

单词 paper over
释义 paper over ˈpeipəˈəuvə ★★★★★高短语³⁷⁶⁵⁴
Allegations that Phil used auto- tune and other dark arts of his trade to paper over holes in her musical ability are “ totally untrue”.
有人断定菲尔暗中使用了自动调音和其他手段弥补来她歌唱能力中的不足,这“纯属一派胡言”。 yeeyan

And there is the same attempt to paper over contradictions. These need to be dealt with.
这些国家也同样试图掩盖各种矛盾,而这些矛盾都亟待解决。 ecocn

There is the same shortage of political courage, not just in Greece and other weak euro-zone members, but also in Germany. And there is the same attempt to paper over contradictions.
不光是希腊和其他软弱的欧元区成员,还有德国,都同样的缺乏政治勇气,同样的企图隐瞒矛盾。 ecocn

“ And picture that paper over there as the bad guy.” He nods at an assignment on his desk at the Derrick Thomas Academy charter school in Kansas City, Missouri.
“但这些东西老让我被认为是坏孩子。”他无奈地盯着他学校密苏里州堪萨斯城的德里克.托马斯学院委办学校布置的作业。 yeeyan

It is unconscionable to declare objectives for which the means do not exist, and to paper over European-American division through statements of ringing but empty principle.
通过看似响亮实则无用的原则性声明来宣布毫无实现可能的目标和掩盖欧美分歧,这简直毫无道理。 yeeyan

More radical critics will argue that 10:10 is just “ feelgood” window dressing designed to paper over the cracks in a broken economic model.
更激进的批评者会说,10:10只不过是“令人感觉良好的”用于掩盖破碎经济模式裂缝的橱窗装饰。 yeeyan

Mr Lafontaine managed to get them to paper over their ideological differences and to concentrate on winning elections.
拉芳丹成功的使他们摈弃了意识形态的差别为赢得大选而齐心协力。 ecocn

Our differences are too wide to paper over.

Some people have argued that using antidepressants in the setting of depression is not a good idea because these only paper over the “real” problems in people's lives.
一些人认为在抑郁的过程中使用抗抑郁药并不是个好主意,这是因为在人们的生活中那不是真正的疾病。 dxy

They will continue to paper over their cracks with fairness.
他们将会继续用公平来掩盖他们的缝隙。 ecocn

This is a scandal they can't paper over.
这是一个他们掩盖不了的丑闻。 bbs.24en.com




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