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词汇 pap
释义 pap 英pæp美pæpAHDpăp ☆☆☆☆☆高GCOCA⁴²⁸²⁸BNC²⁷¹²⁹iWeb¹⁵⁴¹⁶
worthless or oversimplified ideasa diet that does not require chewing; advised for those with intestinal disordersthe small projection of a mammary gland来自拉丁语pappa,流食,吸奶,拟声词,模仿婴儿饥饿时吧唧嘴或吸奶的声音,并引申相关词义。Pap test早期子宫颈癌涂片检验…pap奶头pap.=papilla(…One's mouth is full of pap乳臭未干One's mouth is full of pap.乳臭未干。give pap with a hatchet以粗暴的方式做好事…
近义词 tit山雀teat奶嘴nipple乳头mamilla乳头mammilla乳头soft diet软食pablum儿童早餐

用作名词As a preventive measure, women should request regular breast examinations andpapsmears.作为预防措施,妇女应定期做乳房检查和乳头分泌物涂片检查。noun.(food
同义词 aliment,bite,board,bread,cheer,chow,comestible,cookery,cooking,cuisine,diet,drink,eatable,eats,edible,fare,feed,fodder,foodstuff,goodies,grits,groceries,grub,handout,keep,larder,meal,meat,menu,nourishment,nurture,nutriment,nutrition,pabulum,provender,provision,ration,refreshment,slop,snack,store,subsistence,support,sustenance,table,tuck,viand,victualentrée,esculent,fast food,home cooking,moveable feast,vittles
反义词 deprivation,starvation
grandfathernoun grandsire
ancestor,elder,forefather,gramps,granddad,granddaddy,grandpa,grandpappy,paternal forebear,patriarch
mushieradjective doughy, soft
mushyadjective doughy, soft
nourishmentnoun food
aliment,diet,feed,foodstuff,home cooking,maintenance,nutriment,nutrition,pabulum,pap,provender,support,sustenance,viands,victuals,vittles
pulpnoun flesh of plant, animal
batter,curd,dough,grume,jam,marrow,mash,mush,pap,paste,pomace,poultice,sarcocarp,semisolid,soft part,sponge,triturate
sustenancenoun necessities for existence
aid,aliment,bacon,bread,bread and butter,comestible,daily bread,eatables,edibles,food,keep,livelihood,maintenance,nourishment,nutrition,pap,provender,provision,ration,refreshment,salt,subsistence,support,victual,wherewithal The founding father will continue to opine, but the PAP will have a little more wriggle room to change.
国父将继续指点江山,但 PAP至少多了一点改革的空间。 ecocn

The People’s Action Party PAP, founded by Lee Kuan Yew and his fellow“ men in white”, as they are known, has won every election since independence— and usually by a huge margin.
自独立之日起,由李光耀及其被称作“白衣人”的同伴所创建的人民行动党 People’s Action Party, PAP已经赢得了每一场选举——而且往往优势巨大。 ecocn

The thousands who go along listen carefully to the arguments put over from the podium; they really do want to hear about a viable alternative to the PAP.
数以千计的参与者仔细倾听着竞选者在讲台上阐明的那些论点;他们真的希望听到有关人民行动党具有可行性的替代者。 ecocn

There is even a possibility, some analysts think, that the PAP’s share of the vote could dip below60%.
一些分析家认为,甚至可能会出现这样的情况:人民行动党所得票数低于60%。 ecocn

Whether or not the PAP or some other party is best to rule Singapore is a matter for Singaporeans to decide.
人民行动党或者其他党派谁会是管理新加坡的最佳政党,对于新加坡人是一项难以决定的事情。 yeeyan

“ You must expect the PAP to look after PAP constituencies first”, he told reporters.
他告诉记者:“你必须期待人民行动党会首先照顾本党选区。” ecocn

All this clearly has the PAP a bit rattled, if Lee Kuan Yew’s comments are anything to go by.
如果按照我们对李光耀所作评论的理解,那么这一切显然令人民行动党略感慌乱。 ecocn

