

单词 astray
释义 a·stray 英əˈstreɪ美əˈstreAHDə-strāʹ ★☆☆☆☆高四GIS宝研八COCA²⁷¹⁷⁸BNC²⁷⁴⁶⁸iWeb¹⁶⁹⁴³Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺

away from the right path or direction;

he was led astray

far from the intended target;

the arrow went wide of the mark

a bullet went astray and killed a bystander

来自法语短语o straion stray,原本指无人照看的牲畜在道路上乱走,找不到回家的路,后来可以用来形容人迷路,误入歧途。go astray迷路lead astray引入歧途astray baggage无主行李astray freight票货分离的货物…lead someone astray引诱某人堕落,将某人…
GRE红宝书strayv 迷路; adj 迷路的
a + stray 无目的方向的走,迷路,偏离;a 无 + street 无路走→迷路;音:我死追,我死命追坏人,结果迷路
a+stray走离,stra y走离,迷路也是一个单词
非常记忆a一〖熟词〗+s美女〖编码〗+tray托盘〖熟词〗⇒一个美女端着托盘迷路了GRE难词记忆astray→a+strange a.陌生的+way n.道路→来到了一条陌生的路→迷路a=on,在,处于+stray迷路,走失→正在迷路中⇒误入歧途地,迷途地。联想记忆as像+tray盘子→像在盘子里转圈圈→迷路地;误入歧途地词根记忆a + stray走离⇒迷路的近义词 lost迷路的awry扭曲的wide广泛的adrift漂流地off beam偏束amiss有毛病的off track离题的off target不切题afield远离着家乡…off course不在规定的轨道上…

用作形容词The first thing we did was look for errors in our experimental design and for every conceivable scenario that could have led usastray.我们的第一个动作是寻找的实验设计哪里出了差错,并想遍每一种可能让我们误入歧途的状况。adjective, adverb.off the path or right direction
同义词 afield,awryadrift,amiss,gone,lost,off,off the mark,off-course,roaming,straying,vanished,wandering,wrong
反义词 on-courseright,straight
absentadjective not present
AWOL,away,elsewhere,gone,missing,no-show,nobody home,playing hooky,removed,vanished
adriftadverb off course
afieldadverb beyond
awryadjective off course;amiss
disorientedadjective confused, unstable
adrift,all at sea,astray,bewildered,discombobulated,lost,mixed-up,not adjusted,off-beam,off-course,out-of-joint,perplexed,unbalanced,unhinged,unsettled
goneadjective not present, no longer in existence
AWOL,absent,astray,away,burned up,consumed,deaddecampeddeceased,defunct,departed,disappeared,disintegrated,displaced,dissipated,dissolved,done,down the drain,dried-up,elapsed,ended,extinct,finished,flown,lacking,left,lost,missing,moved,no more,nonextant,not a sign of,not here,out the window,over,passed,past,quit,removed,retired,shifted,spent,split,taken a powder,taken leave,transferred,traveling,turned to dust,vanished,withdrawn For ye were as sheep going astray; but are now returned unto the Shepherd and Bishop of your souls.
你们从前好像迷路的羊。如今却归到你们灵魂的牧人监督了。 ebigear

After the graduation, the boy made friends with evil companions and went astray.

But sometimes, having too great an aspiration can lead you astray.
但有时,理想过于远大只会将你引入歧途。 ebigear

Fowler may not have described them as false scents. But they have potential to lead readers astray.
虽然福勒可能还没有把这些词汇描绘为虚假语气,但这些词汇有可能把读者引入歧途。 yeeyan

His passion for horseracing carried him astray.

I believed he had been led astray by bad people or we would have a daughter-in-law and the happiness we deserved.
我曾以为他是被坏人引入了歧途,不然他早就该娶妻生子,让我们享受天伦之乐了。 yeeyan

I used notes lest faulty memory should lead me astray.
我翻阅了所做的笔记,免得记错了而使我误入歧途。 hjenglish

If you don't know that, interpretation can go far astray.
如果你不懂这点,对它的解读就会误入歧途。 yeeyan

In other cases concubines are blamed for leading their lovers astray.
还有一些案子中,情人被冠以将她们的情人引入歧途的罪名。 yeeyan

Indeed, as Roddy Boyd demonstrates in his well- written study of AIG’s fall, it was the very solidity of the company’s credit rating that led it astray.
罗迪•伯伊德的这本研究美国国际集团破产的著作写的极好。的确,正如他在书中论证的那样,正是美国国集团极其可靠的信用等级使其步入歧途。 ecocn

Many languages have conventions attached to the concept of “ factory” that may lead you astray.
许多语言对于“工厂”这一概念都附有一些约定,它们会使您误入歧途。 ibm

Most fantasies lead us astray, and most of the consequences of imagination for individuals and individual organisations are disastrous.
大多幻想会把我们引入歧途,对个人及组织来讲,想象的结果大多是灾难性的。 ecocn

Once the country is rid of Bush, perhaps we can start developing a more nuanced understanding of how his presidency went astray.
一旦布什离任,也许我们能够更清楚的认识到布什政府是如何步入歧途的。 yeeyan

Passion without focus can lead you astray.
没有重点,只有激情会将你引入歧途。 yeeyan

Perhaps investors get led astray by the advice they receive.
也许是投资者得到的建议引的他们误入歧途的。 ecocn

Public opinion blames Mrs. Smith for leading the girl astray.
舆论责怪史密斯夫人把那位姑娘引入歧途。 ebigear

That's just part of the story for cheating politicians, whose power and feelings of invincibility can also lead them astray.
这只是骗人政客们的一部分故事,他们的权力和优越感也能把他们引入歧途。 yeeyan

The desire to beat the competition can lead a company astray--or drive it to even greater heights.
击败竞争对手的渴望,有时会导致公司误入歧途,有时会带动公司达到更高的水平。 yeeyan

When working on a web design, there are a number of places that many designers begin to go astray.
在设计一个网页时,有许多地方会让许多设计师误入歧途。 yeeyan




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