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词汇 pander
释义 pan·der 英ˈpændə美ˈpændɚAHDpănʹdər ★☆☆☆☆高四GS宝COCA²⁴²⁶⁷BNC⁴⁶⁴⁷³iWeb²⁰⁸⁸⁹Economist²²⁰⁹⁹⁺

someone who procures customers for whores in England they call a pimp a ponce
yield to; give satisfaction toarrange for sexual partners for others来自希腊神话中特洛伊战争期间特洛伊军队的将领潘达罗斯Pandaros的名字。特洛伊罗斯是特洛伊的小王子,爱上了克瑞西达——一位已经投降希腊联军的特洛伊祭司的女儿。在克瑞西达的舅舅潘达罗斯的撮合下,两人私定终身。然而,就在第二天,克瑞西达的父亲通过交换战俘把克瑞西达弄到了希腊军营。克瑞西达被迫投入至一位希腊将领怀中,两个年轻人最终因为战争而分手。这个爱情悲剧曾出现在薄伽丘、乔叟和莎士比亚等著名作家的作品中。在莎士比亚笔下,充当“红娘”的潘达罗斯以“拉皮条者”的形象出现,变成了“拉皮条者”的代名词。英文单词pander就来自潘达罗斯的名字Pandaros,末尾的-ar变成-er,可能是受到了常见施动者名词后缀-er的影响。pander to迎合
GRE红宝书原指: 拉皮条在性交易中充当中间人p屁股, ander下面 #¥※×自己想!
panda 熊猫很稀有,人们总是迎合它,它想吃什么要什么就给满足它
联想记忆pa音似:拍+ nder看作under下面⇒拍低级马屁近义词 madam夫人cruise巡航pimp皮条客procure获得indulge迁就gratify使满足Ponce 皮条客…fancy man情夫panderer淫媒者procurer拉皮条者

用作动词Since she was an only child, her parentspanderedto her every whim.由于她是独女,父母对她总是百依百顺。
The newspapers therepanderto people's interest in crime and violence.那儿的报纸迎合读者对犯罪和暴力的兴趣。verb.cater to, indulge
同义词 cajole,gratify,massage,please,satisfy,snow,soap,strokebrown-nose,fall all over,lay it on,play the game,play up to,politic,soften up,suck up to
反义词 anger,annoy,disappoint,disturb,frustrate,upsetdeny,dissatisfy,refuse
fawnverb ingratiate oneself to;serve
abase,apple-polish,be at beck and call,be obsequious,be servile,blandish,bow,brown-nose,buddy up,butter up,cajole,cater to,cave in to,cotton,court,cower,crawl,creep,cringe,crouch,curry favor,debase,defer,fall all over,fall on one's knees,flatter,grovel,honey up,invite,jolly,kneel,kowtow,lay it on,lick boots,make up to,massage,oil,pay court,play up to,scrape,slaver,snow,stoop,stroke,submit,toady,truckle,woo,yield
fawnedverb ingratiate oneself to;serve
abased,apple-polished,blandished,bowed,brownnosed,buddy up,buttered up,cajoled,catered to,caved in to,cottoned,courted,cowered,crawled,crept,cringed,crouched,curried favor,debased,deferred,fell all over,fell on one's knees,flattered,grovelled,honey up,invited,jollied,knelt,kowtowed,lay it on,lick boots,made up to,massaged,oiled,paid court,pandered,played up to,scraped,slavered,snowed,stooped,stroked,submitted,toadied,truckled,was at beck and called,was obsequious,was servile,wooed,yielded
indulgeverb treat oneself or another to
allow,baby,cater,coddle,cosset,delight,entertain,favor,foster,give in,give rein to,go along,go easy on,gratify,humor,mollycoddle,nourish,oblige,pamper,pander,pet,please,regale,satiate,satisfy,spoil,spoil rotten,take care of,tickle,yield
indulgingverb treat oneself or another to
allowing,babying,catering,coddling,cosseting,delighting,entertaining,favoring,fostering,giving in,giving rein to,going along,going easy on,gratifying,humoring,mollycoddling,nourishing,obliging,pampering,pandering,petting,pleasing,regaling,satiating,satisfying,spoil rottening,spoiling,taking care of,tickling,yielding
kowtowverb grovel
bow,brown-nose,cave in,court,cower,cringe,fawn,flatter,fold,genuflect,give in,go along with,kneel,knuckle under,lie down and roll over,pander,prostrate,say uncle,stoop,toe the mark
ministerverb help, serve
accommodate,administer,aid,answer,attend,be solicitous of,cater to,cure,do for,doctor,foster,heal,nurse,pander,pander to,remedy,succor,take care of,tend,treat,wait on,watch over A website should not pander to the preferences of staff but should rather meet the needs of its users.
网站不应迎合工作人员的喜好,而应满足其用户。 kekenet

As a negotiating stance, the regions and countries with more stringent policies will insist that national and global arrangements must not pander to the lowest common denominator.
实行相对较严政策的地区和国家的谈判政策将是坚持国家和全球的碳排放配额分配不应服从于最小公分母。 ecocn

