

单词 Pangu
释义 PanguBNC¹⁷³⁹⁹⁵⁺²
On basis of comparative analysis about the myth as well as the culture of Panhu and Pangu, the authors draw a conclusion: Pangu, is a manito totemism, which reflects a farming culture trait;
论文通过对盘古、盘瓠神话及其文化对比,认为盘古是汉族一种自然神图腾崇拜,反映农耕文化特质; cnki

Another eighteen thousand years passed, and there was an extremely high sky, an extremely thick earth, and an extremely tall Pangu.
这样又过了一万八千年,天已经很高了,地已经很厚了,盘古身材也很长了。 tingvoa

Between them was Pangu, the earliest ancestor of humanity, who went through nine changes every day.
天地从此开辟了。盘古在天地之间,随着天地的变化而变化。 vip.zzia.edu.cn

Changzhou has a long history, prehistoric epoch-making Pangu legend and one of the town from Cangzhou Qingxian plate.
沧州历史悠久,史前盘古开天辟地的传说地之一,就源于沧州青县盘古镇。 wumingvi

Entertain with style in one of hotel's signature restaurants, Kaden Minokichi, French, or in one of26 private rooms of Pangu Wenqi Chinese Restaurant individually decorated.
独特设计的花传美浓吉日餐厅、法餐厅以及盘古文奇美食汇的26个不同装饰风格的中餐包间,提供宴请宾客的多种选择; blog.sina.com.cn

Hall are wearing leaves, Satisfy sun and the moon, like a cast-iron painted gold Pangu, zero- eight- inch high-Yi Zhang.
殿内有身披树叶,手托日月的铁铸涂金盘古像,高一丈零八寸。 elycn

In all, the universe and Pangu combine in one.
总之,宇宙即盘古,盘古即宇宙。 tingvoa

In the study of Chinese mythology, Pangu and Panhu have been being regarded as the same god.
在中国神话的研究中,盘古和盘瓠通常被视为一神。 cnki

Nobody knows how many years passed and then Pangu finally fell down.
又不知过了多少年,盘古终于倒下了。 vip.zzia.edu.cn

Opened up a world of Pangu, with the body made the moon and stars, mountains and vegetation.
盘古开辟了天地,用身躯造出日月星辰、山川草木。 wz121

Panhu and Pangu were two different people in different times, standing for social situations in different stages in the Primitive Society respectively.
盘瓠与盘古氏是不同时代的两个人物,代表着原始社会不同阶段的社会状况。 cnki

Performing traditional opera in villages neighboring Pangu Temple and from the second day to the tenth day of the fifth month of the lunar calendar.

She is the counsellor of Pangu family.
她,就是盘古家庭的——周欣老师。 www.mapleleaf.net.cn

So, Pangu Why did you choose to settle here to do?
那么,盘古为什么选择此处定居呢? elycn

The vitality in Pangu, touched by the wind, turned into the common people.
而盘古身体中的生命体,因风所感,变成了老百姓。 vip.zzia.edu.cn

The spirit of Pangu flied to heaven and was ordained as the God of Thunder.
他的灵魂飞到了天上,变成了雷公。 www.1x1y.com.cn

Worshipping Pangu dates back to the ancient customs of Pangu totem worship and Pangu mythology.

Pangu's pad sets to lead his family's nest, building housing.
盘古氏带领其家族垫台筑巢,造房建屋。 elycn




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