释义 |
Pantholops 基本例句 n.藏羚属¹⁰⁰ Because of habitat fragmentation, illegal hunt, and disturbance of human being activity, etc,Pantholopshodgsoni was endangered.由于栖息地破碎化、盗猎及人类活动干扰等原因,藏羚种群处于濒危状态。 Yang QS, Feng ZJ, 1998.Tibetan antelopePantholopshodgsoni.In:Wang S ed.China Red Data Book of Endangered Animals-Mammalia.Beijing:Science Press,341-344 .中国科学院动物研究所哺乳类研究组;1958.;东北哺乳类调查报告 The estimated population size of Equus kiang,Pantholopshodgsoni,Bos mutus and Procapra picticaudata was 8309,1603,985 and 214 individuals,respectively,estimated by the line transect sampling method.根据样线调查法计算,估计东部地区的藏野驴约8309只,藏羚羊1603只,野牦牛985只,藏原羚214只。 The morphological baits, distribution and population dynamics, habitat and feeding, grouping and migration, social behaviors, and breeding ofPantholopshodgsoni were reviewed in the paper.摘要综述了藏羚的形态学特征、分布与种群动态、生境与食性、集群与迁徙以及社群行为与繁殖等。Tibetan Antelope 藏羚A Survey about Distributing Situation and Migrated Rule of Chiru,Pantholopshodgsoni藏羚的分布与迁移 |