

单词 panhandle
释义 panhandle 英ˈpænˌhændl美ˈpænˌhændļAHDpănʹhăn'dl ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA²⁵⁶⁴⁴BNC¹⁴⁴⁶⁶⁴⁺³iWeb²⁷⁰⁸²
a relatively narrow strip of land projecting from some larger area;

Wheeling is located in the northern panhandle of West Virginia

the handle of a pan
beg by accosting people in the street and asking for moneypan,盘子,碗,锅,handle,把手。即锅把子,行乞碗,引申词义行乞,讨钱。panhandler美俚乞丐Panhandle State西弗吉尼亚州的别称…

用作名词Wheeling is located in the northernpanhandleof West Virginia.惠灵位于西弗吉尼亚州的狭长地带。
The storm spawned a tornado near the Floridapanhandleof Santa Rosa Beach.风暴自佛罗里达狭长地带的圣罗莎海岸蕴积成龙卷风。用作动词Homeless people are forced topanhandlein subway stations.无家可归的人们被迫在地铁站里乞讨。verb.beg
同义词 bum,cadge,freeload,hustle,mooch,scrounge,spongeask alms,hit up,hold out one's hand,live hand to mouth,pass the hat,solicit charity
begverb seek charity
ask alms,benefit,bite,brace,bum,burn,buzz,cadge,call on,call upon,chisel,clamor for,dime up,freeload,hit up,hustle,knock,live hand to mouth,mendicate,mooch,nick,nickel up,pass the hat,put the bite on,put the touch on,score,scrounge,solicit charity,sponge,sponge on,tap,touch,want
cadgeverb beg
cadgedverb beg
solicitverb plead for;try to sell
accost,apply,approach,ask,beg,beseech,bespeak,bum,cadge,call,canvass,challenge,claim,come on to,crave,demand,desire,drum,drum up,entreat,exact,go,hawk,hit on,hit up,hustle,implore,importune,inquire,mooch,panhandle,pass the hat,peddle,petition,postulate,pray,promote,proposition,query,question,refer,request,require,requisition,resort,seduce,seek,sponge,steer,sue for,supplicate,touch,tout,turn,whistle for
spongeverb mooch
beg,bum,cadge,chisel,freeload,hit up,hustle,live off of,panhandle,scrounge The capital of Alaska, in the Panhandle northeast of Sitka.
美国阿拉斯加州首府,在锡特卡东北部的柄状狭长地带。 poptool

The Grave Creek Mound in the panhandle of present day West Virginia is nearly70 feet tall and300 feet in diameter.
在今天的西弗吉尼亚州发现的 Grave Creek Mound几乎有70英尺高,直径达300英尺。 yeeyan

The storm spawned a tornado near the Florida panhandle town of Santa Rosa Beach.
风暴自圣罗莎海岸狭小的佛罗里达镇蕴积成龙卷风。 putclub.com

The Texas Panhandle receives grain from the Central Plains and the Upper Mississippi.
得克萨斯州延伸地带从大平原中部和密西西比河上游地区输入粮食。 asaimchina

A city of northwest Florida in the Panhandle east of Pensacola. It is a year-round resort on the Gulf of Mexico. Population, 21,471.
美国佛罗里达州西北部的一座城市,位于潘汉德尔,在彭萨科拉以东。是濒临墨西哥湾的全年度假胜地。人口21,471。 http://www.79cha.com

According to neighbors and social workers, he is a gentle presence, possibly delusional and mentally ill, a quiet man who does not harass passers-by or panhandle aggressively.
据社区和社会工作者讲,他是一个温和的人,可能有妄想症及精神疾病,是一个安静的人,从不骚扰路人,也不是那种攻势乞讨者。 yeeyan

But he sleeps in a van he co-owns with another surfer and they both frequently panhandle tourists for money.
但他却住在和另一个冲浪员共有的一个货车里,他们俩总是向游客讨钱。 yeeyan

Canoeists on receding Lake Meredith in the Texas Panhandle found a small plane that crashed in 1984, the National Park Service said in a statement Saturday.
国家公园服务部在周六的讲话中说, 划独木舟的人们在水位回落的湖中发现了1984年失事的小飞机。 blog.sina.com.cn

Even stronger and more consistent winds are to be found further north along the“ wind corridor” that stretches from the west Texas plains up through the panhandle and into Oklahoma and beyond.
再往北去有条“风之回廊”,它从德州西部平原开始,往上经过一条狭长地带,一直延伸到俄克拉荷马州 Oklahoma境内甚至更北部。 ecocn

Even public schools up in the once lily-white panhandle in the north of the state are seeing their classes fill up with Hispanic children;
即使在该州南部那条纯白的狭长土地上的公立学校里,也开始出现班级里拉美裔学生越来越多的现象; ecocn

He remembered how when they reached Amarillo they went north up into the panhandle.
他记得当他们到达阿马里洛时他们如何北上进入锅柄状狭长地带。 yeeyan

In the Texas Panhandle, when the snow storm two weeks ago closed sections of I-40, no one would think that50 mile per hour winds gusts up to70 would close sections again this week for dust storms.
在德克萨斯州的狭长地区,当两周前的暴风雪迫使 I-40洲际高速公路关闭时,没有人会想到这一周沙尘暴引起的时速50英里瞬时风速达70英里的风会再一次迫使该区域被关闭。 cowinfo

Lituya Bay is a T-shaped fjord on the coast of the Alaskan Panhandle, west of Glacier Bay and about120 miles west- northwest of Juneau.
Lituya海湾是阿拉斯加狭地海岸上的一处 T形峡湾,在冰河海湾 Glacier Bay西面,朱诺西北大约120英里处。 yeeyan

Oil appears to have reached beaches and barrier islands in Alabama and the western Panhandle of Florida.
浮油看起来已到达位于阿拉巴马州的海滩和堰洲岛,和佛罗里达西部的狭长地带。 yeeyan

The case was brought after the state began adding sand to miles of eroded beaches in Florida's panhandle.
此事是在国家开始加入到侵蚀佛罗里达的几英里狭长地带海滩后发生。 gcwan

Tropical Storm Fay is wrapping up its disastrous slog across Florida and making a record fourth landfall on the Panhandle's coast.
穿过佛罗里达的热带风暴 Fay正大肆破坏并在西弗吉尼亚海岸第四次登陆。 putclub




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