

单词 panned
释义 pan·ned 英pæn美pæn COCA⁴³³⁹²BNC⁵³⁸¹⁵Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²

wide flat container, with a handle or handles, used for cooking food in

cooking utensil consisting of a wide metal vesselGreek mythology god of fields and woods and shepherds and flocks; represented as a man with goat's legs and horns and ears; identified with Roman Sylvanus or Faunusshallow container made of metalchimpanzees; more closely related to Australopithecus than to other pongids
make a sweeping movement;

The camera panned across the room

wash dirt in a pan to separate out the precious mineralsexpress a totally negative opinion of;

The critics panned the performance

用作名词 n.
动词+~blacken pan熏黑锅scrape pan刮锅名词+~baking pan烤锅cake pan烤制糕点的锅gold pan淘金盘lavatory pan便池介词+~bake in pan用平底锅烘烤flash in pan昙花一现~+介词a pan of hot fat一锅热油脂
近义词 dip浸pit坑dish盘hole洞face表面visage脸dent凹痕dint凹痕slate板岩roast烤肉trash废物deride嘲笑spider蜘蛛hollow空的bedpan便盆skillet煎锅pan out结果pan off淘洗slam砰地关上stew-pan炖锅look for寻找criticize批评disparage蔑视depression沮丧excavation挖掘search for搜寻find fault挑剔take apart拆卸tear apart撕开roaster炙烤的人saucepan长柄深锅griddle煎饼用浅锅concavity中央凹陷potty小孩的便壶…cooking pan蒸煮锅, 烹锅…crater坑陨石坑、弹坑等…berate〈正式或文〉严厉责备…
用作名词n.He started tipping beans into a pan.他开始把豆子倒进锅中。
Cook the pasta in a large pan of boiling water.在一大锅沸水中煮意大利面。
He used a pan of water to mix the wheat flour.他用了一锅水去和面。



用作名词I cracked two eggs into the fryingpan.我往平底锅里打了两个鸡蛋。
Take apanor box and fill it with sand or cat litter.拿一个盘子或盒子,里面装上沙子或者干草。
The water was run off from thepanso that the sand remained.把淘盘里的水放掉,让沙留着。
They dip thepaninto the bed of the stream, and thenpanout the sand and dirt, hoping that some gold will be left.他们用淘盘舀出小溪溪底泥沙,然后淘去泥沙,希望有金子留下来。用作动词His new film was reallypannedby the critics.他新拍摄的电影确实受到评论家严厉的批评。
Nobody knew how the things wouldpanout.没人知道事情结果将会怎样。as in.panoramic
同义词 scenicall-around,all-embracing,all-encompassing,all-inclusive,bird's-eye,blanket,broad,complete,comprehensive,far-reaching,full,wide-ranging
panoramicadjective sweeping
all-around,all-embracing,all-encompassing,all-inclusive,bird's-eye,blanket,broad,complete,comprehensive,far-reaching,full,scenic,wide-ranging As things panned out it was Davids who would be sitting on the bench, as Cambiasso immediately made the defensive midfield position his own, with an outstanding start to his career in Italy.
可接下来发生的事情却是戴维斯坐上了板凳,而坎比亚索则立刻占据了主力防守中场的位置,这给他在意大利的事业开了个好头。 blog.sina.com.cn

His hopes rose when he landed interviews at Unilever's UN Barcelona office and Johnson & Johnson JNJ in Madrid, but neither opportunity panned out.
带来一丝曙光的来自联合利华和强生公司的面试机会,但是两次面试他都被淘汰了。 yeeyan

The camera panned out over the crowd.

The camera panned across the room.
摄像机对着整个屋子摇动一遍。 nciku

The critics panned the performance.
评论家严厉批评这场表演。 nciku

And as the pair bantered on stage the television, cameras panned to Jolie, perhaps hoping to see her glaring at the woman who recently described her as “really uncool”.
当两人在台上打趣时,场内的摄像机镜头立马对准了茱丽,可能是希望看到她怒视曾评价她“不厚道”的安妮斯顿时的模样。 i21st

As counter trade often takes place in less developed economies and in centrally panned economies, it is often related with policy objectives in these countries.
由于返向贸易经常是在欠发达国家和计划经济国家进行的,它一般是与这些国家的政策目标相互联系的。 edu.sina.com.cn

At the White House Friday, Netanyahu panned the proposal.
上周五内塔尼亚胡在白宫反驳了该提议。 tingclass

He would be considered a genius if his experiments panned out.
如果他的实验成功,人们会认为他是个天才。 hotdic

How much a role did your own naivety play in what panned out?
在结果中,你自己的天真扮演了多么大的角色? bbs.chinadaily.com.cn

Ms. Hung has had a mercurial career across various fields in both business and media and not all her projects have panned out.
洪女士在商业和媒体的多个领域均有涉足,但并不是每次尝试都一帆风顺。 yeeyan

Scientists have been looking for ways to control all these hunger hormones, but so far nothing usable has panned out.
科学家一直在寻找控制这些饥饿激素的方法,但是目前还没有成果。 yeeyan

The camera panned from her face to a middleaged man.

The cameraman panned down the camera.

The movie was panned in Australia.
这部电影是在澳大利亚拍的。亦称作 panning shot《21世纪大英汉词典》

Those whose land panned out could become rich very quickly.
拥有能淘出金子的土地的人很快就能成为富翁。 hotdic

We struggle with the idea that reuse has not panned out.
对于重用没有成功的想法,我们纠结了很久。 infoq




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