

单词 astringent
释义 as·trin·gent 英əˈstrɪndʒənt美əˈstrɪndʒəntAHDə-strĭnʹjənt ★☆☆☆☆高四GMS宝COCA⁶⁰⁸³⁵BNC⁵⁶³⁶³iWeb²⁶⁸⁰³Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹

a drug that causes contraction of body tissues and canals
sour or bitter in tastetending to draw together or constrict soft organic tissue;

astringent cosmetic lotions

发音释义:ə'strɪndʒənt adj. 涩的;收敛性的;止血的;严厉的n. 药 收敛剂;止血药
结构分析:astringent = a=ad,去+string拉紧+ent形容词后缀→拉紧的、收缩的→止血的
常见搭配:astringent milk紧致洁面乳;astringent wine涩味葡萄酒;astringent substance收敛剂;astringent taste涩味
同源词:strain拉紧;strict严格的;string线;stringent紧缩的astringent flavour发涩风味astringent cream收敛霜astringent otion收敛洗液apocrustic astringent化 收敛药astringent taste涩味astringent bitters医 收敛性苦味药…astringent lotion收敛洗液astringent wine涩味葡萄酒astringent prescription固涩剂
a=ad,趋近+string拉紧+ent形容词后缀,来自拉丁语动词的现在分词后缀,等于ing→拉紧的→收敛的,收紧的,止血的;严厉的,苛刻的;辛辣的,涩的⇒转作名词收敛剂。GRE红宝书string用绳帮紧-收缩剂. 参: stringentadj 严厉的
a 一个 + string绳子 + 音:紧,用一根绳子绑紧
a+string绑紧+ent →绑紧的→收缩的
GRE难词记忆astringe→a=ad+stringe=to draw tight 收紧→使收缩GRE难词记忆astringent→astringe v.使收缩+ent→收敛剂词根记忆a + string绑紧+ ent → 绑紧的 ⇒收缩的近义词 acid酸acerbic酸的harsh粗糙的cutting切断acerb酸涩的severe严厉的biting刺痛的mordant尖酸的styptic止血的caustic腐蚀性的astringent drug止血药acidulous多少带酸味的…反义词 nonastringent非收缩的

用作形容词It has anastringenteffect.这个有止血的作用。
The movie was originally conceived by Wilder as anastringentsatire on Hollywood.这部电影最初是由怀尔德构想,作为对好莱坞严厉的讽刺作品。
The fruit has a tart andastringentflavour.这个水果有一种酸涩的味道。用作名词You can useastringentto make your skin less oily.你可以使用收敛剂让皮肤少出油。adj.harsh
同义词 bitter,cutting,sharp,tonicacetic,acrid,biting
反义词 bland,kind,mild,nice,pleasant
acerbicadjective bitter, sharp, or sour
acidicadjective containing acid
acridadjective bitter, sour to taste
acrimoniousadjective nasty in behavior, speech
austereadjective severe in manner
bitteradjective pungent, sharp
absinthal,absinthian,acerb,acerbic,acid,acrid,amaroidal,astringent,harsh,sour,tart,unsweetened,vinegary Green tea is too astringent to use for tea eggs.
对于茶叶蛋来说,绿茶太涩了。 yeeyan

She is a real a white lotus flower in youthful and blue astringent dream that cannot be reached to most of the men.
对很多男人来说,那都是一朵在青春青涩的梦里一再摇曳的遥不可及的白莲。 ebigear

The top shoots taste delicate and mild, and are only slightly astringent; therefore the most pleasant and refreshing.
枝顶的嫩芽尝起来甘美而醇柔,只带少许涩味,最为爽口宜人。 yeeyan

Their solutions are acid and have an astringent taste. They are isolated from oak bark, sumac, myrobalanan Asian tree, and galls.
单宁溶液呈酸性,味道苦涩,通常由橡树、漆树、诃子亚洲树种等树木上分离而得。 chinafanyi.com

And there, over 800 people from all walks of life and all parts of the country set up their huts or stalls to serve and be served the astringent green beverage.
在那里,800多名来自各界和全国各地的人搭起自己的小屋或摊位,用这种有涩味的绿色饮料进行款待。 yeeyan

Bitterness has a drying, astringent feeling, like the sensation you get after drinking very strong tea.
苦味具有一个干涩的感觉,如同喝浓茶之后的感觉。 blog.sina.com.cn

