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词汇 panorama
释义 pan·o·ram·a 英ˌpænəˈræmə, -ˈrɑːmə美ˌpænəˈræmə, -ˈrɑməAHDpăn'ə-rămʹə, -räʹmə ★☆☆☆☆高四研GI宝八TCOCA¹⁹³⁸²BNC¹⁷³³⁷iWeb¹⁰⁹⁵⁸Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹


a general representation in words or pictures


a complete view in every direction

the visual percept of a region;

the most desirable feature of the park are the beautiful views

a picture or series of pictures representing a continuous scenepanorama诞生于1789年,由爱尔兰艺术家Robert Barker创造,用来表示他所发明的“360度全景画”——将多幅画框拼接成一个360度的圆环,画框中的内容拼接成一幅首尾相连的风景。Robert Barker曾经创作了两幅全景图并对外收费展览,其中一幅是1497平方英尺的巨大的伦敦远景图。当时的英国国王和王后都曾经慕名前来参观。city panorama城市全景panorama dolly安放全景装置的矮橡皮…panorama view颌部全景照相…panorama camera全景照相机panorama doily摇镜头橡皮轮车…panorama head全景云台
词源解释panorama诞生于1789年,由爱尔兰艺术家Robert Barker创造,用来表示他所发明的“360度全景画”——将多幅画框拼接成一个360度的圆环,画框中的内容拼接成一幅首尾相连的风景。Robert Barker曾经创作了两幅全景图并对外收费展览,其中一幅是1497平方英尺的巨大的伦敦远景图。当时的英国国王和王后都曾经慕名前来参观。
GRE红宝书pan全, ora说, ma妈-妈妈全部说出来-全景; 详细描述
pan + camera 照相机,全景照相;pan 泛 + cinema 电影大屏幕电影
pan全部+orama看→全部看得到→全景 ,全貌
pan全部+ora看,罕见希腊语词根+ma名词后缀→看到的全部东西→全景,全貌⇒全景画,全景摄影;概论。GRE难词记忆panorama→pan全+orama=horama =view景色→全景词根记忆pan全部+ orama看→ 全部看得到 ⇒全景,全貌词根记忆pan全+oram观看+a →全部看得到→全景词根记忆pan+orama视力=视力所及=全景近义词 view视野scene情景vista街景sight视力aspect方面scenery风景outlook景色prospect希望lookout瞭望台landscape风景diorama透视画perspective远景painting画,油画cyclorama圆形幻画
用作名词n.This book gives a panorama of life in England 100 years ago.本书展现了一百多年前英格兰生活的概况。
A vast panorama of the valley lay before us.山谷的广阔全景展现在我们面前。
用作名词promise graciouslyAs we stood at the top of the mountain, a beautifulpanoramaspread out before us.我们登上山顶时,一幅美丽的景色展现在我们的面前。
The book presents apanoramaof British history since the Middle Ages.该书概述了中世纪以来的英国历史。
Henry watched thepanoramaof pass people with wide eyes.亨利观看着一连串过往的人群。noun.scene, horizon
同义词 compass,dimension,diorama,extent,orbit,overview,perspective,picture,prospect,purview,radius,range,reach,scenery,scope,spectacle,survey,sweep,view,vistabird's-eye view,scenic view
bird's-eye viewnoun comprehensive view
aerial perspective,aerial view,bird's-eye survey,fly on the wall,great view,overview,pandect,worm's-eye view
displaynoun public showing;spectacle
act,affectation,arrangement,array,arrayal,blaze,bravura,dash,demonstration,example,exhibit,exhibition,expo,exposition,exposure,fanfare,flourish,for show,frame-up,frippery,front,grandstand play,layout,manifestation,ostentation,ostentatiousness,pageant,panorama,parade,pedantry,pomp,presentation,pretension,pretentiousness,revelation,sample,scheme,shine,showboat,splash,splendor,splurge,spread,unfolding,vanity
displaysnoun public showing;spectacle
acts,affectations,arrangements,arrayals,arrays,blazes,bravuras,dashes,demonstrations,examples,exhibitions,exhibits,expos,expositions,exposures,fanfares,flourishes,for shows,frame-ups,fripperies,fronts,grandstand plays,layouts,manifestations,ostentation,ostentatiousnesses,pageants,panoramas,parades,pedantry,pomp,presentations,pretensions,pretentiousness,revelations,samples,schemes,shine,showboats,splashes,splendors,splurges,spreads,unfoldings,vanities
gamutnoun range
landscapenoun countryside;picture of countryside
landscapesnoun countryside;picture of countryside
murals,outlooks,paintings,panoramas,photographs,prospects,sceneries,scenes,sketches,views,vistas The space warp occurs because the picture is actually a full 360 degree panorama, horizontally compressed to fit your browser.
空间弯曲是因为照片是360度的全景,横向压缩到适合你的浏览器。 yeeyan

The vision was a customised building, incorporating the impressive panorama at the foot of the Alps with a lifestyle demanding variable solutions.
所看到的是一个客制化的建筑,包含着阿尔卑斯山脚下的美丽全景,寻求着生活方式的多种解决之道。 yeeyan

The winner of the2008 Orange prize created a crystalline vision of early17th- century Denmark in this vivid panorama of life at the court of King Christian IV.
2008年橙橘奖获得者在丹麦国王克里斯汀九世的生动的生活全景中创造了一个17世纪早期丹麦的清晰景象。 yeeyan

