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词汇 pandemonium
释义 pan·dae·mo·ni·um 英ˌpændəˈməʊniːəm美ˌpændəˈmoniəmAHDpăn'də-mōʹnē-əm

a state of extreme confusion and disorderpandemonium一词由英国诗人约翰·弥尔顿创造,出现于他的著名长篇诗作《失乐园》中,指的是位于地狱中央的一座宫殿,撒旦和其他魔鬼居住于此。该词现在常用来比喻闹哄哄的场所或一片混乱。GRE红宝书pan全部, dem人民, on上边, ium-全部人民在上面-大混乱
pan- 全 + demon 魔鬼,原指迷失伊甸园中地狱的中心,魔窟
pan全部+demon魔鬼+ium→全是魔鬼→ 大混乱,来自弥尔顿所着《失乐园》中的地狱之都Pandemonium
钱博士pan所有的+demon魔鬼+ium场所→万魔库,弥尔顿长诗《失乐园》中的地狱都城⇒闹哄哄的场所,一片混乱pan所有的+demon魔鬼+ium场所→万魔库,弥尔顿长诗《失乐园》中的地狱都城⇒闹哄哄的场所,一片混乱GRE难词记忆pandemonium → pan全 部+demon n.魔鬼+ium → 到 处 都 是 魔 鬼 → 魔 窟 , 来 自词根记忆pan全部+ demon魔鬼+ ium → 全是魔鬼 ⇒大混乱GRE难词记忆Pandemonium,即弥尔顿所著《失乐园》中的地狱之都近义词 chaos混乱topsy-turvydom颠倒topsy-turvyness混乱

There waspandemoniumwhen the news was announced.消息宣布後一片混乱。noun.craziness, commotion
同义词 anarchy,brouhaha,chaos,hue and cry,ruckus,tumult,uproarbabel,bedlam,bluster,clamor,clatter,confusion,din,hassle,hubbub,hullabaloo,jangle,noise,racket,riot,rumpus,turbulence,turmoil
反义词 calm,order,peace,harmony,quiet,silence
babelnoun confusion
bedlamnoun chaotic situation
chaosnoun utter confusion
anarchy,ataxia,bedlam,clutter,disarray,discord,disorder,disorganization,entropy,free-for-all,holy mess,lawlessness,misrule,mix up,mobocracy,muddle,pandemonium,rat's nest,snarl,topsy-turviness,tumult,turmoil,unruliness
clamornoun loud cry;commotion
clatternoun loud noise
commotionnoun clamor, uproar
ado,agitation,annoyance,backwash,ballyhoo,bedlam,big scene,big stink,brouhaha,bustle,clatter,combustion,confusion,convulsion,discomposure,disquiet,dither,excitement,ferment,fermentation,flap,flurry,furor,fuss,hell broke loose,hubbub,hurly-burly,insurgence,insurrection,lather,mutiny,outcry,pandemonium,perturbation,pother,racket,rebellion,revolt,riot,rumpus,stew,stir,to-do,tumult,turbulence,upheaval,uprising,upset,upturn,vexation,welter,whirl It was pretty eye popping. We were in a state of shock. And when the market opened up, there was plenty of pandemonium.
我们都被镇住了,个个目瞪口呆。当市场一开市,那里到处是一片混乱。 yeeyan

That's what the frenzied celebration— no, the sheer pandemonium— looked and felt like here Friday night when President Hosni Mubarak finally stepped down after three decades of autocratic rule.
狂欢——不,绝对是癫狂的疯人城——当总统侯赛因-穆巴拉克经历了30年的专制统治而最终下台,这里看起来像是轻松欢乐的星期五夜晚。 yeeyan

When a little boy swallows a bug along with his cereal, pandemonium breaks out as the bug searches for an escape, the boy searches for an antidote, and Keystone Cops- like pills search for the bug.
小男孩把燕麦片里的虫子一道咽下去以后,一场混战爆发了,虫子寻找逃路、男孩寻找解毒药、像警察一样的药丸基斯通则寻找虫子。 hjenglish

And when the market opened up, there was plenty of pandemonium.
当市场一开市,那里到处是一片混乱。 yeeyan

CCTV footage released yesterday showed pandemonium at the hotel gates after a dumper truck rammed into the retractable metal barrier there.
昨天公布的闭录电视录像显示,一辆载重自卸卡车撞开可伸缩的金属路障后,酒店门口出现的混乱场面。 yeeyan

Exports are surprisingly buoyant considering the European pandemonium; they rose by0.9% in September.
鉴于欧洲混乱的局势,德国的出口出人意料地呈上升趋势。九月份出口增加了0.9%。 ecocn

How great my terror and my joy at the thought of being dragged into the vortex of initial chaos, that pandemonium of paradoxical symmetry—the unique geometry of chaos, devoid of sense or form!
一想到被卷入混沌初始的漩涡,我的恐惧与愉悦是何等激烈!那无序的矛盾对称正是混沌独有的几何结构,没有形式亦没有意义! yeeyan

I was actually at the hospital interviewing casualties in the earlier attack when all of a sudden the casualties from this attack began pouring in and it was complete pandemonium.
我当时正在医院采访前天袭击的伤员,这时突然涌入大批今天的伤员,场面非常混乱。 yeeyan

Look at Milton's description of the architect of Pandemonium.

Many choose to simply pay the fine, but their flights can cause pandemonium when the planes crop up on airport radar screens.
很多人干脆选择直接付罚款,但当他们的飞机突然出现在机场的雷达屏幕上时,这种飞行就会引起一阵混乱。 yeeyan

Rasmussen then closed the session without following normal procedures of soliciting views of parties and proceeded to march out again, leaving pandemonium on the floor.
接着,拉斯穆森没有按照正常程序征求各方意见就结束了会议,撇下乱哄哄的会场,又走了出去。 yeeyan

So although pandemonium had to do with hell, it wasn’t hell breaking loose, it was hell gathering together.
因此,尽管这个词跟恶魔有关,它的意思不是“恶魔四散蔓延”,而是“恶魔汇聚一堂”。 yeeyan

The whole lobby was a perfect pandemonium, and the din was terrific.
整个门厅一片嘈杂,而且喧嚣刺耳。 iciba

The pandemonium of the great port stretches to the right, a gigantic tangle of cranes and waste land, of rusting metal, warehouses, containers and big boats promising much.
炼狱般的巨大港口在右手边一路延伸,高大的吊车,荒地,废金属堆,仓库,集装箱和巨型船舶历历在目。 yeeyan

Then the first blast went off, and the grim quiet erupted into pandemonium.
接着第一声爆炸响起,肃静瞬间变成一片混乱。 yeeyan

Two unarmed men were killed and four wounded in the incident, which occurred during the pandemonium following Hurricane Katrina in2005.
事件发生在卡琳娜飓风过后的混乱期,事件中两名手无寸铁的男子被击毙,其余四人受伤。 ecocn

What i want is womb-like security and protection, what destiny gives is throwing me onto the pandemonium.
我想要的是子宫般的安全与保护,命运便降生我于这尘嚣。 yeeyan

What kind of a pandemonium that vessel was , I cannot descriBe, But she was commanded By a lunatic, and might Be called a floating Bedlam.
那艘船处于怎样的一片混乱之中,我无法形容,但它确在一个精神错乱者的指挥之下,可以称之为一所浮动的疯人院。 jukuu




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