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panthers 基本例句 n.美洲黑豹队 A small number of Panthers, probably five, and probably G models, was sold to Hungary in 1944, while a single Panther was apparently sold to Sweden in 1943, though this is unconfirmed. 在1944年还有少数的黑豹,可能是五辆 G型,被卖给匈牙利,在1943年很明显还有一辆黑豹是被卖给了瑞典,但是都无法确定。 iciba So do snakes, foxes, frogs and even big cats, called Florida panthers. 另外,这里还有蛇、狐狸、青蛙等,甚至还有大野猫,这种大野猫叫佛罗里达豹。 yeeyan The Pink Panthers are also known for their daring escapes and creative break-ins. “粉红豹”的显赫名声还来自于他们富有创意的破门和大胆的脱逃。 yeeyan Before the Texas females arrived, the Florida panthers were, according to Roelke, pretty lame. 德州雌性大猫抵达以前,根据 Roelke的说法,佛罗里达美洲豹是相当的糟糕。 yeeyan Ben Winnick of Simsbury, Conn., shredded a newspaper story about the New York Giants'41-9 loss Sunday to the Carolina Panthers, which ended the Giants' playoff hopes. 来自康涅狄格州森姆斯柏瑞的本? 温尼克把上周日纽约巨人橄榄球队以41比9大比分输给卡罗琳娜美洲豹队的一则新闻报道放进了粉碎机,这场比赛使纽约巨人队晋级决赛的希望化为泡影。 eol But few groups of wild animals are like the Florida panthers. 但是,没有多少野生动物有象佛罗里达美洲豹那样的好福气。 yeeyan But the panthers have adapted to living in the Florida swamps. 但佛罗里达美洲豹已经适应了佛罗里达沼泽地的生活。 yeeyan By1995, there were only about25 Florida panthers left. 到1995年的时候,大约只有25只佛罗里达美洲豹还活着。 yeeyan Florida panthers are the same species as the Western puma, also known as the cougar or the mountain lion. 佛罗里达的美洲豹,与西部被称为美洲豹,或者众所周知的美洲狮,美洲山狮是同一物种。 yeeyan It was filled with exotic animals like panthers and exotic plants like mangrove trees. 那里到处都是象黑豹那样的珍奇动物,以及类似红树的奇异的植物。 kuenglish Roelke waded through swamps and dodged rattlesnakes to follow panthers. 为了跟随研究美洲豹, Roelke必须涉水通过沼泽和躲避响尾蛇。 yeeyan The forest surrounding us sheltered not only four-horned antelopes but even a few panthers. 我们周围的森林不仅是四角羚的庇护所,甚至还有几只黑豹。 yeeyan These brown- ink sketches, probably of panthers, were done quickly and pack a punch. 这两幅是棕色墨水绘制的素描,画中黑豹行动敏捷、剽悍有力。 ecocn They are the wolves and the panthers, the vipers, the sharks, the master predators of the microworld. 它们如同狼、豹、毒蛇、鲨鱼,是微观世界中的猎捕至尊。 englishtide Unfortunately for Bernstein, one of the more prominent causes for which he organised a fund- raising reception was that of the Black Panthers. 他曾大张旗鼓为黑豹党人组织了一次资金筹募会。不幸的是,这次著名的活动却招致了大祸。 ecocn Panthers once existed in much greater numbers. 在佛罗里达,曾经有非常多的美洲豹。 remword |