东西。163

If I throw up a hammer, then the center of mass and only the center of mass will just go along a perfect parabola as if it were just a tennis ball.

If there were no drag, then this, of course, would be a parabola, and the horizontal velocity would always be the same.

In the absence of any air drag, I would get a nice parabola which will be completely symmetric.

It is perfectly reasonable to immediately come to that conclusion because of the symmetry of the parabola.

It wasn't going into a parabola because I was shooting it straight up.

It is concluded that using parabola theory to calculate the non stress length of cable can meet the requirement of precision.
通过比较,认为对大跨度斜拉桥,用抛物线理论计算拉索无应力长度,完全可以满足精度要求。 cnki

It is this parabola and is pointing up.

It's a parabola pointing downwards, and starting at one.

It's a second-order equation in x, and is a parabola and a parabola has this shape.
这是一个 x的二次方程,也是一个抛物线方程式,抛物线都长这样。163

It's important, you have to know that, so this is a parabola and this, here, is horizontal.

See, it's the same with a parabola going upwards.

Since this is a parabola, you know that the acceleration is constant so I hope you will conclude immediately that a must be a constant.

So, try to see that the tennis ball is very close to an ideal parabola.

That is a parabola.

The plane should follow the parabola.
飞机须沿抛物线运动。 iciba

The parabola would control air flow in a way that would lessen the shockwave, NASA says.
NASA表示,这一抛物线设计可以通过控制气流来减少冲击波的产生。 yeeyan

This is a parabola, so it's completely symmetric about the vertical, about P.
这是个抛物线,因此关于 P点轴对称。163

You're going to get a parabola under the influence of gravity and it comes down here again.




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