

单词 Panyu
释义 PanyuEconomist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
A stationary 200 kW phosphoric acid fuel cell power station has been built in Panyu, Guangdong.
中日合作在番禺建设了利用猪排泄物制沼气发电的磷酸燃料电池电站。 cnki

I took this photo when I went to a picnic in Shenyue Farm near Panyu.
这张照片是我在番禺的森悦农庄照的。 www.bgy.gd.cn

The Environmental risk reporting on the controversy of waste Incineration in Panyu city of Guangdong province in China showed the differentiation of the environmental issues.
垃圾焚烧发电决策争议的报道演变,也是我国复杂新闻场域中环境议题分化的过程。 chnmedia

The Goodwill Mission of Panyu District had a seminar with the local governments' officers and merchants to recommend our investment environment. This visit promoted our district's opening.
访问团在美国、加拿大与当地政府及工商界人士洽谈,重点推介我区投资环境,进一步推动了我区扩大对外开放。 qiaoban.panyu.gov.cn

The Athlete's and Media Village of the Guangzhou Asian Games are located in the suburban district of Panyu, far from the bustle of this southern Chinese business center.
广州亚运会的运动员村和媒体村位于番禺的郊区,距离这座中国南方商业中心的繁华路段很远。 yeeyan

The opening feature in Lingnan culture makes people in Panyu open the door to the world. We will welcome the friends from all over the world with great cordiality and hospitality.
开放的岭南文化给了我们番禺人与众不同的开放心态和海纳百川的博大胸怀,我们本能就有招待好各国朋友的热情。 blog.sina.com.cn

This visit will be surely positive in promoting the cooperation of economy, business and culture of Panyu district.
代表团出访对推动番禺区经贸文化合作也将产生积极的推动作用。 qiaoban.panyu.gov.cn

“ This kind of farce is showing signs of making a comeback”, said a columnist in Panyu Daily, a newspaper in the southern province of Guangdong.
“类似的闹剧貌似又将卷土重来”,一名专栏作者在广东省的《番禺日报》上做出如此评价。 yeeyan

As early as the Han dynasty, Panyu textile, food processing, ceramics industry and commerce is already quite well developed.
早在汉代,番禹的纺织、食品加工、陶瓷等工商业已经相当发达。 tianya

At present, companies in Shenzhen, Huizhou, Zhongshan and other places set up branch offices, a factory in Panyu.
目前,公司在深圳、惠州、中山等地设有分公司,番禺一间制造厂。 tietai.net

I'm not sure. I guess he will work in Panyu.
我说不准。我想他会在番禺工作。 fsjxxx

In addition, the association bridges the gap between the business sector and the government and exposes the Panyu jewelry industry to people in the same industry anywhere from around the world.
在企业与政府之间,企业与企业之间起着桥梁与纽带作用,也成为了国内外珠宝同业了解番禺珠宝首饰业的一扇窗口。 jewellworld

Incorporated with experiences in construction of cable pylon of Panyu bridge, a method to fully and reasonably estimate the precision of polar coordinate layout is discussed.
结合番禺大桥索塔施工实践,讨论极坐标法施工放样完整、合理的精度评定方法。 dictall

Other valuable artworks, such as sculptures made of jade and wood, are also on exhibit in Panyu Yuguang Jewelry Company in Guangzhou in southern China.
在展览会上展出的其它珍贵的艺术品还有木刻和玉雕。展览地点位于广东省番禺玉光珠宝公司内。 blog.sina.com.cn

Since 2000 when it became a district of Guangzhou, Panyu has faced many new challenges. Its development must follow the overall urban plan of Guangzhou.
2000年撤市设区后,随着广州市区的“南拓”,番禺城镇的发展方向、发展定位等将产生较大的变化。 cnki

The next day, his party came three Panyu research.
次日,一行三人来到番禺进行调研。 www.dw188.com

The roads built, reconstructed, designed for Asian Games are continuously extending in vigorous Panyu.
为亚运修建、改造、设计的条条道路在不断地番禺这片热土上延伸; blog.sina.com.cn

Panyu, an old town established in the Qin Dynasty, has experienced a long period of formation and development.
番禺为秦置古县,历史悠久,城镇经历了长时间的变迁过程。 cnki

Panyu, Guangzhou and poem hotel supplies firm and the distribution of the coffee machine, kettle, one hotel room, telephone, small refrigerator range, reasonable prices.
广州市番禺区和诗酒店用品商行经销的咖啡机、电水壶、酒店客房一次性、电话机、小冰箱品种齐全、价格合理。 andpoem.cn.alibaba.com

Panyu Polytechnic has made significant exploration in building a harmonious campus by the way of connotative development under the guidance of people-oriented principles.
番禺职业技术学院抓住以人为本,走内涵式发展之路的主线,在和谐校园的建设上作出了有益的探索。 dictall




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