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词汇 Pandora
释义 Pan·do·ra 英pænˈdɔːrə, -ˈdəʊrə美pænˈdɔrə, -ˈdorəAHDpăn-dôrʹə, -dōrʹə ☆☆☆☆☆高Economist²⁰⁴⁰⁷⁺

Greek mythology the first woman; created by Hephaestus on orders from Zeus who presented her to Epimetheus along with a box filled with evils希腊神话中的第一个女凡人,因Prometheus把火把从天上带到人间,宙斯为惩罚他,合众神之力,创造出一个无比美丽但没有智慧的女子Pandora,派她到人间成为Prometheus的弟弟Epimetheus的妻子,并送她一个盒子作为礼物,即充满各种灾难的潘多拉魔盒,并再三警告她不要将这个盒子打开。但很不幸,在好奇心的驱使下,魔鬼被打开了,各种灾难降临人间,仅希望留在盒子里。Pandora字面意思为众神的礼物。来自pan-,全,泛,-dora,给,礼物,嫁妆,词源同data, dowry。Prometheus字面意思为先知,智者,Epimetheus字面意思为后知,笨蛋。 Prometheus来自古希腊神话英雄人物Prometheus,其为人类盗取火种,后被宙斯用铁链子锁在高加索山脉,每日受万剑穿心一样的痛苦。该名字,来自希腊语promethes,先知,智者。来自pro-,提前,-meth,思考,词源同mathematics, mind。比较其弟弟名字Epimetheus,后知,愚者。 Pandora希腊神话中的第一个女凡人,因Prometheus把火把从天上带到人间,宙斯为惩罚他,合众神之力,创造出一个无比美丽但没有智慧的女子Pandora,派她到人间成为Prometheus的弟弟Epimetheus的妻子,并送她一个盒子作为礼物,即充满各种灾难的潘多拉魔盒,并再三警告她不要将这个盒子打开。但很不幸,在好奇心的驱使下,魔鬼被打开了,各种灾难降临人间,仅希望留在盒子里。Pandora字面意思为众神的礼物。来自pan-,全,泛,-dora,给,礼物,嫁妆,词源同data, dowry。Prometheus字面意思为先知,智者,Epimetheus字面意思为后知,笨蛋。 Prometheus来自古希腊神话英雄人物Prometheus,其为人类盗取火种,后被宙斯用铁链子锁在高加索山脉,每日受万剑穿心一样的痛苦。该名字,来自希腊语promethes,先知,智者。来自pro-,提前,-meth,思考,词源同mathematics, mind。比较其弟弟名字Epimetheus,后知,愚者。 Pandora希腊神话中的第一个女凡人,因Prometheus把火把从天上带到人间,宙斯为惩罚他,合众神之力,创造出一个无比美丽但没有智慧的女子Pandora,派她到人间成为Prometheus的弟弟Epimetheus的妻子,并送她一个盒子作为礼物,即充满各种灾难的潘多拉魔盒,并再三警告她不要将这个盒子打开。但很不幸,在好奇心的驱使下,魔鬼被打开了,各种灾难降临人间,仅希望留在盒子里。Pandora字面意思为众神的礼物。来自pan-,全,泛,-dora,给,礼物,嫁妆,词源同data, dowry。Prometheus字面意思为先知,智者,Epimetheus字面意思为后知,笨蛋。 pan来自古英语panne,锅,盘,可能来自原始印欧语*pete,展开,词源同feather, patella。后引申动词词义淘金,即用锅洗砂子淘金,并用于俚语严厉批评。字母t脱落,比较fain。来自古英语fagen。pan-全,泛,亲,来自希腊语pan-。来自原始印欧语pant,全部的,所有的,词源同Pan。 data来自拉丁语datum,给予。-a,拉丁语复数后缀。 dowry来自原始印欧语do,给予,词源同data, donate。-ry,名词后缀。用于指嫁妆。 Prometheus来自古希腊神话英雄人物Prometheus,其为人类盗取火种,后被宙斯用铁链子锁在高加索山脉,每日受万剑穿心一样的痛苦。该名字,来自希腊语promethes,先知,智者。来自pro-,提前,-meth,思考,词源同mathematics, mind。比较其弟弟名字Epimetheus,后知,愚者。钱博士pan全部+dor礼物,赠予之物,和词根do-(给词源相关)+a阴性名词后缀→所有神仙给的礼物⇒潘多拉pan全部+dor礼物,赠予之物,和词根do-(给词源相关)+a阴性名词后缀→所有神仙给的礼物⇒潘多拉。
用作名词The first woman's name wasPandora.第一个女人名叫潘朵拉。
AndPandorais a horse unlike most.潘朵拉是一匹与众不同的马。 An announcement is telling them what to do and where to go, and that they will soon be entering orbit around Pandora.
通知将会告诉他们该做什么,要去哪里。 过不了多久,他们就会踏上潘多拉之路,在那里生存。 yeeyan