The panorama below, a patchwork of field, forest, valley, and rock, stretched for miles.
下面的全景尽收眼底,场地,森林,峡谷和岩石拼凑着往外延伸数英里。 yeeyan

You just swing the camera around in a260- degree arc, pressing the shutter all the way — and the camera builds a perfect seamless panorama automatically.
长按快门,在260度圆弧范围内旋转,这款相机可以自动拍摄出准确无误的全景图片。 yeeyan

A panorama is more akin to the experience we get on a device like a laptop.
全景是更接近我们在笔记本电脑的设备得到的经验。 yeeyan

A panorama of Upernavik, Greenland, a small town in the Arctic Circle.
格陵兰的乌佩纳维克,一个北极圈内的小镇的全景。 yeeyan

An image made with an ultra wide angle fisheye lens covering the normal film frame of1:1.33 is not automatically considered to be a panorama.
如果用以1:1.33的比例覆盖正常镜头的超广角的鱼眼镜头来拍摄照片,人们不会认为这是一张全景图。 yeeyan

And while the Tab Panorama system is a clever use of all that screen real estate, it’s not terribly intuitive— in fact it currently loads a training video to get new users oriented.
虽然“全景标签”系统巧妙的利用了整个界面空间,它还是显得不那么直观--事实上,目前它加载了一段培训视频以帮助指导新用户。 yeeyan

Another survey in Panorama, a magazine, suggested that the centre-left would hold on to all but one region.
而另一份发表在全景杂志的调查则称中左联盟可能仅会失去一个选区。 ecocn

Climbing up the tower to see the panorama of the factory.
爬上这座高塔可以看到工厂的全景。 yeeyan

From the inside the guests will be able to appreciate the panorama under any weather condition.
从内部游客可以欣赏雪山的全景,无论在任何恶劣的天气环境之下。 yeeyan

Here are5 ways to get you up and running with your own panorama without getting embroiled in advanced photographic terminology.
这里有5个方法来得到自己的全景图片,却不用卷入高级图片属于中。 yeeyan

Information is stored in hubs and you can view the different hubs as a panorama on the device screen.
信息存储在中心,你可以在设备的屏幕上看到的全景。 yeeyan

It is a cultural deprivation not to appreciate the wonderful panorama offered by modern cosmology, DNA and Darwinian evolution.
无法欣赏现代宇宙学美妙的全景、 DNA和达尔文的进化论是文化的缺失。 yeeyan

It is a unique portrait of London, a dizzying panorama of our capital city captured in unparalleled detail.
这就是独一无二的伦敦,一幅令人目眩的英国首都全景图捕捉下了前所未有的细节。 cri

One of the intelligent things this free website allows you to do is to stretch a single image into a panorama, without distorting any objects in the scene.
这个免费网站的一个智能的功能是,讲一个单张图片拉伸为全景图,而不用毁坏场景中的任何物体。 yeeyan

The above image is in approximately true color but horizontally compressed to accommodate a wide angle panorama.
上图几乎是真彩的,不过水平方向上作了压缩,以适应广角全景。 yeeyan

The above image is actually a three photograph panorama digitally processed to reduce red reflections from the exploding firework.
以上的照片其实是三张全景照片经过数字处理,消除了烟花的反射效果后得到的结果。 yeeyan

The robotic Phoenix spacecraft that landed on Mars in2008 recorded the above spectacular panorama.
2008年降落在火星上的凤凰号无人火星探测器拍下了上面这幅壮观的全景图。 yeeyan

The site allows you to stitch your photos automatically, and its viewer lets others ‘ look around’ the panorama.
这个网站允许自动合并图片,它的查看器可以让别人浏览全景图片。 yeeyan

The two great moments in this installation are a room containing mammoth albumen prints of Yosemite and other landscapes, and in another room, a giant panorama of San Francisco.
这次艺术展的这两个伟大进程与约涩美地及其他风景画同展一室。在另一个展室,是旧金山的巨型全景画。 ecocn

True, Tony Blair, and probably Gordon Brown, would have talked more about sovereign debt crises, the euro and the geo- economic panorama, and at least feigned some influence over the situation.
实际上,托尼•布莱尔,也许还有戈登•布朗,他们都应更多地谈论主权债务危机、欧元以及地缘经济全景等问题,至少要杜撰一些这些问题对于形势的影响。 ecocn

While there is no formal division between“ wide-angle” and“ panoramic” photography, “ wide angle” normally refers to a type of lens, but this lens type does not necessarily image a panorama.
然而“广角”与“全景”照片之间没有严格的界限,“广角”通常指一种透镜,但是这种透镜类型不一定会形成全景图像。 yeeyan

Wilson becomes more than just a great ant man. He extends the lessons of the ant heap to the panorama of evolution.
威尔逊不仅仅是一位伟大的蚁学家,他从蚁群出发让我们得以一窥进化的全貌。 yeeyan

You can also embed the panorama in your own website.
你也可以将全景图嵌入你的站点。 yeeyan

You want to create your own panorama, but do not want to bother with messy details like control points and blending options?
你想要创建自己的全景图片,却不想为凌乱的细节所困扰,比如控制点和图层样式? yeeyan




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