

单词 panelled
释义 pan·el·led 英'pænl美'pænl ★☆☆☆☆高COCA¹⁴¹⁵⁶⁹BNC²⁰⁵⁸¹Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹

a group of people with special skills


surface; table


a board on which controls or instruments of various kinds are fixed

sheet that forms a distinct usually flat and rectangular section or component of somethinga committee appointed to judge a competitionlaw a group of people summoned for jury service from whom a jury will be chosena group of people gathered for a special purpose as to plan or discuss an issue or judge a contest etca soft pad placed under a saddlea piece of cloth that is generally triangular or tapering; used in making garments or umbrellas or sailscomputer science a small temporary window in a graphical user interface that appears in order to request information from the user; after the information has been provided the user dismisses the box with `okay' or `cancel'electrical device consisting of a flat insulated surface that contains switches and dials and meters for controlling other electrical devices;

he checked the instrument panel

suddenly the board lit up like a Christmas tree

decorate with panels;

panel the walls with wood

select from a list;

empanel prospective jurors

用作名词 n.
动词+~select a panel挑选小组成员形容词+~advisory panel顾问小组impartial panel公正的小组special panel特别小组名词+~consumer panel消费者委员会control panel控制板,操纵台government panel政府专门小组meter panel仪表板~+名词panel discussion小组讨论介词+~in the panel在受审中on the panel在小组中~+介词panel of educators教育委员会panel on有关…的调查小组
近义词 pane
用作名词n.A panel of experts gave its opinion on ways to solve the traffic problem.专家小组就如何解决交通问题发表了意见。
The jury panel was drawn.陪审员名单通过抽签决定了。
This panel has a crack on it.这块镶板有裂痕了。
The builders set the panels in very carefully.建筑工人把嵌板非常小心地镶上去。
The unusual control panel on the walls caught our attention.墙上不同寻常的控制板引起了我们的注意。
Vibrations shook the panel loose.仪表板震松了。

panel discussion指“专题讨论会”,是美式英语的用法。

用作名词The builders set thepanelin carefully.建筑工人把嵌板小心地镶上去。
The worker will check functions of instrumentpanel.工人将检查仪表盘功能。
Solarpanelsare used to power satellites.太阳能面板用来给卫星提供动力。
The date for thepaneldiscussion is fixed now.座谈会的日期现已确定。
The competition will be judged by apanelof experts.竞赛将由一个专家小组进行裁决。用作动词Hepanelledthe wall with wood.他在墙上镶上木板。as in.line
同义词 cover,fill,stuffbush,encrust,face,incrust,overlay,panel,quilt,reinforce,sheath,wad,wainscotceil,interline
反义词 stripunlineas in.frame
同义词 construct,enclose,erect,fabricate,moldassemble,back,border,constitute,encase,fashion,forge,form,institute,invent,lath,make,manufacture,mat,model,mount,panel,produce,raise,shingleput together,set up
反义词 break,demolish,destroy,dismantle,raze,ruin Besides the gents, a glass- panelled door reveals a private room heaving with people in tight groups clutching glasses of wine.
在男厕所旁边,透过玻璃格板门可以看到一间私人房间,里面抓着酒杯的人紧紧的坐在一起。 yeeyan

The brown- panelled parlour was furnished all in old style. and with real old furniture.
这间装有褐色镶板的客厅,一切摆设都古香古色,都是真正的古老家具。 kekenet

A panelled room has decorative wooden panels covering its walls.
装有镶板的房间是指其墙上镶有装饰的木板。 yingyudaxue

As he watched her recorded testimonial and listened to her voice floating across the wood- panelled courtroom, he was facing away from the public gallery where two or three people were sitting.
当他看着女儿的证词,当他听着她的声音木质板材装饰的法庭里飘扬的时候,他把脸转向了只有两三个人的旁听席。 blog.sina.com.cn

Back at Sword and Shield, two elderly customers are tucking into Brezhnev's favourite cutlets in oak- panelled private rooms decorated with KGB memorabilia.
回到剑盾饭店,两个上了年纪的顾客,正在用克格勃纪念品装饰的橡木私人房间里,大嚼着勃列日涅夫最喜欢的烤肉片。 yeeyan

Inside, the Playwright is long and wood- panelled, with a bar downstairs and a dining room upstairs.
酒馆内部较深,且镶以木板。楼下为酒吧,楼上为餐厅。 ecocn

It's a low- lit upmarket pub with a wood- panelled games room.
这是一个昏暗的高档酒吧,有一个全木装修的游戏室。 yeeyan

Leaf crepe and stretch panelled dress with structured shoulders, high collar, long sleeves and tail. 50% Acetate, 50% Viscose.
绉绸弹性饰片,专门设计的肩部,高领,长袖燕尾裙,50%醋酸人造丝,50%纤维胶。 www.iiijia.com.cn

Reporters are shepherded into a wood- panelled conference room with soft armchairs, a long table and a wall- mounted screen.
记者们被带到一间木质装潢的会议室,坐着柔软的扶手椅,面前是长长的桌子,墙壁上则挂着显示屏。 yeeyan

The defendants were brought into the modern wood- panelled courtroom in green prison jumpsuits.
身穿绿色囚衣的被告被带入现代化的木板建造的法庭。 kekenet

The hotel has a spacious residents' lounge, an oak panelled lounge bar and beautiful beamed dining room.
酒店设有宽敞的客人休息室、一间设有橡木隔板的豪华酒吧以及拥有漂亮横梁的餐饮室。 tripagain

We adjourn to the wood- panelled dining room, and sit at a long antique table, in front of some framed photos of their wedding, which took place in the foyer of the Castle in September2006.
我们一起来到实木装潢的客厅,在一张古香古色的桌子边坐下。面前是几幅他们夫妇在2006年9月份拍的结婚照,照片都配了镜框,看得出来是在城堡的大厅里拍的。 yeeyan




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