

单词 pane
释义 pane 英peɪn美penAHDpān ★☆☆☆☆高四六GT宝4八COCA¹⁵⁸¹²BNC²⁴⁰¹⁶iWeb⁷⁶³⁷

sheet glass cut in shapes for windows or doorsa panel or section of panels in a wall or doorstreet name for lysergic acid diethylamide来自拉丁语pannum,一块布,来自PIE*pan,布,纺织品。引申词义窗帘,窗玻璃。pane of a hammer锤的顶边cross pane hammer尖顶锤window pane窗玻璃double pane sash双层玻璃窗框…double-pane sash双层玻璃窗框…cross-pane hammer横头锤pane of glass门墙玻璃块active pane活跃面板glass pane玻璃板pane hammer尖锤,钳工锤,斧锤…
非常记忆pan盘〖拼音〗+e鹅〖编码〗⇒把一整盘烧鹅扔到窗玻璃上GRE红宝书音:盘,玻璃盘;pan 盘子 + e→格子;类似panel 仪表盘谐音记忆音“碰”⇒一块玻璃烂了近义词 zen禅acid酸piece件layer层dot少量dose剂量glass玻璃sheet被单panel嵌板window窗户superman超人paneling镶木panelling镶板windowpane窗玻璃window pane窗玻璃window glass窗玻璃Elvis埃尔维斯男子名…battery-acid电池用酸液pane of glass门墙玻璃块

用作名词Good prose is like a windowpane.好文章是一块透亮的窗玻璃。
He had a lot of pain after his accident with apaneof glass.他意外将一块窗玻璃打碎后,疼痛万分。
Pane gives the dimensional feature of dining-room with the graph of constant change and team combination.方格以不断变化的图形和队型组合出餐厅的空间特征。
The dyes transport the energy to solar cells that can be placed on the edges of thepane.这种燃料将能量传递到可以放置到方格边缘的太阳能电池上。用作动词Good prose is like a windowpane.好文章是一块透亮的窗玻璃。
He had a lot of pain after his accident with apaneof glass.他意外将一块窗玻璃打碎后,疼痛万分。as in.sheet
同义词 blanket,coat,foil,layer,leaf,piece,plate,slab,surfacearea,expanse,film,folio,lamina,membrane,overlay,panel,ply,stratum,stretch,sweep,veneeras in.staff of life
同义词 bread,bread and butter,daily bread,meat,necessary food,pain,staple,staple food
sheetnoun coating, covering;page
staff of lifenoun food for life
bread,bread and butter,daily bread,meat,necessary food,pain,pane,staple,staple food The left pane displays either the information center contents as a navigation tree or search results.
左窗格显示信息中心的目录作为导航树或检索结果。 ibm

Well, sometimes you actually do need to directly manipulate the content pane.
实际上,有时您确实必须直接处理内容窗格。 ibm

Add a pane, so that the select component can be placed in the right position.
添加一个窗格,以便能将选择组件放置在右侧的位置。 ibm

Before exploring how not to use a content pane, let's first look at what it is and why one exists.
在研究如何可以不使用内容窗格之前,让我们先看一下内容窗格是什么,以及它为什么存在。 ibm

Click on the human task pane in the human task editor to see the human task properties tabs.
在人工任务编辑器中单击人工任务窗格,可以看到人工任务属性选项卡。 ibm

Figure2 is another panel of the demonstration application, containing more complex component types such as split panes, trees, and an editor pane showing HTML content.
图2是演示应用程序的另一个面板,它包含更复杂的组件类型,如分割窗格、树和显示 HTML内容的编辑器窗格。 ibm

However the Input pane only shows three inputs.
可是输入窗格只显示出三个输入框。 ibm

However, because of the data, the full width of the pane works best.
无论如何,由于这些数据的原因,完全宽幅的窗格运行地最好。 ibm

If you select it, the palette moves entirely from the process editor, and then down into the lower right pane.
如果您选择此选项,面板将完全从流程编辑器中移开,然后向下移动到右下窗格中。 ibm

If you select one of the notifications, all the information from that notification is displayed in the bottom right pane.
如果您选择了其中一个通知,右下方的窗格就会列出该通知的所有信息。 ibm

In the details pane, you can see that each partner reference has an associated interface.
在详细信息窗格中,您可以看到每个伙伴引用都有一个关联的接口。 ibm

In the System variables pane, click New.
在系统变量窗格中,单击新建。 ibm

In the left navigation pane, right-click the category or section title you want to bookmark.
在左侧导航窗格,右击您想要添加书签的类别或部分的标题。 ibm

It also contains an error pane to render any error or debug messages that need to be displayed to the user.
它还包含一个错误窗格,用于呈现需要显示给用户的任何错误或调试消息。 ibm

It has two panes, with the properties view playing an important role in the lower pane.
它有两个窗格,其中下面的窗格具有属性视图并起着重要的作用。 ibm

Once you have logged into the dashboard, you should see all the applications line up on the left pane.
当你登录到工作台以后,你就会看到左侧面板列出的所有应用。 yeeyan

Operations should be displayed in the right pane.
操作应该会显示在右边面板中。 ibm

Selecting any of the tree nodes in the source pane highlights all statements that reference that source tree node.
在源窗格中选择任何树节点,将突出显示所有引用了该源树节点的语句。 ibm

Selecting any document in your library displays a preview of that document in the right pane.
选择库中的任何一个文档都会在右侧的面板中显示该文档的预览。 ibm

Since the first spatial iterator named outer encompasses both panes AL0 and AL1, the first digit following the pane name is a grouping digit for a branch in the tree.
由于命名靠外的第一个空间迭代器同时包含窗格 AL0和 AL1,所以窗格名称后面的第一个数字是树中一个分支的组数字。 ibm

The right pane displays information topics.
右窗格则显示信息主题。 ibm

Therefore, a child added to a container is not placed in the local- coordinate system of a container, but in its content pane, which has its own coordinate system.
因此,向容器添加的子控件不是放置在容器的局部坐标系中,而是放置在它的内容面板中,内容面板拥有自己的坐标系。 ibm

Use the buttons in the left pane to customize various aspects of the conversion process specific to your input and output formats.
使用左侧窗格内的按钮可定制特定于此输入和输出格式的这一转换过程的各个方面。 ibm

We are sorting the items in the right pane so that folders appear first.
我们对右边窗格中的各项排序以便首先出现的是文件夹。 ibm

When you select a particular capability in the right pane, its description appears below the list.
当您在右窗格中选择一个特定功能时,它的说明将出现在列表之下。 ibm

When you select an extension, the related description is displayed in the right pane.
当你选择一项扩展,相关的描述就会显示在右侧的面板中。 infoq

While the content pane still exists, you almost never need to work with it directly.
虽然内容窗格仍然存在,但您几乎不必直接使用它。 ibm

You should also use sensible names for the text pane and the button.
另外,对于文本面板和按钮,还应该使用容易理解的名称。 ibm

You can drag the views anywhere along the pane, rearrange them, or revert back to the default perspective if you need to go back to the original layout.
您能够拖动视图到面板中的任意位置,重新排列它们,或者当您需要返回原始布局时将它们归还到默认的透视图中。 ibm

You can use this pane to create customized graphs.
您可以使用此窗格创建自定义的图表。 ibm




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