

单词 pantheon
释义 pan·the·on 英ˈpænθiːˌɒn, -ən美ˈpænθiˌɑn, -ənAHDpănʹthē-ŏn', -ən

all the gods of a religiona monument commemorating a nation's dead heroesantiquity a temple to all the godspan-,全部,所有,-the,神,词源同theism,atheist.即众神所在之地,众神之庙,引申词义先贤祠。pantheon万神殿
GRE红宝书pan全部+theo神 +on→众神之地→万神殿
pan 全,泛 + the 神;音:万神
pan所有的+the神+on名词后缀→所有的神的神殿→万神殿⇒先贤祠,名流群。词根记忆pan全部+ the神+ on → 众神之地 ⇒万神殿词根记忆pan泛,全部+theon=全部神在一起=万神殿GRE难词记忆pantheon→pan全+the神+on→万神殿近义词 church礼拜仪式

用作名词The amazing Pantheon has stopped me in my tracks .神奇的万神殿当场让我驻足。
She has won her place in thepantheonof popular culture.她在大众文化名流中获得了一席之地。as in.temple
同义词 chapel,church,house,mosque,pagoda,place of worship,sanctuary,shrine,synagoguecathedral,tabernacleholy place,house of God,house of prayer
templenoun house of worship
cathedral,chapel,church,holy place,house,house of God,house of prayer,mosque,pagoda,place of worship,sanctuary,shrine,synagogue,tabernacle Fantine had long evaded Tholomyes in the mazes of the hill of the Pantheon, where so many adventurers twine and untwine, but in such a way as constantly to encounter him again.
在先贤祠的高坡一带,见过多少悲欢离合的那些长街曲巷里,芳汀逃避多罗米埃何止一次,但是躲避他却正是为了遇见他。 ebigear

Gordon submitted of a new novel, set partly in contemporary Germany and partly there during World War II, which Pantheon, for which Ms.
这部小说的背景一部分设在当代德国,一部分设在二战期间的罗马万神殿。 yeeyan

A victory at The Nurburgring puts you in the pantheon of greats, and a lap time here remains the benchmark by which performance cars are measured.
在纽博格林的一场胜利足以让你荣登赛车“万神殿”,一直以来,汽车制造商们将在这条赛道跑完一圈所需的时间作为汽车测试的基准。 yeeyan

But peace has no parade, no pantheon of victory.
和平没有庆祝游行,没有胜利殿堂。 putclub

But Darwin is so much more than just a quaint, Victorian historical figure whose bust in the pantheon deserves a place among those of other scientific greats.
不过,达尔文不仅仅是一个古雅的维多利亚时代的历史人物,远远不是,他的半身雕像应该安放在伟人祠,站在其他科学巨人中间。 yeeyan

But Durer's engravings and Saarinen's womb chair and the Pantheon and the original Porsche911 all seem to me slightly funny.
但是,杜勒的版画、沙里宁的子宫椅、万神殿和保时捷911,所有这些对我来说似乎都稍微有些可笑。 yeeyan

But if Mrs Pelosi succeeds, she will take her place in the Democratic pantheon.
但如果佩洛西女士能够成功,她将被列入民主党的先贤祠。 ecocn

But Pope also designed the Jefferson Memorial, which is in the shape of a classical Roman pantheon building.
但 Pope还设计了杰佛逊纪念堂,那是罗马万神殿建筑的经典形状。 yeeyan

Conceived in this way, as an experiment in good government, individual choice, liberty, and human dignity, the United States occupies a special place in the pantheon of human moral endeavor.
这样设想的话,作为考验良好政府、个人选择、自由和人类尊严的实验场,美国在人类道德尝试的殿堂中占有特殊地位。 yeeyan

Even in the pantheon of Sichuan cuisine, this is one helluva spicy dish.
即使在万神庙的川菜,这也算是极度辛辣的菜。 yeeyan

However they all have their place in the pantheon of software development.
不管怎么说,他们在软件开发的诸神殿上都占有一席之地。 yeeyan

I have already been asked too many times since Wednesday evening to place Jobs in the pantheon of CEOs.
自从星期三傍晚乔布斯被置于 CEO名流群后,我已经被问过很多次。 kle100

In the pantheon of ancient gods she appears to me to be unusually reasonable.
在古代诸神中,她的存在在我看来非常合情合理。 yeeyan




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