

单词 pans out
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“Never hope too hard,” she said. “ Never pans out.”
她说“别指望太多,从来都不会有结果。” ecocn

However the gm99nd episode pans out, it's likely to have a lasting impact on the way foreign companies deal with China.
无论 gm66nd事件如何发展,都很可能对外国企业与中国打交道的方式上产生持久的影响。 iciba

However the Google episode pans out, it’s likely to have a lasting impact on the way foreign companies deal with China.
无论 Google事件如何发展,都将会对在华外资企业未来与中国打交道的方式上产生深远影响。 yeeyan

Officials fear that if the ricochet theory pans out, it could inflame tensions and spark more riots.
官员们担心如果反弹理论不成立的话,它可能煽动局势的紧张和导致更多的暴乱。 blog.sina.com.cn

See how the day pans out, and if you've got time, come and see us.

Whether or not that pans out in the long run is a whole other story, but at least it saves you some typing in the mean time.
不论它是否是一个完整的故事文章,但这样至少结约了你的时间。 cnblogs




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