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词汇 pandering to
释义 pandering to短语⁴³³⁹⁹
The right has held the presidency since1995 partly by pandering to such sentiments.
自从1995年以来,右翼派之所以一直执掌政权,部分原因就是迎合了这种情绪。 ecocn

The unspoken risk is that, rather than refuting the prejudices the BNP inflames, other parties will be panicked into pandering to them.
没说出来的危险是,其他党派会在惊恐之下迎合国家党,而不是驳斥他们煽动起的偏见。 ecocn

This, however, must not include pandering to voters’ racism and xenophobia. No respectable party should run on an anti- Semitic or anti- Muslim platform.
但是关注公众话题并不包括迎合选民的种族主义和仇外心理,没有任何一个建立在反犹太和犯穆斯林平台上的政党会得到尊重。 ecocn

“ We want to keep our industry in Europe, ” said Mr Barroso, pandering to industrialists and their political allies notably in Germany and France who have lobbied furiously for special treatment.
为了迎合拼命游说以获得特殊待遇的实业家和他们的政治盟友主要是在德国和法国,巴罗佐表示:“我们想把产业留在欧洲。” ecocn

A monarchy viewed as pandering to American interests will lose the backing of the religious class, and political legitimacy will falter.
因为一个被视为处处迎合美国利益的统治者将失去宗教阶层的支持,随后也将失去其政权的合法性。 yeeyan

And Australians should observe with no pride the disgraceful pandering to these sentiments by Julia Gillard and her government.
而澳大利亚的人民最应感到耻辱的,乃是茱莉亚·吉拉德与其政府对上述这些观点的无耻迎合。 chinaunix

Avoid pandering to lurid curiosity.
避免迎合耸人听闻的猎奇癖。 chinavalue

But what arguably gave the journalists the kick they needed was a skit on “ Saturday Night Live” which skewered journalists for pandering to Mr Obama.
但是最终让记者们有所触动的是“周六直播夜”的一则短剧,这出滑稽剧讽刺记者们迎合奥巴马。 ecocn

But while pandering to popular nationalism at home, they remain aware of China’s limitations.
不过,虽然迎合国内民族主义的流行,他们依然对中国的缺陷保持清醒。 yeeyan

He charged them with posing as European champions while pandering to a new form of Euroscepticism for personal political gain, and of using fears about immigration to curb freedom of travel in Europe.
他指控他们将他们自己置于欧洲之王的地位,为了个人政治利益而去迎合一种新形式欧洲怀疑论,和利用入境的担忧来限制欧洲旅游的自由。 yeeyan

His opponents say he is pandering to Jewish voters in Toronto and Montreal.
他的反对者认为他是一味迎合多伦多和蒙特利尔的犹太人选民。 ecocn

Mr Obama bravely took on the Clinton establishment though he largely did it by pandering to more Democratic interest groups.
奥巴马顽强地击败了希拉里尽管他很大程度上是通过讨好民主党利益集团才获胜的。 ecocn

Mr Sarkozy may simply be pandering to popular distaste but this does seem to reflect a limited sympathy for economic liberalism.
也许萨科齐只是想迎合大众的蔑视心态,但这也反映出他信奉自由经济的狭隘倾向。 ecocn

Multinationals should help bolster the rules of the game rather than pandering to the most unscrupulous players.
跨国公司应当在促进改变游戏规则方面发挥作用,而不是迎合那些非常肆无忌惮的玩客。 ecocn

One of the merits of the book is that it makes it abundantly clear how the language of negotiators from both the rich and emerging worlds often masks hypocritical pandering to special groups.
这本书的一大优点在于:它非常清晰地展现了发达国家和新兴世界的谈判者们通常是如何通过语言虚伪地迎合各种特殊群体的要求。 ecocn

Perhaps most galling to many Democratic activists, the party’s leaders often seem more concerned about pandering to their critics on the right than looking after their devoted supporters.
或许最令民主党积极分子们恼火的是,该党领导们似乎经常在意迎合对右翼的批评,更甚于顾及那些忠贞不渝的支持者。 ecocn

Publications fight for survival in a highly competitive market by pandering to prurient interests.
报章竞争非常激烈,为求生存,卖弄色情。 kuaiyilin

She spent her life pandering to the wants of her children.
她一生都在迎合她的孩子们的需求。 freekaoyan

So far, however, both China and Japan, while verbally pandering to nationalists in their respective countries, have tried to avoid going beyond diplomatic skirmishing.
到目前为止,中国和日本都只是口头上迎合本国的民族主义者,回避外交上的小规模冲突。 ecocn

Some fear, however, that this sort of remark is mere pandering to moderates and the West.
然而,一些人担心,这种言辞只不过是为了迎合中立派和西方国家。 ecocn

The political system, pandering to today's constituents, encourages both tendencies.
而我们的政治体系也在迎合国会方面的诉求,鼓励这两方面的趋势发展。 yeeyan

The risk, of course, is that pandering to voters’ anger only inflames them further, and makes it even harder to put money into the banking system as need arises.
当然这是有风险的,利用选民的群愤也许只会火上浇油,而这会让银行系统确实需要被注资时难上加难。 ecocn




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