IN THE movie Avatar, the Na'vi people of Pandora plug themselves into a network that links all elements of the biosphere, from phosphorescent plants to pterodactyl-like birds.
电影《阿凡达》里 ,潘朵拉星球的生物圈里所有的元素都在一个网络之中,从磷光植物到翼手龙鸟,纳威人自己也接入了这个网络。 yeeyan

In the music space alone, Pandora has dozens of competitors.
仅是音乐这一块,“潘多拉”就有几十个竞争者。 yeeyan

No, it was really Pandora; there were her small dark feet in loose sandals firmly planted on the platform below. How did she get there before him?
真是的潘多拉.她那双暗色的小脚穿着双宽松的凉鞋正稳稳地站在下面的站台上.她是如何在他之前赶到这儿的? yeeyan

The favors of Government are like the box of Pandora, with this important difference that rarely leave hope at bottom.
政府的恩惠如同潘多拉的盒子, 后患无穷 ,主要不同之处是:盒底很少留有希望。 kekenet

“ You are not in Kansas any more— you are on Pandora, ” says the colonel at the start of the film.
影片一开始,那位上校说道:“你已经不在堪萨斯了,你在潘多拉星球。” ecocn

After listening to his“ Fourteen Rivers,” Pandora next cues up Jackson C. Frank's “ Tumble in the Wind,” and continues with songs by the Microphones, Iron& Wine and Travis.
听完他的《十四条河》, Pandora会为你播放杰克逊· C·弗兰克的《风中翻腾》,之后是麦克风、铁与酒和崔维斯乐队的歌曲。 cri

For example, the Pandora application integrates the popular personalized music service with Facebook.
例如, Pandora应用程序将流行的个性化音乐服务与 Facebook集成在一起。 ibm

From Pandora's box, where all the ills of humanity swarmed, the Greeks drew out hope after all the others, as the most dreadful of all.
人性中的一切邪恶自潘多拉的盒子之中蜂拥而出之后,希腊人从中取出了希望:那万恶之中最为可怖的东西。 yeeyan

He hates Pandora, but loves the fight.
他痛恨潘多拉,但酷爱战斗。 yeeyan

He says the Internet radio service Pandora, for example, can offer free music because it has no costs of selling discs in stores.
他举例说,互联网广播服务商 Pandora可以提供免费音乐,因为这没有销售光盘的成本。 ebigear

I admire what the Pandora team is doing.
我很钦佩潘多拉团队正在做的事情。 yeeyan

If you would like to be notified by email when Pandora is available in your country, please enter your email address below.
如果你希望潘多拉在你的国家可以使用的时候,你能收到电邮通知的话,请把你的电邮地址写在下面。 yeeyan

In January, Pandora first introduced15- second audio commercials between songs that come up about two or three times per hour.
一月份的时候,潘朵拉在歌曲之间开始插入15秒的音频广告,广告每小时大致会出现2到3次。 yeeyan

On Pandora, users can provide feedback in the form of thumbs-up and thumbs-down to influence the songs the site plays.
在 Pandora,使用者还可以反馈信息,用“认可”,“拒绝”功能来影响网站播出的曲目。 yeeyan

So what the hell was Tom doing going to Pandora?
那么汤姆去潘多拉到底要干什么? yeeyan

This is not a concern for Pandora, whose software is open- source and includes no proprietary games to protect.
这并不是潘多拉关心的事,它的软件是开源的且不包含任何需要保护的私有游戏。 yeeyan

Thus, if you're using a VPN service provided by US servers, you can visit sites like Hulu and Pandora even if you are outside US.
即,如果你使用美国服务器提供的 VPN服务,那即便你不在美国境内也能访问诸如 Hulu和 Pandora这样的网站。 yeeyan

Pandora has generated unique and proprietary content with its“ music genome” concept, which has taken them years to create.
Pandora创造了独特的、并作为专利内容的“音乐基因组”概念,这个是他们花费好几年才创造出来的。 yeeyan

Pandora, a music- streaming business, and Searchme, a visual search engine, are among the rapidly growing collection of other start-ups that have also announced job losses.
音乐播放业务 Pandora和可视化搜索引擎 Searchme则加入到迅速增加的同样宣布裁员的创业公司大军。 yeeyan

Pandora allows users to create radio stations based on their favorite artists, and generates playlists comprised of similar sounding artists.
Pandora允许用户基于他们喜欢的艺术家建立电台,并生成由相似口味的艺术家组成的列表。 yeeyan




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