

单词 paneling
释义 pan·el·ing 英ˈpænəlɪŋ美ˈpænəlɪŋAHDpănʹə-lĭng 高GCOCA²⁶³²³iWeb²¹⁴²²
a panel or section of panels in a wall or door来自panel,面板,-ing,集合名词后缀。panel嵌板panelling镶板wood paneling嵌板
近义词 lining衬里pane窗玻璃cladding镀层panelling镶板wainscot 护壁板wainscoting护墙板材料装壁板…

用作名词The guide drew our attention too the magnificent carvedpaneling.导游把我们的注意力引向华丽的雕刻镶木上。as in.wall
同义词 bar,barricade,barrier,block,dam,embankment,facade,fence,screen,side,surfacebank,blockade,bulwark,curb,enclosure,fortification,hindrance,hurdle,impediment,levee,limitation,palisade,panel,parapet,partition,rampart,restriction,retainer,roadblock,stockade,stop
反义词 door,opening,windowas in.woodwork
同义词 molding,staircasefinishing
wallnoun obstruction, divider
wallsnoun obstruction, divider
woodworknoun trim made of wood
finishing,molding,paneling,staircase A beautiful heavy, hard, and strong hardwood tree. This is used for furniture, millwork and paneling.
质地沉厚,坚久耐用的硬木。用于家具,门窗框,和镶板。 atexp

A couple months ago, my wife and I decided to put up wood paneling in the kitchen.
两个月前,我和妻子决定在厨房里装上木镶板。 ibm

A medium density wood, poplar is popular for furniture, doors, paneling, plywood, and for musical instruments.
中等硬度的木材。白杨木多用于家具,门,镶板,夹合板,以及乐器。 atexp

The Business Lounge, with its stately wood paneling and comfortable seating is ideal for small or informal meetings.
华贵的木护墙板,舒适的座椅,商务酒廊绝对是各种小型非正式会议的完美选择。 dichan

The hotel, overlooking the Huangpu River, featured wood paneling and large, majestic crystal chandeliers.
婚宴饭店矗立在黄浦江畔,就像在木板画上树立起的一座高大雄伟的水晶装饰灯。 club.edu.sina.com.cn

The separation purification and appraisal of mold on the leather sheaths and paneling in the military warehouses were carried out.
为了采取有效措施防治兵工仓库中霉菌的危害,对某兵工仓库中包装板和皮套上的霉菌进行了分离纯化与鉴定。 dictall

The strips are designed to be part of the paneling or table top, and can also house communication cables and sport finishes from mahogany to titanium.
接线板被设计成操作台面或桌面的一部分,还可以包含通信电缆,接线板表面也可以选用从红木到钛合金等各种材料。 ebigear

The underside of the HB is protected by armored paneling which protects the drivetrain and passengers from rocks and other potentially damaging objects.
高亮度底面的受保护的装甲镶板的传动系统和对象的乘客从岩石和其他潜在的破坏性。 fblife

With dark wood paneling, worn Oriental carpets, and leather- upholstered furniture, and staffed by elderly union workers moving in slow motion, it is well past its prime.

“ We wanted to take a fresh look at what a law firm is, without the mahogany paneling,” says Harris.
哈里斯说,“我们想看到律师事务所的新面貌,不加任何修饰。” yeeyan

All rooms and suites are air-conditioned and are lined with Brazilian walnut wood paneling with balconies overlooking the Caribbean Sea.
所有的客房和套房都装有空调,并与巴西核桃与阳台俯瞰加勒比海木镶板内衬。 horse21

But it is the ballroom with its tiled floor and its paneling, the stairs in the background, and the lion's paw at the side that creates the film's dense, powerful atmosphere.
但是,有着地板和镶板的舞厅、后台的楼梯和侧面狮子的脚印,为电影制造了厚重有力的气氛。 renren

Canvas paneling at sides, top line and heel.
帆布镶板两侧,顶线和脚跟。 xici

Mesh paneling at padded tongue and top line.
在填充的舌头和顶线的网格镶板。 xici

Not so much the art nouveau exterior as the gold-accented interior with its red carpets, stained glass, wood paneling and flowing central stair case.
与其说它新艺术外墙,倒不如说它金碧辉煌、铺有红地毯、彩色玻璃、木质镶板和平滑中央楼梯间的内堂。 hjenglish

One solution suggested would put extra padding along the sides of the bus interior— over the windows and on the paneling between windows.
解决方案是建议在校车内部增加特殊填充物-位置在窗口上面和窗口之间的镶板上。 yeeyan

Reflecting its gracious past, the Cavalry bar with its wood paneling and original artwork creates an aura of old world charm.
反映其优雅过去,其镶板,原始艺术品骑兵酒吧创建了一个旧世界的魅力光环。 hotel-all.net

Several kinds of rotor cast can be manufactured on one die by changing a paneling, so the ratio of utilization of the mould is raised, and the cost of manufacture is lowered.
通过更换镶板,可在一套模具上生产多种转子铸件,提高了模具利用率,降低了生产成本。 cnki

Speed wrap paneling features the lightest Yamamoto Nano SCS coated5mm neoprene through the chest, core, and leg to help raise your body in the water and reduce drag.
高速包装镶板功能最轻的山本纳米公务员事务局局长涂通过胸部5毫米氯丁橡胶,核心,和腿部,以帮助提高你的身体在水中,减少阻力。 freemerce

Standing there in the office, miserable, I wanted to vanish into the paneling.
我伤心地站在办公室门口,恨不得消失在门缝里。 yeeyan

Technology will be heavily incorporated into clothes for men and women in 2008, with sliding pockets, movable paneling in jackets and sleeves that can be removed at the click of a button.
科技将会被深度结合到2008年的男女衣装中。其中有夹克衫上可以滑动方式打开的口袋,可卸下的片面,以及只需按一下按钮便能脱去的袖子。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn

That, and its attractive grain, made oak the wood of choice for centuries for wall paneling and exterior framing, furniture- making, flooring, shipbuilding, and barrel-making.
这种特性和它的诱人的谷粒使得几世纪以来橡树广泛用作制造木护墙、外部框架、家具、地板材料、船只以及木桶。 en400

The abundant wood paneling is prone to warping.
比比皆是的木镶板很易弯曲变形。 ebigear

The glue-laminated arches, interior wood paneling, and window assemblies, were all fabricated off- site.
它的胶水层积拱,室内木镶板以及窗体部件都建筑在外面。 yeeyan

They began paneling the inside of the office; up to a point, they ran out of paneling.
他们开始装办公室的内部的墙板,但是到了一定的时候,发现墙板用完了。 bbs.translators.com.cn

Together with the amplifier MDV, it only responds to larger metal parts such as the teeth of an excavator shovel, equipment or tool parts or paneling.
连同放大器马立克氏病病毒,它只响应较大的金属部分,如挖掘机铲,设备或工具的部分或镶板的牙齿。 gyzdhw

When used with the MDV amplifier, it will respond only to larger pieces of metal like teeth from an excavator bucket, tools, or metal paneling.
当与放大器马立克氏病病毒使用,它将只响应较大件的金属一样的牙齿从挖掘机斗,工具或金属镶板。 gyzdhw

Wood paneling softens the institutional feel of the interior.
木制镶板淡化了内部制度化的气氛。 yeeyan




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