Basic screening lab tests and regular cervical Pap smears are important to monitor in HIV infection, due to the increased risk of cervical cancer in immunocompromised women.
基本的实验室筛查和常规的宫颈涂片检查对监控 HIV感染都很重要,这也是因为免疫功能不全的女性更易患宫颈癌。 yeeyan

Democracies produce a cacophony, in which each voice complains that its own urgent message is being drowned in a sea of pap.
民主政体产生了意见的喧嚣,所有人都在抱怨一些急迫的诉求被淹没在言论的海洋里。 ecocn

Girls who get the shots are less likely to have Pap tests with worrisome results that would lead to further treatment, saving themselves anxiety and discomfort and, in those cases, saving money.
一些女孩因为担心得到要作进一步治疗的坏消息,而不太愿意去作宫颈涂片筛检巴氏早期癌变探测试验,她们接种了疫苗就不必再焦虑和不适,也许还节省了费用。 yeeyan

He infuriated many when he said people who voted against the PAP in one constituency would have“ five years to live and repent” their decision.
他还说某个选区的选民如果投了 PAP的反对票,会为自己的决定“五年内都生活在悔恨的阴影之中”,又因此激怒了一大群人。 ecocn

If your sleep study suggests a “C- PAP” machine, try it.
如果你的睡眠课程建议呼吸机,你可以试试。 yeeyan

It also concluded that most women should have Pap tests for cervical cancer every three years instead of every year.
该小组并且告诫,对绝大多数妇女而言,针对宫颈癌症的巴氏试验应该是每3年进行一次,而不应该每年进行。 yeeyan

Regardless, voters knew what they were getting from the Workers' Party and how it would differ from the PAP.
无论如何,选民们知道他们从工人党能够获得什么,工人党和人民行动党的区别是什么。 yeeyan

Singapore’s ruling People’s Action Party was re- elected with a majority of81 to6, which the opposition regarded as a breakthrough; the PAP won only60% of the vote, much less than in 2006 and2001.
新加坡执政党人民行动党以81比6的绝大多数再次获选,而反对党把此次选举看成一大突破,因为人民行动党只得到60%的选票,比2006年和2001年少得多。 ecocn

Singaporeans seem still to trust the PAP to do an efficient job, and mostly want not an alternative government but a stronger opposition.
因为新加坡人仍然相信人民行动党的工作效率,大多数都不想要另一个政府,只想要一个较有力量的反对党。 ecocn

Such is the PAP’s lock that others rarely contest more than half of them.
这就是人民行动党的连环锁,使得其他党派很难争得多于一半的席位。 ecocn

Support for the PAP has been diminishing, even as the economy races along, mostly because of opposition to its liberal immigration policy.
正当新加坡经济快速发展的同时,行动党支持者的规模却逐渐缩小。这主要是因为人们反对其宽松的移民政策。 ecocn

That constituency went to the opposition, and the PAP government lost its very good foreign secretary.
结果这个选区的选民转向反对党,人民党政府也失去了他称职的外交部长。 yeeyan

The death toll in the Czech Republic grew to five on Sunday and another three were missing and feared drowned, the Polish PAP news agency said.
波兰 PAP新闻社报道,周日捷克共和国的死亡人数已经上升至五人,另有三人失踪,恐怕已经溺水死亡。 oobang

There is no sign yet of a fraying of the basic compact between the PAP and Singaporeans, who trade some individual freedoms for the prosperity and stability provided by an efficient ruling party.
现在人民行动党和新加坡人民他们用个人的自由来换取有能力的执政党所构建的繁荣及稳定在基本协定上还没有摩擦迹象。 ecocn

Until a few years ago, the best defense was a pap smear to detect and treat precancerous cells.
一直到几年以前,最好的办法就是利用子宫颈抹片检查,来发现和治疗癌前细胞。 tingvoa

Pap smears work by detecting abnormal cells that are cancer precursors and that can be destroyed using techniques like lasers and cryotherapy or, rarely, surgery.
巴氏涂片可以检测出那些异常细胞,它们是癌症的前兆,然后通过一些技术手段,如激光,冷冻疗法,或着难得也用外科手术来杀灭这些细胞。 yeeyan




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