Even more striking was the dessert, concocted out of the lurid and astringent juice of the sea-buckthorn berry.
更引人注目的是餐后甜点,由沙棘果调制出来的火红和涩味的果汁。 ecocn

General use called“ astringent” make-up water to the skin shrink to inhibit the secretion of sebum and reduce irritation.
一般都使用名为“收敛剂”的化妆水使皮肤收缩,以便抑制皮脂的分泌而减少刺激。 cn-eb

Green Tea Extract has anti- oxidant, anti- inflammatory and astringent properties in skin and hair care product.
绿茶提取物在护肤和护发产品有抗氧化、消炎和收敛性作用。 iciba

If you've never been sure of how umami expresses itself on your tongue, roll this one around in your mouth and taste the savoury, slightly astringent texture that umami offers Chardonnay.
如果你还不确定鲜味在你的舌尖上会留下什么样的味觉感受的话,含一口霞多丽于口中,品味一番它那特有的咸辣而又略带苦涩的风味吧。 yeeyan

In addition, if baked beans out of the oil, then that has changed, not only alcohol was reduced, and there will be astringent and sour.
此外,如果烘焙的豆子出油,则表示已经变质,不但香醇度降低,而且会出现涩味和酸味。 ymtweb

It was about people and families, observed in a way that was full of humanity and humour, but was still astringent, not soft.
它用一种人性化和幽默的方式讲述着人和家庭的故事。不过它还是有点儿严肃有余,温情不足。 yeeyan

Most aftershaves contain alcohol, which is a natural astringent and disinfectant.
大多须后水含酒精,这是一种天然的止血剂和杀菌剂。 yeeyan

Most importantly, it acts as an astringent, which means that it raises the pH of the face after the use of alkaline soaps for shaving.
最重要的一点,它用来做止血收敛剂,即,有助于在剃须使用碱性香皂之后升高面部皮肤的 PH值。 yeeyan

Mr Osborne, an astute politician, had long grasped this point and duly administered some very astringent medicine.
足智多谋的政治家奥斯本深谙此道,适时地开出了这一苦涩的药方。 ecocn

Persimmon contains a certain number of single Ning tannic acid, a higher content of persimmon skin, mouth, tongue hemp astringent to eat persimmons are single Ning convergence.
柿子中含有一定数目的单宁鞣酸,柿皮含量更高,吃柿子时口涩、舌麻就是单宁收敛的缘故。 lupaba.com

So pure romance, sweet and astringent taste, never returned.
那么清纯的恋情,甜涩的滋味,一去不返。 enwaimao.cn

Some astringency is inherent in tea, but green tea is more astringent than black.
一定程度的收敛性是茶中固有的,而绿茶比红茶为涩。 iciba

Some of the various green teas have just a little sweetness taste to them. Others are a little more astringent.
一些品种的绿茶带着些许甜味;另外的品种有点苦涩的味道。 yeeyan

Tannins from the skins and sometimes stems of grapes and the oak barrels used for aging cause the bitter or astringent aftertaste in some red wines.

The rose, Marla tells me, is a natural astringent.
玫瑰,玛拉告诉我,是天然的止血剂。 yeeyan

The astringent taste slightly spicy, aromatic intensity, fry smell better, and the people at home one of the most popular condiment.
其味麻辣微涩、芳香浓烈,炒熟后香味更佳,是百姓家最常用的调味品之一。 huajao.com

Their mode of action is largely unknown, but they are believed to have emollient, astringent, anti- inflammatory, analgesic and soothing effects.
他们的作用形式还非常不清楚,但是普遍认为他们有滋润、收敛、抗炎、止痛和缓解的作用。 renren

This Caucasian fruit is pear shaped, sour and astringent and too hard as to be eaten fresh. It has to be left to ripe for a few days.
这种高家索的梨形水果,新鲜时食用酸涩生硬,所以要放上几天让其醇熟。 yeeyan

To make your own old fashioned witch hazel astringent, combine1 cup of witch-hazel with2 tablespoons of alcohol and apply it to your skin with cotton ball.
要制作你自己的老式收敛水,用一杯金缕梅液和两汤匙的酒精混合在一起,用棉球涂在脸上。 hjenglish




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