The will to maintain power vs. the desire to pander to international public opinion: Libya went through years of sanctions and was an international pariah for decades.
维稳的愿望 VS.迎合国际舆论的期望:利比亚饱受多年制裁,在几十年里一直是个与世隔绝之地。 ecocn

The worry in Brussels is that when French leaders pander to French fears about“ unfair” competition, they are undermining the principle of the single market.
欧盟高层担心一旦法国领导人迎合了法国人对“不公平竞争”的恐惧,这将从根本上动摇统一市场的原则。 ecocn

All three national political parties pander to the ethnic vote. None wants to close the back door to new immigrants.
国家三大党都迫切需要少数民族的投票,没有一个想把新移民拒之门外。 ecocn

At the moment, there seems to be a good rapport between the couple and the press but William does not pander to them.
就目前来看,这对夫妇和媒体间关系亲密,但是威廉并没有故意迎合他们媒体。 yeeyan

He wonders why hotels, which go to such pains to pander to guests’ bodily needs, are so negligent of their mental requirements.
他在想为什么酒店费劲辛苦来迎合客人的身体需求,却如此忽视他们的精神需求。 yeeyan

I think Emmerich was trying to be“ novel” in this attempt to kill the Earth and fortunately he didn't pander to the doomsday theorists by over- hyping one of their doomsday dreams.
我想导演艾默里克想用一个创新的手段来毁灭地球,幸运的是他并没有迎合那些世界末日论者天花乱坠的末日梦。 yeeyan

Merkel- the- mediator let through a bit of tax relief, including a cut in value-added tax for hotels, which voters deemed an egregious pander to the FDP.
默克尔作为各党派的协调领导人通过一些减轻税收计划,包括减少酒店的增值税。这在选民看来是对自由民主党的极大纵容。 ecocn

Mr Hirschhorn is an independent spirit who refuses to pander to political authority, fashion or the art market.
赫塞豪恩是个标新立异的人,不迎合政治权威、时尚和艺术市场。 ecocn

Now Labor and Liberals, with honourable exceptions, compete to pander to primitive fears about boat people, especially in suburban swing seats.
光荣的例外是现在的工党和自由党,他们争相迎合选民对船民的原始恐惧做出各种承诺,尤其在郊区摇摆不定的选区。 ecocn

Politicians and the press have rushed to pander to the demonstrators.
政治家们和媒体人士纷纷踊跃地迎合着示威人群。 ecocn

Politicians are happy to pander.
政客们也就高兴地迎合这一心态。 ecocn

Politicians often say that they want a sensible debate about immigration; but too often they pander to voters’ fears of immigrants rather than attempting to allay them.
政客们常说希望就移民话题展开一场合理的辩论;但太多时候,他们选择迎合选民害怕移民的心理,而非试图平息这种心理。 ecocn

Politicians often say that they want a sensible debate about immigration; but too often they pander to voters' fears of immigrants rather than attempting to allay them.
政治人物常说希望关于移民的辩论能理性而智慧,但他们又往往屈服于选民对新移民的恐惧,而没有努力安抚选民。 yeeyan

Polls suggest that Americans are heartily sick of the established party machines and a system of primary elections that forces candidates to pander to the extremes instead of reaching for the centre.
民调显示,美国人对于建立在政党基础之上的总统初选机制深恶痛绝,而这一制度强迫候选人去迎合极左或极右的政治理念,以取代中间路线。 yeeyan

Republicans say that Mr Reid is seeking not only to pander to the Latino voters of Nevada but also to exploit Republican divisions on immigration.
共和党称,里德不仅意在迎合内华达州的拉丁裔选民,而且还在利用共和党内部在移民问题上的分歧。 ecocn

She is likely to be even more cautious and readier to pander to the voters’ whims than ever, despite the evidence that this has not been helping her to win in recent polls.
她很有可能会比以往更加谨慎、更倾向于迎合反复无常的选民,尽管这种态度并未帮助她在近期的选举中获胜。 ecocn

So how do you pander to the old audience without alienating the new one?
那么,在不疏远新听众的情况下,怎样迎合老听众? yeeyan

Some will suspect that the main reason for delay is to pander to the Liberal Democrats, who are generally much less keen on maintaining the deterrent than their Conservative coalition partners.
一些人会怀疑说推迟的主要原因是为了迎合自由民主党,而与其保守党联盟伙伴相比而言,自由民主党基本上对于保留核威慑潜艇并不是那么感兴趣。 ecocn

They tend to pander to base instincts.
他们倾向于顺应自己的基本本能。 ecocn

This leads candidates to pander to extremes, and lessens the chances of bipartisan co-operation.
这样做只会让候选人走向极端,而降低了两党合作的机会。 ecocn

This might sound like psychology more than economics, and the populist left will surely scream that the last thing we need to do is pander to business.
这似乎听起来更像是心理学而不是经济学,余下的民粹主义者必定会呐喊,迎合企业是我们最不需要做的事。 yeeyan




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